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I kissed everyone but the one I wanted to,

I'm not sure exactly when it started
I just can't remember the last time I wasn't tired
Maybe my life is one of the ones
Dedicated to loving so tempestuously
Only to lose that love
So that my writing may always stay truthful
And my judgment never clouded with the lies of forever
Most humans drink coffee and wine
They consume television and mainstream novels
They feed their souls with popularity contests and safe relationships

But poets
We could not survive without passion, intensity, and meaning
Everything we feel is felt to the depths of our souls
We are the ones to put into words the unspeakable pain of heartbreak
The incomprehensible joy of falling in love
We are the ones brave enough to say out loud the diaries of a thousand souls

Us poets
We drink tea and whiskey
I was never the type
of child that obeyed
much  of anything;
not even the many
times  I was told
not to stare into
the evening sun
when I felt
We think its our own strength or luck,but in the actual sense its grace.
Iam a poet
I pull the stars with a string
I shoot the moon with a sling
I form an hurricane with an ink
I make roses stink

Iam a poet
My pen is my favourite toy
With it I prevent Homer's troy
I sell hope through humour
Even when all you have is a tumour

Iam a poet
Reality is my latest fiction
Not forgetting my diction
Mostly I write my mind
Though some find it not kind
Oh, my Father in Heaven
Guarding me from all perils and trials  
And sets my heart free of all clutter
For you, my songs of praise, I reserve

All my life, I shall sing
Without fail, in bloom or gloom
On every unfolding day
Through months and years
Till death and beyond
Let my songs sail across the skies
And with the chorus of the heavenly band, unite

Oh, the benevolent Lord of all creation
Custodian of all wealth
Contriver of birth and death
The Master Crafts man
Everything is your handiwork.

The lofty mounts
Veiled in misty snow
The verdant dales
Lush and still
The fathomless deep
Where mysteries peep
All the flowers
That bloom and wither
All things
Bright and beautiful
Everything, above and below
In all,
Let me behold thy grace
And sing Thee praise!

Oh! Redeemer of Mankind
Guide me through the dark
Guard my steps where dangers lurk
Hold my hand
And never loosen your grip

Make me face the light
Illumine me with wisdom serene
And fill me with love divine;
So that you be glorified
Here, on Earth
And in Heaven be!
The sadness consumes me,
Buries me alive.
I can't even tell you
The last time I
Was happy. Every
One tells me we have
Our ups and downs.
So why have I been
Down for so many years?
I hear all the time,
"You choose to be happy or sad."
Is I could choose to be
Happy trust me I'd be
There. Those people are
The ones with the perfect
Lives, no problems.
They don't get flashbacks,
Have anxiety attacks, are
Depressed. They don't know
What it's like. As Hope
Once told me, "Now days
People cut over dumb little
Things like their goldfish dying,
These people could never
Handle a day in our shoes."
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