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Over my mug of steaming coffee,
...i see cookies and a fruit...sliced,
to freshen my breath after my coffee break....

one glance...

one unexpected glance, took me back... to
when i decided to do something for myself,
to be happy.....and to be somebody....but,
finally....i fought the desire, to be defiant...
those awakenings, and newfound feelings,
still haunt my evenings...the hurting, somewhat
changed me, and my beliefs.......i realized that,

at some point in one's life, a chance moment
unfolds on a landing...clear to the eyes...on a mission,
to change erase wrong impressions,
triggered by unpleasant experiences....i have also the right time, somebody comes, an angel with hidden soften
our hardened melt our frozen hearts,
ease our tensed opinions...offer us a healing balm.
sometimes, a place, or a face, becomes a kind of paper
that can't be crumpled, or hard to forget.
anyone...anything, that strikes the heart hard,
easily comes back, with the slightest reminder,
catches you..........unprepared....

this fruit on the table, in silence, it just sits there,
...unaware of its being mnemonic...doesn't matter,
if it's fresh, rotten, or candied...a plum, apple or pear
....................would prompt me, to remember,
over my mug of steaming coffee...


Copyright July 27, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
An artist should never
confuse themselves with art.
They are merely a vessel,
From which art pours.
Sometimes they are empty
And other times full.

- Hadrian Veska
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
"Mere seconds in time
specks in space"
Kristy Renae Dalton*

We are seconds and specks,
you and I...

We meet, crash into each other,
mingle and coalesce.
Not knowing where we'll be
in the next.

We exist in one another...
But never together.

A perpetual dance
between time and matter.
An eternal struggle
to share a plane.

You and I...
We live as nothing but
mere seconds in time
and specks traipsing in space.
Thank you Kristy for inspiring this piece.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
We can never
rewrite history
and the future
is impossible to pen.

When the present
bears only anarchy
in the darkened,
tainted hearts of men.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
He used to walk with life in his stride
He used to strut with a heart full of pride

These days see him stumbling every so often
These days see his eyes vacant and sullen

So I asked if there was anything bothering him
So I asked what is it that made his light so dim

He tarried, then answered with conviction true
He tarried before he finally answered, *"You..."
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
We converse without words...
Just shudders and crests of bated breaths.
Tingles that resonate between echoing beats.

We speak without voice...
Just deep gazes that peer endless into bottomless eyes.
Subtle blinks that freeze the ticks of relentless hands.

We talk without sounds...
Just slight quivers between parted lips.
Holding the other captive in a gentle clasp.

We part with no farewell...
Just two wilful wisps darting on separate courses.
Knowing that paths that meander may someday converge.

 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
The sun awaits
just beyond the horizon.
Time gets scarcer
as it bathes us
in its glow.
And our bodies can only
afford to
crumble to dust.

All that we know,
what we knew,
will only be cast...
Within the tight confines
of expiring memory.

We must pave a way
to a secret place.
A route to safety...
One that we could share.
Somewhere only we know.

I'll go to this place
where no one can.
I'll wait and anticipate
your arrival at this place...
A place only we know.
Inspired by Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know"
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Times like these...
Just make you want to get up and run.

Forget the ache in your knee,
forget the weight on your back.
Forget the problems in your pocket,
forget the secrets in your sack.

Times like these...
Just make you want to dive deep.

Forget the myth of what lurks below,
forget the cautionary voices in your head.
Forget the whispers of restraint,
forget the monsters under your bed.

Times like these...
Just make you want to take off and fly.

Forget the wings that remain invisible,
forget the winds which refuse to carry.
Forget the bottom that awaits you,
forget the beckoning arms of gravity.

And take that leap into
the great unknown...

Is it true what the scientists say
That life on earth will end one day?

I guess that they are probably right
There'll be no day, there'll be no night

The ozone layer is full of holes
Rising temperatures melting ice floes

Will we perish in enormous Floods?
The thought of it just chills the blood

Or will earthquakes bury us out of sight
Will fire devour us without a fight?

Storm and tempest, some folk say
Will make us kneel in final prayer

The forecast? Now  I'll give you mine:
It will end in two thousand and seventy nine

Keith Wilson            June 25 2016
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