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 Jan 2017 S T
Dana Colgan
 Jan 2017 S T
Dana Colgan
Watching over the charade below
Rich in empathy and sorrow.
Just to be struck by the realisation
That she is me
And I am lost.
 Jan 2017 S T
Jamaal J Ferguson
Im serving lifes with this pen/
Convicted for Killing time


Eternally trapped within/
For my sins
Solitarily confined
In these lines
where do I begin/
Can you read between them
It never ends/
The margin is marginal/
Carte blanch
Ive over stepped my boundaries
Broke the rule cardinal/
Now Im in an invisible/
cell feeling miserable/
My time shouldve been
More productive
This is NA    Not Applicable/
23 hours in the whole
Lost ours in part
Another 60 gone/
Thought is food
scarf down words/
Appetite absurd clearly just observe/
work the mind
Stay fit/
only way to survive inside
Mental aerobics    Various signs/
Shape it
chin up chin down equals a syllable/
My own worst enemy
My dictions     despicable/
Train everyday to enhance
For I know never leaving
These sentences for life/
Are habitual/
Even before I got booked
They extradited my freedom/
The right to write
When I tried to free lance
I was just free writing/
They cuffed my free hands
Life sentence to this pen
Now they want my annihilation
Too many things gone missing punctuations
 Jan 2017 S T
Cait Harbs
My body is not beautiful -
it shows every row of dirt plowed,
every callous axe handle held
irreverently between the hands
that are swollen and cold;
my fingers, the puffy soldiers who smoked
one too many cigars in the
valleys of their webbed hills.

My body is not beautiful -
it is pitted with dirt entrenched in my pores
and craters of microorganisms
embedded in my flesh,
sending red fires into neutral skin,
a war beneath the surface
with smoothness being a casualty.

My body is not beautiful -
it has hair growing in places I hate,
thick layers of clinging calories
and expanded fat cells that
refuse to expire no matter how many
suicides I run or deaths I die
daily in an attempt to flatten them.

My body is not beautiful -
it is strong as hell.

My shoulders, firm and balanced,
tauntingly mock Atlas for complaining
of holding the world on his -
what he calls a tragedy, they call Monday.
My back has always carried whatever
burden I laid on it,
and though it's strained and torn
has yet to break beneath the weight
of the sorrow and the memories
living has given to me.

My legs, short and wide,
have lunged with mountains
by their sides,
moving forward through infernos
I can only describe as
"liquid fire as heavy as lead,"
traversing continents
and rushing rivers
knowing they were not going to give.

My arms are atlases,
traversed for countless miles
by vein-y highways
that lead to the ghost towns
I've gotten tattooed on my skin
to remind me that my
vagabond blood is pure
and my bones are made
of wanderlust.

No, my body is not beautiful,
but it is strong;
it has been places,
seen and done things.
It allows the universe
to make its home in my spinal
midnight to seep into my pores
and sing my heart to sleep
with starry melodies,
to leave behind the cement parking lot
I was born and raised in
and chase the horizon
no matter where it leads.

My body is not beautiful,
but it still deserves respect
for all it's done,
and all it holds,
regardless of my cellulite
or fat rolls.
and I will choose to love it.
 Jan 2017 S T
Gianfranco Aurilio
I am made of earth
bleached blonde by the sun
that from its heart
radiates its rays into my veins.
The pores of my luxuriant skin
are fields
full of trees
and full of every fruit.
Oceans burrow my legs
through my arms,
colourful lakes
drive crystal-clear waters
and waterfalls
barely come to surface.
My fingers are rivers of stars
that turn my hands and my feet
into skies,
evanescent comets appear
and my eyes are full of galaxies.
My hair is foam from the sea
my lips are shells dressed with pearls
and my eyelashes
are plaited with golden silver.
From my cloud nose to my moon ears
my face is a tapestry of flowers and scents
the light of the day unfurls itself upon me
all around me
the dawn and the sunset
kiss the night.

 Jan 2017 S T
Sexual Pansexual
I know I should be there for you,
I know I should stand up for you,
And I know I should care for you.
But how can I?
I mean after all did you ever do that for me?
When almost the same thing happened,
When everyone was against me.

You turned your back

Even after a year that still digs at me.
I tears into my thoughts.
It hurts.

And I know I'm being childish,
And I swear I truly care about you,
And I would **** anyone who hurt you.
But at the same time I enjoy it,
I like the fact that you can finally feel what I went through.

The relentless bullying,
Your friends turned enemies,
The feeling of all hope lost.

And I know that makes me a monster,
But I can't help it,
Because I have held this grudge for too long.
 Jan 2017 S T
Sexual Pansexual



****** up.

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