she walked through the darkened path
In desperate search for light
Minutes stretched to hours
Nothing but void she found
Sound of intense agony
Came from deep within her
Feeling of gloom and despondency
Descended upon her
Like hot lava
Words she whispered
My sins finally caught up with me
As tears cascaded down her cheek...
Suddenly, a blinding white light appeared
and in a flash it was gone
She fell...
On both hands and both knees
And for the first time
She cried with all her might
To a God she never believed in
She said “save me now and I’ll follow you”
Barely after those words were whispered
She was enveloped in light
loud beeping noise
A very parched throat
She Pried her eyes open
Where am I?
She whispered
A blurry face she saw
wearing Something that looked like a white robe
Are you God?
She said
No I’m not
I’m your doc
You were involved in ghastly motor accident
It’s a miracle you are alive
that’s all she heard
She smiled and whispered “thank you”to a God she now believes in.