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asmall Dec 2015
When you left I didn't cry. When you left I didn't scream. When you left I didn't collapse into a pile of mush on the ground. When you left I simply smiled and went to bed.
-i'm not going to miss you // a.s
asmall Dec 2015
roses are red... and blue and orange and white.
violets are blue...  but they are also yellow and purple and pink.
there is no point to this poem, or at least none that is clear,
and thats quite alright because you shouldn't be living your life to one standard, like red or blue, my dear.
asmall Nov 2015
Because as we sat there under that tree one chilly Autumn afternoon all I could think was, "****, I could love her forever."
-and this is why we would never work // a.s.
asmall Nov 2015
Forcing her to say "I love you,"
while your hands are curled around her side
and your breath is taking sharp jabs at her neck.
She'll cry out the most beautiful string of 3 words you've ever heard
just to wake up from the nightmare.
"Say it and I'll let go"
Do I need to show you how I love you,
why I love you?
Does my black stare hurt yet?
Do my lips burn?
Because that is what love is, right?
Repetition of a the most beautfiful string of 3 words you've ever heard,
just to wake up from the nightmare.
-do you call this abuse? // draft // a.s.
asmall Nov 2015
laugh because you burnt the toast and spilled the juice
cry because your book has come to an end
sleep when you are tired
and awaken when you are rested.
cradle your lover as if you were a child, yet again
wear old tacky sweaters that are a little too snug
and sip hot cocoa by the fire.
sing in the shower, no, perform in the shower
believe in fairytales and love at first sight
run with your dogs
and pay your bills on time.
kiss with tongue
write a song,
and then sing it on karaoke night at your favorite bar
call your family
and learn to live again.
-learn to live again // a.s.
asmall Nov 2015
and the silent tears rolling down her cheeks
were like diamonds falling upon her vintage bed sheets.
-diamond tears // a.s.
asmall Nov 2015
Consumed by sad thoughts
and fake smiles.
-consumed // draft // a.s.
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