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 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Raymond Johnson
i am hunted
                        and haunted
by memories -
            once good times turned sour.

                                                               ­ vines claw and grasp at my feet
                                                            ­ while i try in vain to trudge forward.

i am picasso with paintbrush poised betwixt my teeth-
                                                          ­                                                             arms bound
                                                                ­             by a straightjacket sewn from sorrow.

the lacrimose landscape of my limbic system is a scarred battleground.
fear and regret clash with my spirit and sanity like angry gods.
i fear i may be broken.

how many times have i apologized?
'til sandpaper throat
and crimson finger
from repentance and gripping pen?

                                              not enough.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
soul in torment
What light from yonder window break
that casts such shadows or' my heart
Causing each beat to softly ache
and pain to gently stop... and start

If by that light her figures stand
and blow to me but one pure kiss
from tender lips and out stretched hand
would this poor heart know loves true bliss

Beyond the morn the empty day
that tears the very breath from me
in empty sighs of such dismay
and binds my heart in misery

The afternoon brings no respite
nor ease the tearing at my soul
my only comfort is the night
when by her light I am made whole

By shadow hid and shadow kept
beyond the fall of her hearts light
mine eyes the morning dew hath wept
and drown the stars and moon at night

By tear drops quenched the rising Sun
replaced with these... my burning eyes
that forms the streams and rivers run
soft sung in midnight lullabies

If but this ground could open up
and swallow whole my all and pain
then I would poison from this cup
react his love and die again

For I am not her Romeo
though I would have fair Juliet
and so as night once more I go
May night forgive


pray forget.
Let the bard take all due credit
for the pain of love and loss
for was he not the one that said it
tis better to have loved and lost
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Timothy Kenda
It's so much colder here in the morning
The rain is cold and the sky isn't blue
It's so much colder everywhere in the morning
Lying anywhere without you
I know you will be happy when your with me
And with you I will finally feel alive
We've both got baggage and the right to be
Able to decide to just put it all aside
On the day we finally meet
On the day that I finally hold you
In my broken down embrace
I'll never want to leave you there
Without me with you in that broken down place
My life won't ever be the same
Just like my past will forever be stained
But you and I will be ok
And I know we are both afraid
Of the thought that we might be making a mistake
Of the possibility of a high price to be paid
Even with the risk looming overhead
It's a chance I'm more than willing to take
If we don't jump off the edge
That could be the biggest mistake of all
Our happiness could fall
right by the wayside; with all the times they lied
and told it was wrong when we knew it was right
But still I have this plight
My past is just that; it's the past
And yes its filled with broken memories of dreams that shattered just like glass
I lived a life that was hard and fast
I barely made it through the other end intact
So I'm sitting on a cold morning
With my baggage and I'm so blue
It's so much colder everywhere in the morning
When I'm dying without you
So please, love, do your best to get here soon
And I will travel to you by the light of the moon
And I will hold you so close; so soon
Forever changed tomorrow at the strike of noon
I hope I don't scare you away
With all of the horrible things I did do and say
Because the past is the past
And the future begins for us right here today
I will never ever leave you
I always want to be by your side
I'll help you carry your baggage
while I'm hoping we can get past mine
I don't want to be cold in the morning
I want to know that everything is fine
I don't want every morning to be so cold
I just want to know that you are mine
My past is absolutely insane.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Jonathan Noble
Like sun and sky reflected in the rhythm of the ever-flowing river,  
They embraced long before they touched,
Sweetly kissed in the soul before lips ever met.  
From eternity they were lovers,
Before stars sprinkled light across the canopy of darkness;
Wrapped one another in arms of affection,
Before oceans wrapped themselves round cold and formless earth.

They laughed and cried like wind and rain in the hallowed dreams of heaven
Before ever they wailed at birth;
Played like moonlight dancing along mountain lake,
Before ever they learned to walk.
Both belong to the other –
Giving and receiving everything and nothing.  

And one could not live without the other,
Any more than tree can grow without soil.  
They are two lovers; they are one soul.
As is the case with "And the Autumn Moon is Waning," so too this piece has undergone minor revisions through the years, this being the latest, and still one of my personal favorites ... also reflecting my own idyllic dream of what might yet come to pass in my own life.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
It’s been a more than a week now
I still welcome the feeling
Bleak, sad, melancholic
As the sun kisses the day goodbye
As the red petals fall to the coarse ground
No grace no energy, no charm.

I had a deep fall, painful and chronic
A fall without any precaution
To him deemed unworthy
As committing a sin so passionate
As not following orders so easy
Everything came smooth, yet mistaken and immediate.

At all times, my mind entraps the thoughts
Of his sweet words and warmth
So sudden, they had perished
So hasty he has changed
As the wind blows the leaves of a dying cypress tree
As the strong waves erode the coast

Puzzled now how to mend
The shattered dream he had left hanging
To move on as if he never existed
To comfort thyself, and live life anew
As the caterpillar metamorphoses to a butterfly
As the sun creeps in the mountains to give light for a new day.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Late, thick with desire
Your voice, skin, smells, all absent.
Crawling in my mind.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Lendon Partain
Color blind in a paint storm.
The beauty of the world
is a mystery hue.
Breaths of
I only see in greys and blues.

Press your eyes against
the spectrum.
It will only help to confuse your mind.
Try as hard,
as you will son.
Never again will the sun light your sky.

Walking up to a
street light.
They've all got problems of their own.
As i cross those white lines.
Now my souls on Charon's boat.

The world's all a stage, that I cannot see.
I hear things I Smell things and I even bleed.
Problems become me, my skin's now rusting.
A robot, a lost ship, a chains broken link.

We all got a couple chips in our shoulders,
some people carry smaller weights, some carry boulders.
But either way, we are all the same, our names are not different.
Yet we change and what for.
It's so mundane.

Because dancing ain't dancing till you lose your feet,
and colors aren't fading till you can't see straight.
We all take for granted the world and it's credits,
the picture ends, the sun sets, and none of it mattered.

A painting ain't painted till a bucks in it's place,
a song ain't a song till it's radio played.
The fact of the matter is life is a train,
that we all must get on but most of us don't take.

I'm lucid now white as ghost.
All for what now.
A disaster has happened.
I can see sundowns.
Forever I'm fading.
Somethings gone wrong.
These fields now of colors are all,
to touch.
This is a story of a blind man becoming blind, bitter, then dead.
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