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Teenagers, thats all we are,
we strive for happiness
striving for something beyond our own comprehension
Working day and night for our due pension
We want to grow up but were so young
On the quest for love, yet we procrastinate till tomorrow
to find it
Make it our own
Were stuck in our own world, never letting anyone else in
Thinking school is a waste of time
and partying all your time away
Thats all we are
Striving to be the best we can be to not disappoint
Searching the world for something to call our own
Learning and discovering
Finding our  identity is our goal
Finding love is our life
Our minds are a rhythmic mess
Our neurons blasting every time we touch
Cause thats all we are
The stress we make up on our own
The electronic Buddhism we blast through our crown
Flying from mindset to mindset
Destructive monster one second
Average Human the next  
and in the end
It doesn't matter
So long as I'm still a teenager
I have my whole life ahead of me
Meh, its pretty average. I felt like writing something with out much thought process and this is what I got out of that. So anyway enjoy
 Mar 2015 Bree-ana
Shreya Inks
All your thoughts keep on playing
in my mind on loop all day long,
I shuffle them and again it starts
from you, like a favorite song.

There is no stop or pause either
donno how it keeps playin' on and on,
Oh I wish I could jump to next
but I love it like a favorite song.

Even when I set it on mute
it echoes in my head so strong,
I get completely lost in it
and sing it like a favorite song.

I know when it'll not in my mind
then also it'll b in my playlist at one,
I'll curl back to loneliness
and play it like a favorite song.

I may forget its lyrics but never its music
I'll play it when something will be wrong,
It'll magically heal me to the core
just like a favorite song.

Yeah.. like a favorite song, ♪
Hmm.. like a favorite song. ♫

© Shreya ♥
 Mar 2015 Bree-ana
Heliza Rose
Teenagers are scientists
They experiment often
And stay up half the night
They analyze the theories of the opposite ***
And try to tell what statement would evoke what reaction

Teenagers are the real scientists
Because when they mix too much stuff together
They are constantly blowing things up
 Mar 2015 Bree-ana
Javaria Waseem
We are just a couple of teenagers
with our dreams wild like our hearts.
We don't go with the flow or according
to the customs of our society.
We live for freedom,
we live for ourselves,
we live for living.
And we'll do everything and
anything that we are told not to.
We'll smoke and get high
We'll run and attempt to fly.
We'll wear our hearts on our sleeves.
Let it break down, break down into a million pieces.
And then we'll search different ways
to mend it and satisfy ourselves with
lies and more wine.
But don't worry for us, we'll survive.
Don't waste your time thinking,
"What are they going to do?"
for we will fall down and rise up again
we'll discover the whole universe
on our own.
So Ma'am, let us go like the summer wind
but never forget us.
We are just a couple of wild teenagers.
I don't know. I just want to live for once.

— The End —