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Never to land, never to fly.
Recovery is the only choice.

you are strong
you are powerful
you are admirable

you are different
you are intelligent
you are exquisite

you are beautiful
you are talented
you are loved


you are enough.

read this aloud. once, twice, over again if necessary. I love you and you are enough.
(for kathy acker)

i think the ten-word-poem trend going around is an excellent idea executed horribly. too much abstraction, too little concreteness. so, y'know, i made it as concrete as possible. also technically the fourth in my ten-minute poem series.
Much as the Second hand promised
To see the minute hand in 60 seconds
The minute, the hour hand in 60 minutes
And the hour to see the day in 24 hours
And the day to see the week in 7 days
And the week in four to see the month
The month to see the year in a dozen
Which year swore to the decade in a Ten
And the Decade told Century to wait for a percentile
Much as the dawn promised to come again
And the Tears to camouflage in the rain
Much as the road promised to never end
And waves dared shake our love my friend
Much as watered Roses promised to bloom
And your smile to outshine all the gloom
Much as eternity is never assured
And no broken heart completely cured
Much as weather holds the unreliable tone
And world believes nothing's cast to stone
Much as the roosters promise to always crow
And the king of the jungle to loudest roar
None ordered my heart to make you mine
No day ever promised the moon will shine
But my feelings as tall and strong as the pine
Will never be averted but probably thine
Have faith in me
have faith in yourself
if you think that is what your mind is needing
have faith to learn
have faith to be on your own
have faith in your god if you have one
have faith to now all things new

But most of all have faith in you.
True Story  P@ul.
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