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bluevelvet Jun 2017
It's a favorite song
I hope you dance to it
With them forever long

So why do I lie here?
Thinking you're still there
Like good would always care
It's only fair
But I will never dare
That storm's already fared
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Replaced me
The replacer?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
In the depths of mind

Recollection becomes found

Revolution makes no sound

Hope only a handful find

Strike a pose

Only a certain few knows

Walk what you smoke

Spray to clean,

Don't choke

Ripped cloak shows you don't care

Hands shield shape

Shows another perspective scared

All those things you fake

How many bodies do you take?
bluevelvet May 2017
******* someone
without leaving a trace:

Fill them up,
leave small traces
along the way.
Piece together,
don't miss a beat.
Lead them back,
stomp with your feet.
Be persistent,
always under their nose.
Watch the suffering,
smiles will grow.
This should be your introduction to the book 'Under Arrest:  A Stoners Guied To Breaking A Soul'

I wouldn't expect commission, just let me be the performer for the big screen take on it. I'd give you the performance of a lifetime.
bluevelvet Aug 2019
I don't write here anymore
Because there isn't a reason to.
I was never a poet or someone to rhyme words
In a lyrical form.
I copycated.
I formed them into my own words,
My own experience.
After 26 years of living
All I want to do is die.
I throw up regularly.
I drink to numb.
I cry to feel.
My ***** soaked fingers do the deed.
I will find a way to live
without you.
The possibilities.
The wonder.
The amazement.
Heroine could be stopped.
Talking it out,
Never go back.
Alcohol is there.
Plain sight.
A warm embrace.
A gentel kiss.
I wish we weren't caught.
I wish I believed your dreams.
I wish I kissed you.
I wish I held your hug longer.
I wish I never believed you.
bluevelvet May 2017
Too bad there isn't photoshop
for your once beautiful heart.
you have me on a roll, thanks for that.

(Or is it role? I'm sure you're not the only one who'd know.)
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I went through my things
And I found it today

Out of everything,
I don't know what to say

There's nothing I would change
Even though I contemplated throwing it away
I only have physical things to remember my past life. If it wasn't for the things I have it would only be a dream to me.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
To have a burning

To show no compassion

From tbe feeling of hurting

Or just a strategic mission

He's a ghost whisperer

Brings them back to life

A few tweaks of computer

He has a stellar vibe

He's just probably passing time

How to make it an even score

Never thought of mine

Just a desperate obnoxious *****

But I can blow it off fine

Would you like to see how much more?

But I look around no longer in view of line

And how about in store?

Yours has risen above the shine

So why still more make it sore?

Waiting for a final bind.
What insurance do you use? K-9 20/20?
bluevelvet May 2017
They have always
fascinated me.

Whether it was
the exotic colors,

Their ability to
show up everywhere,

The clumsiness of
their take off,

Or the peculiar noise
when they would sing
their known song.

Intrigued by this all,
what I really admire most is,

How they can stand
on just one foot
without the fear of falling.
I'd give anything for that self-worth,
for that lack of fear in myself.
bluevelvet May 2017
he lived
to see the
glory day's of
my childlike heart.

he'd tear
it up only to
come back and fix it.

i ponder,
what would he
think if he could see
how high this
new and less abused
heart is flying?

i wouldn't know,
isn't it strange
how you're finally
loving yourself
losing something
that helped make
you who you are
bluevelvet Jul 2017
Am I dead?
Or is this one of those dreams,
Those horrible dreams,
That seem like they last forever?

If I am alive, why?
Why? If there is a God or whatever, something,
Somewhere, why have I been
Abandoned by everyone and everything I've ever know?
I've ever loved?


What is the lesson?
What is the point?

God give me a sign or I have to give up.
I can't do this anymore.

Please just let me die,
Being alive hurts too much.
This came at a perfect time.

K. Sebert
bluevelvet Jun 2017
As you should be
You should be proud
Proud of what you have done
Proud of how far
You have obviously made it
And everything
Every little thing I find
I am reminded of what I carelessly forgot

If I could
I would bleach my eyes
So they could forget
Everything they have seen
Except what they seen in you

If I could
I would rinse out
My mouth and my throat
To take away the taste
Of anything except
What I tasted with you

If I could
I would burn my skin
So new flesh
Would grow and only
Would it ever know your feel

And if I could
I would turn back time
With my feet and
Let everything be you
Let all I could have ever been
Be with you

I remember the majority
And I could spend my life
Begging at your moving feet
To be something else
To be proud of

Past love and
Decades of mistakes,
Nothing equals this
I have failed you in the most impurest of ways
I would give my life
To have a new one,
To have had you
You'll always have something to be proud of.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I visited a grave today
I sat in the grass for a quick stay
My mind forms the words
I hoped you'd say

I imagined you were still there
In the way we were
And your thumb still managed to care

You'd tell me it'll be okay,
Not everything will always stay,
Tomorrow is a new day
So don't give up by losing your way

So on the way home
There was a rainbow in white foam
From a storm long gone
And I have never felt more alone
The truth of reality
bluevelvet May 2017
He calls her
and complements
her hair.

Maybe it was
a little wrong of me
to ask her so loudly.

But what can
I say?
Being hurt like that
causes me to
lash out so
but it's like he did it so purposefully.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Sit her down.
Ask her if she'd like a cup of coffee.
Eleven creams, ten sugars,
handful of ice.
Ask her how she's been,
don't listen to a word she says.

Follow her wandering gaze,
tell her you don't hate her,
say it loud enough.

"I don't hate you.
In fact,
I can't bring myself to feel anything.
Life would be better
if you just died."

Try to wipe the smile
off of your face instead
the tears of her fallen grace.
Let reality settle in,
let it hit her
that this wasn't what
she expected to hear.

Tell her how she hurt you,
rub it in. Rub it into
the bone marrow of
all her half broken bones.

"You're not worth the time,
you're not worth a single day.
You should consider
ending it all.
Save some unfortunate and
unexpected soul the trouble
you bring with your fake smile."

Let her mind wander for miles,
let it really sink in.
You never wanted anything from her, you don't see
anything in her.

"I don't hate you,
I really don't.
I just wish I never
had met you."

And you get up.
You go, you walk out the door.
You've done it to her before.
But this time,
you know she won't be
coming back around
on her ugly knees,
bothering something
that means nothing.
I don't even know. This kind of just came up and I kept going with it.
bluevelvet May 2017
You like to set things
up so nicely.
What's the matter, dear?
Hiding something behind
that persistent snear?
Coming off cold
and treating everyone
It must be awfully lonesome
sitting atop that thrown.
Don't you know,
Everyone has their own crown?
Am I giving myself away?
Either way,
You will never bring me down.
Don't frown.
It's not nice to fall
short with the game
you helped create.
bluevelvet Aug 2019
The sun kissed the moon
In pastel candy
And I thought of you
I had a poem in my brain
Until I got fully numb
So that's where the rhyming stops
I wanted to share all these moments
With you
A touch,
A kiss.
A hug,
Hands held.
Did you forget me?
I should probably grow up.
But my soul has turned black,
My heart is stone cold.
I want you
To forget me
But remember me for
Who I was.
Young and helpful
Full of life and wonder.
A beacon of possibility.
Before regret and distates
Took it's final place.
Remember me.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
She once had
dreams of being an
endless summer,
a shinning light.

She lost the fight,
lost every dream.

Hounds came at night,
stole her breath
and her wings.

She's a cautionary tale,
no longer that
uplifting kind your
parents used to tell.

It'd be so easy,
let it consume her whole.
All the things she took,
fitting to have hers stole.

But she could have it back,
a soft resurrection.

It's simple.
Let it go,
stop holding on.
Don't look back,
take life slow.
Poetry is actually not that hard. Write what you feel. It doesn't have to rhyme or make sense to everyone, it just has to mean something to you. You and only you, that's all that will ever matter in this world.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
To think you differ
Is a tragedy within itself
I would hate to be
Around when the world
Decides to bring it back down
But with neither reason or
I still wouldn't wish it on you
Sit high up in
Your rose-colored tower
And see what
A real human like
Can handle
You'd be amazed
At how far I have come
And how broken and yet
Willing to rise
I will give a hardy laugh
When I still am heads up
After every slip up
And untimely
To be persistently
Unapologetic towards
Someone with a
Golden broken heart
You my acting dear
Are the worst of
The undoubtedly worst
But forgiveness is
Vengeful and
Undecided in the victor
When you are no longer
The porcelain
Chosen one
I need not another
To find a way
What will be done
When kingdom come
Of the highest knowledge?
I earn my marks
And find strength in
Continuous relay
I know my worth
My name
And infamy fame
But I stand true on
That day
bluevelvet Nov 2017
My father kept a rose in his bible
To symbolize him and my mother
I remmeber when he pulled it out
When I was little at churce,
I asked him what it was and
I forgot the whole story but I remember
It involved him and my mother
I can still smell the aftertones of rose
But it was brown and decade,
Withered from years of protection
Between pages as a bookmark
I realized I am the same for the ones I loved,
As little to none would admit it
I am that rose,
I am the withered bookmark you keep
I am the reminder of when you were human,
When you first started,
When you thought you knew everything,
When the simple things were enough.
I am the reminder of who you are.
I don't have a bible filled with bookmarks
I have a body colored with the reminder that
I am in fact human.
I will continue to add to it until I decide,
When I meet the one.
I will no longer need to print myself with bookmarks
But rather take photographs with my eyes
And feel with my hands and lips.
Taste and feel and experience why
Those other bookmarks are not here
But a reminder of how far I have come
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You ask me what I like
Your eyes, bright
And you can tell I'm shy
But I can't tell you why.

Royal blue and silver
Would send my spine a shiver
And quill my silent quiver

And I would pull your chair out
But my mind is full of doubt
Because I'm not sure how this all goes about

I'm not sure which side to stand
But you ask for my hand
And we're walking over sacred land
And we like the same kinds of bands

I want to seem worthwhile
So I contemplate my style
And I search through my minds file
While you tell me the heritage of your title

It's on the tip of my tongue
The days of when I was young
And I want to tell you the words I'd spun

But you tell me my eyes make your heart run
And all the things your family does for fun

And somehow
I want to talk about that
And remember
That it's in the past
Because the way your eyes look at mine has my mind
Wondering if something could finally last.
Just something similar to what will happen one day
bluevelvet May 2017
We could
run through the woods,
find vacant waterfalls;
the rocks and
Then I'd wonder 'round
with my mouth,
exploring all the places
I'd memorize
that make you shiver.

We could
run away together,
wherever you want to.
the city of an apple,
just another small town.

We could
get lost in a small
walking down
Broadway Street.
Spending the nights
in cramped and
smoke filled places,
singing soft grunge
until you are found
for the star
I have noticed
that you are.

We could
cruise down the
Boulevards of Hollywood.
Your hand on my thigh,
the wind in my hair.
Smoking rolled up
cigarettes made of
the earth's green nectar,
feelin' like
I don't have to hide
behind my silly

Just tell me all you
want to do,
and I will want to
do it too.
only for you.
a favorite song of yours truly inspired this. take a guess.
bluevelvet May 2017
I have scars.
I have scars you can see
but mostly,
I have scars past the surface of me.
I have scars from injuries,
I have scars from the words
I used to believe.
I have scars long and wide,
I have scars that scream out
There's even a couple of scars
from the boy who'd pass by
in green cars.
I have scars from my first love,
and I will have scars from my last.
All my scars are from my past,
which is why you didn't even
have to look twice
to have known
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I'm not one for Syfy

And if you're wondering why

It's because ghosts with cellphones

Are foreign to the wondering eye
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Lights flash about
A decade and too many
Mistakes too late

Even in Australia
Rainbow's stale and
Are thrown away

And Tommy,
He has a party to
Be the center of

While vacant laugh
Echoes in a lonely room
Of 'I told you so'
And now I have a center
And I finally see correctly
But is it too late?
Was it always too late?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
The lights are on,
I can see just fine.
If they were gone,
I still wouldn't be blind.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Periodically grind teeth
Shards along the ground
They no longer cut tough feet;
A mournful sound

Hands begin to shake,
You gave and you gave until
There was nothing left to take
The day will come for you to feel

You saw them low,
It was in the eyes
And a heart racing in tow
You dream of wholesome times

Shots are echoed
The blast was once comforting
No longer heard to be followed
In time, find belief in something

Like a phoenix from ash
You will be born anew
Survive every shattering crash,
You'll be standing in a new view

Hold your head up, love
Alone in your room
Your faith staying high above
Self medicate those old wounds

One day we'll be clean and dry
Our sins will not out live
We'll love without a try
Our time will come to self forgive.
bluevelvet Dec 2017
I am self titled
In the matters of
Everything that is dark

I am whoever you think of
And I am absolutely none of them

Because people have their opinions
Of pinkys and lies,
The deceit and broken ties

But as strong as you might,
The views don't define me

So I cheers to you,
My fearless fantasy
For understanding how you
Have to love yourself

Cheers to my Speak Now
Because you can't let
Fear control your life

Cheers to Red
In the way I wish it was different
Because you were different

Cheers to nineteen eighty nine
For being a building block
Of everything to not do wrong

Cheers to my Reputation
For it doesn't define
Anything but what the
People of masses want to believe

And cheers to Me
The wonderful,
Unending piece of
Peasantry, worthless *******

You don't fit the look
Or think like others,
Multiple personality traits
And mental instability

But *******
You sure are ******* amazing
bluevelvet May 2017

he has plenty of that now.
does it feel great?
to become all that he has wanted?
look at all that perfect glow.
does he know?
i am such a ******* *******.
bluevelvet May 2017
Rip out your eyes,
search even deeper for something close to truth.
Examine every aspect of a line,
A game you were made to lose,
that's all you will ever find.

Make all the noise that he can,
write pretty rhythm with his hand.
But you will never believe that man.

Tear apart your half beating heart,
going past the deepest of scars.
The pain that you first felt,
it's the same that you delt.
You call out to the long gone,
emptiness will stay a phantom in your arms.

Make all the noise that he can,
write pretty rhythm with his hands.
But you will never believe that man.

Search for light in the peace,
a feeling that will never cease.
Longing for a great divine,
a feeling that will out stand time.
A burden you will never heal,
the fate of never knowing has been sealed.

Make a beat to shake my ground,
write words for a heart to cry without a sound.
Your happiness was never mine to be found.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
My mouth betrays
my less ugly heart
And my feet stray
Don't know where to take part

And you're high up
So high that you
Forget the one's you left behind
That were never enough

And I'm also high
Just passing some time
Enjoying another favorite ride
A quick supplement
To a heaven paradise

It was pinks and blues
And now it's just a use
Another form of abuse
To take comfort in
The pain I mindlessly
Decided to choose
But I don't touch those sleeping pills
They mess with my head
Fight white sharks in my bed
bluevelvet May 2017
Is it too much to ask to be
a dear friend and slap me in the face
and whisper a shout by saying,
"Dreaming away your life!"
i would've done it for you
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Scratch it,

That's not you!

Because that's not what I wrote

And God knows your dedication for turning tables,

It's impeccable.

That could have been me today

Or probably not

Because I'm at the bottom of the barrel,

The last thought in the foodchain

That's not you,

That's who replaced me.
Does he keep your head up, buddy?
bluevelvet May 2017
i wont be packing my bags to leave
no matter what you
do to me.
i'm better
than that and now
i know i'm better
than you.
to judge is to
be innocent,
but do you think
what you do with
everyone's knowledge
makes you
silky clean?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
With new teeth
And no wandering eye
I will be rebirthed
And have worth
And maybe it still wouldn't be enough for you but it will be for me.
I hope you'll be proud.
I hope you'll be happy.
bluevelvet May 2017
i've only ever admired
two different boys
that could both sing,
which sets my soul on fire.

one of them
will always hold
a part of my heart,

the other doesn't
even know where
it starts.
or does he sing off key?
bluevelvet May 2017
These old bones
that I have selfishly made
my only home
carry me to places
of the unknown.
They take me far away,
the place I'd spent most
of my days one year.
But I am greeted with
emptiness and regret.
I search the dirt sands,
digging with my weak hands.
My tears make puddles
that turn into mud.
I scream your name,
the words only met with
my heart like blank duds.
I stand and clean the dirt off.
I am no longer needed here,
so my feet take off.
I end up near the place
that I first started.
Heart in a race,
I find your face.
"Can't you see?
People can change.
Why didn't you tell me
instead of playing a game
of hide and seek?"
But I'm only met
with a pistol to my brain.
With my body riddled with meek,
I find that this bridge is nothing
but ashes under your feet.
Tears fall from my eyes,
the eyes that tries but never finds
what my heart yearns to meet.
I will spend a lifetime
using the liquid unseen,
trying to wash away
the blackened dust
for being someone
you will never
...and I'd be the one you thought you'd find.

He looks like you in that music video.
bluevelvet May 2017
Fear of death
is all it takes.
One last breath,
trying to pass another day.
In you,
I will stay.
Blue Lightning,
erase my decay?
bluevelvet May 2017
Leaving trails
of long flaxen hair,
she scurries away and
wishes them fair
in the game she loves to play.

The trail leads back
to a room with
one vacant chair,
across the table she sits
with a vacant stare.

Hand fluctuates between
tapping nails on flat surface,
inhaling cancer to
sooth some comfort
and itching a scratch
too far down her back.

The walls lined with
crimson velvet,
they never collapse.
Each pump of blood,
they expand and
close in with lost content.

She runs her hand
through her soft hair,
she'll be bald by
the time he gets there.
She finds it worth it
when they finally take a stand.
Do a little dance
in the rhythm of their preference.

She cracks a smile,
rolls her eyes.
One of these days,
one of the hundred thousand strands
will lead a boy to hold her hand.

Someone to watch grow as a man.
Someone to help her learn to understand.
Someone to make life long vows.
Someone to show her how to
fix the weight in her brow.
Act like you’ve been here before
Smile less and dress up some more
Tie up your scarf real tight
These boys are out for blood tonight
And when she stood, she stood tall
She’ll make a fool of you all
Don’t ask for cigarettes
She ain’t got nothin' left for you
I never, she never, we never looked back
That wasn’t what we were good at
bluevelvet Jun 2017
We watch the stars
And the sun, the moon
Light up the darkest
Moments in time

Lurk in the outline
And ignore the noise
You don't need those
Silly little thingz anymore

I am psychotic high
And my words
Will never be remembered
In the way they once were

And the things small
Your fingers deceive
Instead of wiping
A mouth clean

Behind closed doors
And cracked window
I wipe my eyes
And I will
Wipe away my mouth
And the things
It never tasted

And the moon,
It cannot be trusted
But there is a sun
Sun so bright building
In a chest and I
Could see you
I could see you in dreams
But not in reality

Because every star,
They eventually fade
And the feeling lingers
On the tips of fingers
That have been chewed
To the bone

And this,
This ungodly place
It will never be
bluevelvet May 2017
I have
no choice but
to go searching,
looking for life in eyes
that watched me when I
was a careless teen.

I search but
I am never to touch
or speak where I
am not wanted.

You have grown
big and chiseled,
looking so dandy and

I could ask
if life is being fair,
if you're finding
everything you wanted.

And you can tell.
Notification of
who viewed it last
probably, or
you just know because
it's what you wanted.

Having the one
who you spent time
pinning after but
turned out to be
so carelessly blind,
on the verge
of tears because
could that be
me with you?

Enjoying the sand,
the bright sun.
Could we have had
that same amount of fun?

Doing things without
remembering me,
I suffer from
being the
You look ******* incredibly good.
bluevelvet May 2017
I had a dream.
Loaded up a cold van,
drove miles and miles,
blistering sun left
arm uneven tan.
Blaring repeated tune,
your heart now beats
for a different moon.

I had a dream.
The kind where
I'm on the side of a road,
I yell like a forgotten toad.
I'm met with radio silence.
Eyes that never cared,
eyes filled with violence.

I had a dream
on the edge of an empty bed,
I rack my hands through
my stormy head.
The sunsets,
casts shadows through
blue tinted shade.
Deadly icy frost,
it's long shed.
Memories never lost.

Morning comes,
met with beautiful sunrises.
Parallel to the words
I tried to find behind
your timid, deadly eyes.
I seen a ice cream truck and for some reason this came about.
bluevelvet Dec 2017
Train A takes 30 minutes
To get to the station,

Passenger J takes 20minutes
To get to the station

Train A has 10 minutes before departure
How many cowtails can Passenger J eat
While fixing a cowlick

Before Train A leaves?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
It's here
That time
And don't be scared,

You had your
Bed made long ago
Ready to go

But you've always
Been late,
You'll be late
To your own funeral

But you're doing
Exactly what was told
But it's different this time
You aren't fourteen years old
And if it causes destruction
Someone will love you.
bluevelvet May 2017
When we are lonely children,
we believe in prince charmings.
When we are naive adults,
we get a "oh. um, thanks i guess?"
When we are eager children
we play tag.
When we are better adults,
we get them stolen just to brag.
When we are learning children,
we read comic books.
When we are grieving adults,
we have novelty items stolen by crooks.
Time and time again,
you showed me to never let my guard down.
you should probably write a book called 'Under Arrest: A Stoners Guid To Killing A Soul'. i could be your first 'How To'.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I'm not one
For patience and
An overdose of
Memory loss

I wonder if
This is the pain
You felt when I
Would talk about him

And the rage
When you believe
I didn't mean
A single word I said

What can I say?
I loved him
And you?
You loved walls

Walls can be
Your new found
"Middle name!"
And I will outlive
Any name you give me

I will eventually
Reach a north and
Be more than
All the little things
You and every person
Perceived me to achieve

And on that day?
You can breathe this in
And go
Straight to south
bluevelvet Jun 2017

1, 2 he's coming for you

3, 4 you better shut the door

6, 5 you deserve so much more

7, 0 you'll find everything great that you search for
bluevelvet Jun 2017

Spike it up
Swoop it over
Don't ask me
I'm not a cutter
I don't know,
Maybe I didn't
Start to stutter until
Over a gravel hill,
Bunk beds, a pond
And the something
With a little help
Was remembered
And now it's like
You make fun of
Half the things
You must forgot I had
If you need help
Remembering why
I wasn't enough
Just look for the blue jacket.
bluevelvet May 2017
Strolling down the walk
under the blistering sun,
would I have been
good enough?

Showing me your
favorite spots,
eating late lunches
on the dock.
Would you have
held my hand?

Late night talking
in the cooling summer breeze,
how is it that I
still find reason
to daydream all these
pointless dreams?

You look
fiercly new and ultimately
something akin to
like you could have been
the best place
to have called
Just staling time,
I don't even cross your mind.
Will you still see it
in my eye
the next time you pass by?
If you ever do again.
bluevelvet May 2017
It's funny how
at the bottom of the
pages here begin with
'The End'
and at the top it's
'The Start'
I wonder when
I'll stop writing
about you,
and begin writing
about him.
Which one do
you think I'll
end with talking
it's probably always gonna be you.
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