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24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Shari Forman
New York   
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing …
Manchester, UK    "When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all …
Tom Orr
UK    To abandon oneself to principles is really to die - and to die for an impossible love which is the contrary of love.
vircapio gale
!i!i!i! i like to type until the dawn is just about to give itself to day, and stand breathing in that new freshness of the …
Aidyl Ecarg Nella
Nebraska, now...   
Well I swear we are in limited landscapes Well I swear the tide swallows me
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are …
Wolves and Lilies
Yellow Brick Road    A grenade wrapped in love letters.
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
erin. 17. reader of books, writer of poetry. probably a bit too pretentious. my updates and activity here are sporadic at best. cheers.
Hastings Padua
Denver/Telluride, CO    You do not have to be silent. Sing.

— The End —