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melodie foley
Chicago    As long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, and beauty out of sorrow ig: mel0dierose
22/F/Purgatory    Just a meat suit
Virginia, US    Haughty.
Danielle Rose
Fall River    My perspective is my greatest enemy and my only ally.The goal is freedom,freedom from the past and the things I can not change.Half the time …
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
shreyas bhalekar
India,Nagpore    My, Hands are Air , words are river , Imagination is cleaver . -=] Enough I am Comfortable [=-
India    16.Indian.Crazy.Complicated.Sweet.JaggedThoughts.Confused.Amazing. I'mma big mess with a capital M. I actually suck at writing.but i dont care.i write it for myself,to myself,or maybe anybody who's going …
Boston | Brooklyn    "Thank God the stars don't judge us for what we do beneath them... I'm finding that God's mercy is binding, it's blinding..." - Alysia Harris
Marshall CB Hiatt
21/M/Salt Lake City    Twice the flame.
The Noose
32/F/Standing on the gallows    Words are all I have. All original content ©2013-2024 The Noose
No one will ever love you as much as an artist can , even on your worst days they will find poetry in the knots …
California    i like to write and that is all.
meme abdulaziz
a girl who feels pain stronger than happiness but hates to show it , she turned to writing poetry because she can't speak her mind …
jessika michele
NC    I have written and re-written this bio thing so many times, nothing seems to sound right. So im just leaving you with this...
AP Beckstead 2014
Utah    Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. - FD
M/Dallas    Amongst the hobos and the stars. Living in the land of cars. I write my words when I've been drinking, spent my night out at …
In my head   
Queen Bee
There is something to be said about good writing. You know; the kind that inspires you, makes you feel things you never thought you'd feel. …
United States    I'm sixteen from a small town, hoping for something bigger, and waiting for someday.
I am change.
Sophie Monigatti Lake
Ohio    "Others may write from the head, but she writes from the heart, and the heart will always understand her." ~Washington Irving
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