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 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Time passes...
While sitting on the steps
Waiting for the water company
To come and turn off the water.
My old home.
The one I grew up in...
Mom and Dads place,
Then my sons place.
Now sold..
Everything removed
But the memories...
Hard to turn off the tears.
I look at the iron railing
My dad made,
With marks pounded in it .
A curled end, with little rings
Between every other rail.
At Christmas I would tip toe down
And peek through the rails
To see if Santa arrived yet.
Dad made a bar in the basement.
On the front of it still
Are My initials JK
He cut them out for me.
I can't remove them now,
Because he used wood glue
To fasten them to the bar.
There is a shelf to devide
The dining room and front room.
Growing up we had a large fish bowl
On two of the shelves.
Angel fish,
And guppies...
Now shelves are bare.
A lot of stories to be told,
Created in this old house.
Giving me a lot of great memories.
Leaving this house
Is like leaving my mom and dad
But I know they are
With me in my heart.
Thanks mom and dad
For giving me a great childhood.
Life changes,
As does the place to live...
Good bye
To my childhood home..
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Do you want to play cards?
I ask my friends.
We meet on down
around the bend.

Some bring snacks,
I'm on a diet,
but then I get there
and have to try it...

Sometimes I bring a glass of wine..
I get really silly,
but they say that is fine....

Friends are the greatest
gift in this world.
I try to treat them
like a very fine pearl...

by ~ judy
I'm getting ready for our game night. It is so true how special friends can be....It seems as one moves on to different places, you think you can't live without your old friends, but as the saying goes,
"Make new friends, but keep the old. Some are Silver and others Gold."
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Somedays you wonder will it ever end...
Somedays it flies by...
So much to do, and not enough time...
But then you stop, and say,
Slow down, there will be another day...
If your lucky, there will be another day...
Only TIME will tell...

by judy
My back has been hurting, and when you can't do things, that is when you want to do them....but, there will be another day...)
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Carving a pumpkin
It's that time of year
Should it look happy
Or should it show fear

Years ago my pumpkin
Had smiling eyes
A nose shaped like
A diamond
And a mouth filled
With carved teeth
A candle inside
Shining to show his smile

Years later the pumpkin
Turned into a creative jack o lantern
Made by my kids, for there kids.
A contest
Mom and son against
Dad and daughter
Once They made THE BEATLES
singing there songs
It was quite a creation
They couldn't go wrong
and once they made KISS
with there tongue's hanging out
They used there imagination
It made me want to shout
And each year was a different look
Shhhhh!   Don't tell the other
It was a surprise.....
I have seen the most creative pumpkins ever posted on pinterest or facebook...they brought back memories of some of my kids creations. The one thing i miss is roasting those pumpkin seeds...would they taste as good as i remember
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
The cookie jar
Came from grandpa T
It was empty
He left that up to me
It looked like
An old time phone
Some times i'd bake
And sometimes i'd buy
But it was always filled
With cookies inside
My kids grew up
And no one checked
They'd be surprised
To see that dog bones
Were there instead...

By judy
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
A morning in my jammies
Drinking a cup of tea
The tea was Strawberry Ginger
And it was made just for me.
I added a teaspoon of sugar
So it would be a little sweet
On this Sunday morning
It was a relaxing treat.
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn

A granddaughter whose life was taken too soon.
She was 17
A granddaughter whose had a heart of gold.
She could never be mean.
She suffered 2 years with cancer.
But didn't let that stop her.
On her way home from chemo
She had to stop for taco's.
She got her drivers license at 16
And was always lost.
She'd call her i'm lost...
Where are you mom would ask.
Down by 7-11
Your right around the corner.
She loved her STARBUCKS...
She loved life.
She made people laugh
In a very innocent way.
Yesterday was her birthday.
She would have been 27...
Hopefully HEAVEN is as beautiful as you imagined.
A Tropical paradise.
Sending you a hug and a Starbucks...
Love, granny
It!s been 10 years. I miss seeing this adorable face. It's so hard to understand why she was taken from us.
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Do i go out
Or do i stay in...

The weatherman predicted
A blizzard
Do i listen to him...

Gotta pick up
Milk, coffee and wine...

Let it snow, let it snow
I'll be just fine...

By judy
 Dec 2016 AprilDawn
Time for a little color.
White is so boring...
And much
Is it to soon to think Spring?
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