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Brittany Vasquez Aug 2015
I want you in the deepest way.
Ever since I have met you something sparked inside me.
For the first time I just want one person, you.
I was scared at first.
I could not trust you but you said a few words.
I knew you weren't the jerks that used me.
I want you the deepest way.
I only want you because you sparked something inside me that had died.
You gave me the ability to feel and love again without feeling like i was going to get hurt in the end.
I never stop smiling now.
I swear!
You gave me my heart back.
Brittany Vasquez Aug 2015
How deep would I fight for you?
How long would I fight for you?
Would you fight for me?
No I don't think you would
but I wish you would.
I you could see through my eyes, see how much I would fight for you.
How  deep my love for you was.
How much it ran through my vains.
Would you love me that much?
No, you would never love me that much.
I hate that you won't love me like I love you.
But, I won't force you to be around me.
I had fun... I won't lie..... you showed me a world that I never thought I would see.
In the end I would want to be with you forever.
But we are never to be and I'm sorry.
Your last words to me were "I'm sorry"
So I'm sorry too.
Really sorry it did not work out.
My last words too him was  "That's too bad... whatever."
I loved you and I'm moving on.
Thanks for being part of the my journey.
Brittany Vasquez Jul 2015
The price to love is pain in the end.
Love never ends well.
Someone always gets hurt
someone always gets the short end of the stick.
This time I'm leaving so you can't **** my heart.
I love you but I can't trust you.
I guess it's so long and good-bye and I know this will hurt me more then you.
Brittany Vasquez Jul 2015
I never knew my heart could feel this way.
That it could beat this way.
After so many times of being used I never thought my heart could trust someone.
My heart never questioned you
it just felt.
I never knew I could feel like this.
I never knew what love felt like.
Brittany Vasquez Jul 2015
I never understood why you came into my life.
I never understood why someone who brought me pain would be in my life. But after it was all said and done I understood.
I could see why.
Through the person who brought me pain
I would meet the better half of me.
I now understand the saying
"When one door closes another one opens"
  Jun 2015 Brittany Vasquez
I've missed you here
I've missed you there
There's really no reason to
But I do.
I could never talk to you
You never really listened
But I miss you
Despite the distance
You were the closest thing to real
The furthest from good
But I miss you
Why? I never understood
But still I miss you and how we used to be
It was the best of times
It was the worst of times
The best type of pain
But I miss you
Despite the cold nights and rain
There's probably someone better that I haven't stumbled upon yet
But I miss you.
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