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 May 2014 Beka Khergiani
Here, take my bag of bones and burn them
Make me disappear
Without a trace
Of my existence
You won't miss me when I'm gone
Just admit it
I'm not wrong
Bury me alive
So I can live in darkness
Just for a little while
Until my lungs fill up with blackness
And my cuts are sealed with dirt
And all I'll see is darkness
No more living in hurt
And they say and do things
That slide off my shoulder
But day after day
Those things become boulders
That block my path
from moving forward
So I must break away
Run away
Stay away
And hopefully never return
Ah! What good is this fire?
Yes, I held it aloft,
Gazed into the depths of its beauty,
Displayed its brilliance.
My soul danced in the flames.
I was so taken I did not feel the burns.
The betrayal of your gift!
The sword has no bite as deep.
My shallow soul has no substance to sacrifice.
I am consumed by it and softened as the strongest steel.
Everyone leaves their mark.
This is no salvation if I cannot bear it!
I would gladly let the eagles at my breast
If you would take this torch from me.
For I cannot abandon it myself,
My soul has been claimed.
 May 2013 Beka Khergiani
 May 2013 Beka Khergiani
The world is full of
wanna-bes and
used-to-bes and

And the world is crawling with
naysayers and
false speakers and
people who never speak at all.

The world will never run out of
cookie cutters and
fakes and
exact replicas.

But every once in a while,
if you're lucky, really truly lucky
you meet a dream catcher or
a dream weaver or
a dream creator.

And every once in a blue moon,
should all the conditions be right,
you meet someone who is not afraid.

Someone who will hang their feet
over the very edge of this dismal world
look down into the dark expanse
take your hand
close their eyes

and jump.

And that person, my dear,
is you.
A birthday poem for a friend. I haven't shown it to her yet. What do you think about the last two lines? To use or not to use?
The frustration you get
When you wake up in the middle of the night
And can't fall back to sleep.

You look at the clock,
It'll soon be time to get up.
But then you realize
It's not even near that time.

It's like the sun knows when you're awake and,
Just to be a ******,
Takes its time coming up.

So you lie there...
Trying to get some rest.
You squirm and change positions,
But still...
Nothing happens.

You begin to think about
Your life,
Your future,
The world,

Then, all the bad thoughts become worse.
You think...
Maybe something might happen,
Or something may already have happened.

You try harder to fall asleep,
But you can't stop.
Can't stop thinking.
And you feel...
And you can do nothing
to stop all the horrible thoughts from coming through.

Then you're at the stage where now,
Your thoughts aren't coming in patterns anymore.
They scatter...
Like a nebula.

So you lie there.
You've given up.
You feel hopeless...
Like no one could ever help you.
So you just wait...
Wait for everything to be over.
At night, you sit and you make plans
- Houses, cars, babies, insurance
Just so many plans, in case something
Does not work out
You share some with him

He knows about your little problems
The ones you don't talk about
In polite company as you sneak away
Take your little white pills so you
Can keep it a secret for another day

You make so many lists of things
Things needed to build up your dreams
Different lists for every dream
It's exhausting, exacting work
But you sit up through the nights

Do it anyway, asking for his input
You were a little scared the first time
You showed him a list, told him about
Your little habit. He didn't even blink
As he started debating the finer points

His ease, total acceptance, took you aback
No one had done that for you- no one
You always had trouble verbalising how
Much it meant to you but he understood
Not a word from you, but he looked you in the eye

And he understood. It was tough going
There were nights when he could not handle
Some other things- small things- like toilet seats,
Other males in your life, but never your lists
It terrified you some times and you had to leave

You took a long time- maybe, too long- getting
Used to his presence, his little habits as well
But the both of you stuck it out together
Despite your differences. He tolerated things
- Loved the things- others could never stand about you

The plans now included him. Despite your
Competitive behaviour and the slight bits
Of insane and inane that you were, he became
Part of your world. People generally had no
Place there but he became a common fixture

You slowly started to believe

"He was in an accident. We're sorry but nothing could be done.
Could you please come to the hospital
For identification immediately, Miss?"

Your plans broke down and you could only watch
As they tumbled down, down into the sea of endless despair
Your lists were all useless now. All that work that
Included him, useless. You couldn't believe it
- the plans, the lists! Barely a thing could be heard,
Seen over all that wasted paper, all that time

(he said he'd be back in an hour or so
you were supposed to go out for lunch)

Your breath stopped. It nearly stopped and
You could only clutch your head, grip your hair
As you struggled to get a grip on yourself
On your perception of reality. He was gone
You were here. And there was nothing else

You looked up, horrified at all the desks and drawers
You frantically ripped them all out, hunted them all down
Tossed them together in a pile on the floor of your
Living room. All those lists, now just worthless bits of paper
With bits of optimistic, fictional words on them

You hated yourself. You dreaded, loathed, badly wanted to
Hurt yourself. Not the other driver, never anyone else
You hate yourself and you knocked back more than
The prescription said and you lit the entire pile on fire
As you went back to sleep. Tomorrow was another day.
There were things to be done. But before you let yourself
Get lost in sirens, neon lights, the could-bes and the accusations
Present in your nightmares, you took another piece of paper
And noted down, 'Funeral'.
i like it here in this mind of yours
although it does tend to get a bit lonely.

sometimes i cuddle the surrounding fields
which are gushing with stalks of wheat
as i stretch out my roots underneath the ground
as far as i can reach

and as for my branches,
well they reach far into the beautiful orange skies
as the everlasting sunset casts patterns of my golden leaves onto the ground
and they rustle in the gentle breeze typical of spring.

it's spring time all year round, here
the fluent features of time, frozen:
the flowers always mid-bloom, await their future prosperity;
butterflies find themselves ready to emerge from their cocoons,
and that smell of freshly cut grass lingers.
there's always time for a new start
and i'm always growing bigger and wiser.

it's not so bad here, in this mind of yours
although it does tend to get a bit lonely.
but the aura of your presence always sparkles in the air;
you did make this place, after all.

and sometimes i find myself visited by a lady
who sits against my trunk;
she basks in the beautiful sunset
and calmly, and pleasantly reads.

she looks content as she sits
but there's always something more,
something hiding in her expression
and a glisten of sadness in her eyes.
if i had arms i would curl them around her
and stroke her flowing hair.
but for now she just sits quietly,
this strange, wistful girl.

she likes you, i can tell;
i may just be just a tree
but my insight stretches as far as the tips of my branches-
and as you watch over us
she's happy that you're here.
at high noon
at a small college near the beach
the sweat running down my arms
a spot of sweat on the table
I flatten it with my finger
blood money blood money
my god they must think I love this like the others
but it's for bread and beer and rent
blood money
I'm tense lousy feel bad
poor people I'm failing I'm failing
a woman gets up
walks out
slams the door
a ***** poem
somebody told me not to read ***** poems
it's too late.
my eyes can't see some lines
I read it
desperate trembling
they can't hear my voice
and I say,
I quit, that's it, I'm
and later in my room
there's scotch and beer:
the blood of a coward.
this then
will be my destiny:
scrabbling for pennies in tiny dark halls
reading poems I have long since beome tired
and I used to think
that men who drove buses
or cleaned out latrines
or murdered men in alleys were

— The End —