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Mar 2016 · 580
jvk Mar 2016
Sometimes I wish I could
just puke up all these feelings
Squelch them under my foot
like the bugs they are.
I would scream into every
empty void if only to get a
voice to shout back.
I would cut open every heart
if only to take away the pain.
But feelings fade, and you
think after all you aren't insane,
until they come racing back again.
And you don't know if
you're quite done trying,
whether or not you should
rot into that dark place, and
finally accept your fate.
Jun 2015 · 248
Who I've Become
jvk Jun 2015
I wish I could stop
turn off a switch in my brain
make the feelings go away

Emotions are beautiful
until they're ripping through you
at night with clawed memories

I worry, I fear that the pain
will last longer than it should
because I want to move on from this

I wish I could have thoughts as
beautiful as the world I saw in your eyes
but I'm indifferent, I lack clarity

I wish I wasn't just another sad girl
Jun 2015 · 292
one of those days
jvk Jun 2015
its one of those days
where everything seems bland
and everything I do is in vain

its one of those times
where you spend too much time
thinking about lost causes

sometimes I wonder why I try
when I can't compare with the stars
and your looking for brightness

it seems like everything I do is for nothing
because no one notices my best
and my best isn't good enough for you
Jun 2015 · 236
jvk Jun 2015
if you really were the one
you wouldn't make me feel
like everyone you talk to
is a threat to me!
Jun 2015 · 278
jvk Jun 2015
i don't even no whats
wrong with you anymore
you keep going out everynight
and you come back smelling
like other girls and
i don't know what to make of it
you say you love me
but you don't mean it!
Jun 2015 · 234
jvk Jun 2015
you say you love me
but i need to hear it from
you every day
i need you to remind me
how much you care
Jun 2015 · 251
jvk Jun 2015
love is the chill
up my spine
everytime i hear
your name
Jun 2015 · 447
jvk Jun 2015
if you really loved me
you would tell me
and you wouldn't waste
time playing games
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
jvk Jun 2015
you told me you loved
well if thats true why did
you leave
i'm broken and my heart
is shattered and i',m struggling
to pick up the pieces
you trampled on them
as you left

— The End —