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You He has chosen
It is you that He has saved.
This, my friend, is love.
Like all gifts, it's here for you to accept. ^_^ It's you He can forgive.
I refuse to write you a love story
by myself because
we must write it
For He is our peace
Made one new humanity
From the two of old.
Ephesians 2: 14-18:  For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,  by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
He is loving and
Therefore, He is just. He is
Holy, thus candid.
She was judged guilty,
His wife, sentenced to her death.
So he took her place.
The cross. Agape love.
The child
Who dreams, who hopes
And leaves home.

The father
Who struggles, who seeks,
But dies in war.

The mother
Who loves, who mourns,
Still here.
How can principals say,
"It's important that you are in school,"
when they give us numerous half-days and excuses to stay out of school?
I need a guy
that swoons
when I play the piano.

He needs to love the way my long fingers
reach for octaves, ninths and tenths.

He must grin when
I nail my tricky sixteenth note runs
he must support me
when I perform ill-preparedly.
He fell from the sky
I wasn’t looking for anything but solitude
But he fell from the sky
And refused to let me out of his sight
He refused to let me cry my silent tears
Wrapping my misery in balloons
And letting his fingers fall away
Watching as they soared up high into oblivion someday
For him life wasn’t a word
But a song to be sung everyday
In new and everlasting ways
Plucking my heartstrings as he strummed his way
Into my broken and mangled life
Where nothing ever seemed to play
The right notes of the day
He ****** out all the bad dreams
And breathed in hope of a new life
Filled with things that may or may not happen
He taught me how to smile again
With my favourite dimple peeking out
When I screamed and ranted
About things beyond his control
He kissed me
And suddenly
If only for a moment
I felt like what I felt mattered
I felt like my poems were good
Really good
So good that may be someone else
Might want to read them one day
Someone else who doesn’t have someone like him
He fell from the sky
And taught me how to let everything go
Not for others
But for myself
He showed me what music looks like
He made me realize
That I do want forever
No matter how much I said I didn’t
He fell from the sky
And I don’t think I’ll ever be the same any more
For the person beyond special who made me realize what iris meant
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