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  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
I want,
Just one last chance,
To be beside,
Just one more glance,
And I'll survive,
just a second more
And I'll waste no time,
just a smile and
I'll never make you cry,
one last chance with
The lady dressed in white,
One last chance
to prove my alibi,
One last day
to spend my entire life..
Check me out:p-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
everyday my eyes go fluttering,
here and there, everywhere,
every hour seems like a year,
waiting for a person in despair,
not a person I would love,
but someone I long to see,
every minute of the day,
I may sound confusing,
but pay attention,
'cause I do.
Attentively watch, await,long,
for that one envelope,

inside which would be a page,
a white but unblank paper,
with words and exclaimations
About your explainations,
and your whereabout,
as I wait for that person
To bring me a letter from my beloved,
my dear love, my craving,
* my sole purpose of living,
I convince myself by saying,
the post man must be lost!
or perhaps just lazy and late,
for he never comes,
and makes me wait in vain,
Sometimes I loose hope,
the only thing I've got,
but recall your face,
and remake my mind,
saying, maybe times are rough,
reason why you can't write to me,
these days,
perhaps just the work
that keeps you busy all day,
but yes I do wish you could just take time out,
to write three words on a card,
i love you.
send it to me,end my vacant wait..

It's been five years now,
you never wrote or even called,
ah! yes I received a telegram today,
Right now I opened it,
and as I opened it,

tears kissed my cheeks,
of happines that you did care!
but soon my tears of joy
turned into blood sobs,
when I read in the letter that you were gone,
passed away five years ago,
while saving someone at war,
sorrow could not leave my side
knowing it was all I had,
and my heart wept,
my eyes went numb,
at the letters on that little note,
but at the end were the three words
I had longed to hear,rather see,
"he loved you."
Was all I could bear to see,
my brain stopped working,
my limbs went void,
now, I still don't know why,
I wait for you..
I'm old now you know?
I wish you could see me,
wrinkled and stupid,
for I still wait for that day,
when I would get to see you at last,
with a letter saying those three little words,
"come with me"
tonight and forever,
we would make up for lost time,
and spend once more our lives,
but for now my longing is still not over,
for I still wait for the postman,
behind my window,

and I need no doors or even locks,
*as my gaze still remains fixed on my post box..
I know I've use the word 'wait' a lot of times..but I just can't help it!!:p
Check me out:p-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
eyelashes laden with snowflakes,
heavy already with tear drops,
frozen stains of red around,
heavy breath, still and sound,
whistling breeze,
no summer trees,
where waters freeze,
and cold are keys,
no bumble bees
over humble pies,
everything dry,
everything white,
frozen and still
her dainty eyes,
don't look at her,
for she might smile,
at your hopelessness,
your untidiness,
at your fate
of dire unrest,
and when you look into her eyes,
you'll feel the pain she went through,
and your hand might tremble before you
break her into pieces,
with that axe in your hands,
why are you scared now that you've already killed her?
yes I know,the regret,
and her soulful stare
that might end up taking away your entire life..
Check me out:p-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
the loneliest place is where you stand alone,
with your own heart in your hands,
in the middle of a chirping crowd,
with no one to hold
the loneliest place is where you stand alone,
with nothing to think about,
With a mind so empty
that emptiness, you think, can eat you whole,
when you live in silence
and when you walk the world,
with nothing but a bottomless soul,
the loneliest place is where you stand alone..
Check me out:p-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
luminosité tout autour,
rien ne peut vous voir,
la seule chose responsable,
C'est l'obscurité dans
vous et moi ..

**brightness all around,
nothing can you see,
the only thing responsible,
is the darkness within
you and me..
Check me out:p-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
many days have passed since I saw your face,
Maybe its better this way,
since every time I see you I get a strong feeling,
Of carefully,
slapping or hitting and even killing!

nombreux jours se sont écoulés depuis que j'ai vu votre visage,
Peut-être son meilleur de cette façon,
car chaque fois que je vous vois je obtenez un sentiment fort,
De soin,
*gifles et même tuer!
Just goofing around! :D juste amusant autour! :D
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
people change,
situations tear them apart,
opportunities bring them closer..
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