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I met her there,
by the statue of Xerxes on waterdown square,
she looked fine,
dressed in the latest.
Tasting the time and the taste said she's mine
and we walked hand crossed hand to the bandstand where the pipers of Glenross were doing their best to impress,
we couldn't care less we were deaf to all sounds but our own and the beat of the drums bore us home.and
I met her there
 May 2014 BZQ
 May 2014 BZQ
10¢ on the dollar
but it is not about money.
In the end when they send you off in
a coffin
and drink your goodbye with slices of egg and dutch ham pie,
you may wonder why they're saying nice things,when they couldn't be bothered to see how you where,when you were there among the living and giving your best.
You were a pest and let's face it, they couldn't stand you but look at them now,long drawn out faces,squeezed out cake cases litter the floor,what's it all for,who are they trying to fool?
Not me
for I've gone,
but suddenly I was the best thing since the advent of the wheel,I don't feel it at all,let them have their ball,play their games,cry hallelujah in all of God's names,it's a sham,a bit like the dutch ham which came from Algiers.
Let them shed tears,they'll *** less as my dad used to say,but it's a sad state of affairs when at the end of my days,some sausage mouthed man gets up and he says,
'we''ll miss him,our friend'
Send me right now to the Devil and how he will pay,it's not bad enough that I'm dead but to listen to this is really *******.

I would say this as I kissed off this world,

'he was a ****,bright not thick,,a waste of time in a time of waste and a pasty faced ,two toned, large *****,I'd rather that he telephoned,i couldn't stand the sight of him,he liked the sound of his own voice,you listened as you had no choice,will we miss him?not so much but in some weird way he touched us with that madness,sad less and even less than that,the beer he left us for the wake is in the barrel flat

that's a whole lot nicer than the type of spice they curry you with when you're on your way,and who am I to say all this?none but the one who will miss me the most.
 May 2014 BZQ
My Muse:
 May 2014 BZQ
You are a goddess
                                             bearing aphorisms,
                     winged words
                                       from angels
              birthed golden gilded,
                Springs ephemeral flowing
                         down verb filled
                              streams of  

                       adjuncts to
                 towering majestic
pronouns                             most

                in their originality,


          no matter their verse,
                             feeling unrestrained.
 May 2014 BZQ
Alucard Sepet Dalv
I saw the tears fell down from Danah's eyes
And it hurts so bad that I am about to die;
To see you fall and break as you were left behind
All the memories you shared turns to black and white.

And I never wanted to leave
I'm the only one that makes you breathe;
When you're suffocated by the lies he brought you
But you shut your eyes not to see the truth;
Cheated by the games he played with you
When he says "I love you"
But here I am never had the chance to say that so I do..That so I do

I tried to catch the tears as they fall down
But it came down fast that it crush the ground;
I can feel the pain inside, deep inside your heart
And it reminds you of the scars of the past.

And I never wanted to leave
I am the only one that makes you sleep tonight..
Don't get tired of loving, don't lose your hope never back down
There's always a way to make the same the way you felt before...
A song I made 4 years ago :3
 May 2014 BZQ
i sit in the low afternoon
the warmth of it's rays negligable, but the colours
of it's farewell glorious.

in the lilac bush, still holding
green, the bluewrens chitter,
gossip, chirk and flirt away..
as they dart and flicker from twig to twig.
i think what a bluegreen end to a greyblack day....

and the sun shines,orange
and peach and the horizon
takes that lavender hue.

as the sky fades to deepest
blue.... my thoughts my friend, settle on you...
farewell my sunny friend
my friend with cancer has slipped into a coma....
soon she will be at rest.
 May 2014 BZQ
Charles Bukowski
I say to my woman, "Jeffers was
a great poet. think of a title
like Be Angry At The Sun. don't you
realize how great that is?

"you like that negative stuff." she

"positively," I agree, finishing my
drink and pouring another.
"in one of Jeffers' poems, not the sun poem,
this woman ***** a stallion because her
husband is such a gross spirit. and it's
believable. then the husband goes out
to **** the stallion and the stallion
kills him."

"I never heard of Jeffers," she

"you never heard of Big Sur? Jeffers
made Big Sur famous just like D. H. Lawrence
made Taos famous. when a
great writer writes about where he
lives the mob comes in and takes

"well you write about San Pedro," she

"yeah," I say, "and have you read the
papers lately? they are going to construct
a marina here, one of the largest in the
world, millions and billions of dollars,
there is going to be a huge shopping
center, yachts and condominiums every-

"and to think," my woman says smiling, "that you've only
lived here for three years!"

"I still think," I say,
changing the subject,
"you ought to read Jeffers."
 May 2014 BZQ
What a thought
 May 2014 BZQ
You and I are just sick people,
laughing at a sick joke,
and we'll only ever have
each other to love
so we hollow out the ground
to lay our bodies side by side
and replace the dirt
so we can feel
the weight of our choices.
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