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SE Reimer
Pacific NW    poetry... it's in my blood; and when impassioned most, i bleed... easily! mostly i write to and of, they who offer this heart safe harbor. …
Joel Frye
Jurassic Park    My chapbook of poems, "A Small Token Of My Esteem", is available at Remember me through poetry; these words, and those I wrote before. …
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
C J Baxter
The ether    In The Loving Memory Of A Man I Never Knew I found the words of a mad man, they inspired me to write. Sometimes I …
Mary McCray
Mary McCray is the author of Why Photographers Commit Suicide and co-author of St. Lou Haiku. Cowboy Meditation Primer due this fall on Amazon. Work …
Lauren A Todd
Ocean Blue
Waiting and praying for someone
Kiernan Norman
ct    and the rest is rust and stardust.
Christos Rigakos
No degrees, no pedigree, no special honors. Greek-German-American part-time scribbler and over-thinker. Co-creator of the largest repository of Villanelle poems on planet Earth:
United States   
Misadventures of Crow
40/Gresham    I am that I am not.
MV Blake
UK Sitting. That's what it's all about for me. Sitting. And thinking. Definitely thinking. I think a lot. Too much. Sometimes I'm so full of …
David Patrick O'C
27/M/Cairo, Egypt    5th grade teacher in Cairo, Egypt. Originally from Washington State. On an endless search to find the things life is about like sour patch kids …
Dave Gledhill
Mel Harcum
Honesdale, PA    Chronic writer and lover of good stories.
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Amanda In Scarlet
London, UK    I love that moment of connection and the lump in your throat when you find a really special poem. And I've read many, many special …
Robert Guerrero
A silent soul lost in the pages of Shakespeare's diary
Between Midnight and 3am    Sea salt and tentacle love letters scatter into my aromatic wind like snowfall in the Arctic. Prevalent. Soft, sweet layers of flowery smoke linger in …
...displaced into being    Merely some words here... If upon reflection they become something more...all the better.
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Timothy David Jones
Mexico    Always wanted to be a writer. Life and the allure of honky-tonks took me on the scenic route.
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