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 Dec 2017 Barkley Layne
 Dec 2017 Barkley Layne
white coat covering solemn ground,
my palms are both cracking and mending,
my eyes both rapidly cycling and softly meditating,
my mythical equilibrium both scratching at the surface,
and tucking itself in for the night.


somewhere distant
but not far,

your lungs are the lantern in my attic-shaped heart,
maintaining a hushed illumination
and a delicate snowfall,
euphoniously humming a reliable tune,
foreshadowing cozier winters
of hope and comfort.
 Nov 2016 Barkley Layne
even snakes make love
 Feb 2016 Barkley Layne
where everybody wants your cash to fund their way out
to get high and dry or the fashionable shirt off your back
they will steal your words all out of context
and hail themselves poet of the century
without a second thought
or even a single glance back.
 Feb 2015 Barkley Layne
punxsutawney phil has nothing on me
i see my shadow every day
not that great, not something to see
i wish i could hibernate my life away
A ghost voice has spoken.
The key is to use the token.
An invisible shield.
A sign to stop or yield.
Caution of the crosswalk.
Ignore the beggar's talk.
Focus on your destination.
Along your path to avoid devastation.
Use common sense & use safety.
Have a buddy system.
To a friend you should listen.
Beware & be aware of your surroundings.
When you drive don't speed.
Devise a plan & take the lead.
A certificate in the mail.
A person to know.
A family to grow.
Wings or halos.
Without horns or tails.
Male or female.
An image two of the same.
D.N.A. is your mark to carry your name.
Your ***** is your seed.
Never drink, or do drugs, or smoke ****.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Eyes can't help but follow
long hair in long coats
wind shaking the strands like
snowflakes, their own little patterns.

The cinemaplex is open,
negative seventeen degrees Fahrenheit and
someone is still making money.

Wrapping around a blocked-off
manhole I turn the corner too quickly,
bump into a homeless man and his chair.
He asks if I've any change.
I say No, my pockets are empty.

Inner monologue firing, always,
I cop the corner and take a moment to my
physical self, ask it questions, How are you?
You've been a slight bit distant during this time.
Do you miss home?

I'm not sure I've found a home to miss.
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