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13.2k · May 2013
Poseidon and Zeus.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Poseidon and Zeus have teamed up on this horrid night.
Thunder and lightning to show off their might.
It calms me down as the thunder roars.
It gives me strength to walk upon the shores.
Poseidon and Zeus have a plan made just for you.
Heaven has made a spot for your rest too.
5.4k · Jun 2013
Adreishka Moonlight.
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
There was once this 12 year old girl. Beautiful in complexion, and in personality. She was just perfect. She took me in and gave me a home. But that girl is gone. That girl is now 16. She is still beautiful in complexion. But her personality has changed towards me. I have been loyal to her these past four years. I loved her. I still love her. But she is now rude and nasty with me. She doesn't listen. She doesn't care for anyone but herself and this new guy... He has been here for her only for about a year and a half. I have been here four years. He seems to be more important. I wish she could open her eyes and see I'm here. I always have been and I always will be. She is not that sweet 12 year old I fell in love with. She is that 16 year old who I have to let move on to better things. Even if it means I have to lose her.
2.3k · May 2013
Bad Weather.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
The sky shining bright yet it is night.
The lightning bringing fear to ghost who know no cheer.
The clouds rumble one after one like dominos that tumble.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
We were just lifting weights.
Then she went off to yoga class.
I was doing my reps.
She came back tired and worn out.
I told her to call it a day.
She said she wanted to do more reps with me.
How could I resist her big brown eyes begging me?
It happened while we were doing suicides.
She began to slow down.
I turned to look back at her.
She was on the floor.
I ran to her and turned her on her back.
She was coughing.
She was barely breathing.
I asked her where her inhaler was.
She shook her head and whispered she has lost it.
She began to shake.
Then she fell silent.
I yelled for help.
Forgetting we were in a soundproof gymnasium.
I gave her mouth-to-mouth.
After six tries she woke up.
She steadied her breathing.
She sat up and held onto me.
She said thanks and hugged me.
I picked her up and put her in the car.
Now we are home.
She is laying down.
I am watching over her.

She could have died.
It would have been my fault.
She almost died today.
I couldn't live without her.
1.8k · Jun 2013
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
I will be home soon.

You can cry into my arms and tell me what happened.

Let it all out on the table for me.

I'm here for you.

We are the Moonlight.

We can get through any dark shadow that comes our way.

I'll be home soon.

Wait for me.
1.7k · Dec 2014
Demonic Possesion
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
I see her ******* in the night.

My tongue thirsty to make her mine.

Letting the devil inside take over.

I slowly open her door and enter.

My eyes glowing red in the darkness.

I thrown her onto the bed and let demons take over as I pull off her shirt.

I hear her say no as I slide off her pants and bite her stomach.

The devil asks for more.

I unclasp her bra and throw it to the wall and begin to bite.

My hands slide down her sides and slowly comes off her white laced *******.

I kiss down her body and feel her shiver.

The devil possesses us both as she begins to take off my clothes.

We ride out our fantasies as the devil watches.

I leave her alone in the room to think it was a dream.

Took away her innocence.

Just because my demons possessed me.
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
I'm okay.
I only tried to confess my love to you.
But you have someone else.
It's okay.
It's whatever.
Kicking you out of my room was the best way to tell you that your reaction was wrong.
I only want you to say it back.

I'm in love with you.
1.4k · Dec 2014
She's A Fighter.
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
She cries.
She whispers her pain into my ear.
She lays down on her bed of roses.
She sobs.
She covers her face with the pillow.
She says your name and breaks down.
She curls up like a child.
She looks out her window.
She silently weeps.
She wipes her tears.
She pretends she isn't hurt.
She's stronger than us all.
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
Out of place and rather uncertain
Lacking instructions, suggestions and a warning
Bouncing about like a toy ball
Uncomfortable with all my tics
I've always felt so quirkily and small

Lacking order and any sense of being,
Feeling out of place, unloved no ones ever hearing,
Broken and bruised from head to toe,
My scars shining bright against the pale white snow,
Just because I couldn't learn to walk straight,

Crooked toothed but grinning
I always feel like I'm sinning
Every time I'm early I feel late
Burnt to a crisp is the price of the flame
I'm just a solo player stuck in this game*

Maybe I'm the sinner and you're the saint,
Your halo is burning, getting lost in the flames,
Take my hand and join with me,
For we can end the heartache that seems to be,
Lets be awkward together,
There's no one better
1.0k · May 2013
My Story Pre/Post Adoption.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
How can I make something out of nothing?

Like honestly, I was born with all I could ever ask for.

Then when I was six my dad died.

Car crash... I was in the car with him that day.

A few years later my mom died of cancer.

I held her hand as she died.

Child services tried to send me to my crazy uncle in Vermont.

I couldn't let that happen.

I ran away.

I was labled "A.W.O.L. #4."

For almost a year I survived on change I found in the streets.

I also wrote my own songs and sang thrm on the corner of a street for just dollars a day.

Until this one day...

She came to me like a dream.

I was washing my hair in a public fountain when she found me.

She was wearing white shorts and a red shirt tucked in.

Her hair was pulled back in a neat, curly ponytail.

She walked up to me and offered me her towel.

(She had just come from a day at the beach.)

I took it from her and thanked her.

She stared at me for what seemed like an hour.

I held out my hand and told her my name.

She shook it and told me hers.

She saw my tattered clothes and my ***** scars.

"Want to come over my house? I can get you some new clothes and you can stay a night if you'd like."

I couldn't decline.

I had no other better offer.

I only had 3.21$ on me and my notebook and pen.

She picked up my book and took my hand.

She took me to her house and instructed me to take a shower.

She handed me soap and a towel and shut the door on her way out.

When I got out she had layed out clothing for me and told me to meet her in the kitchen.

She cooked me an omelet with cheese and a salad on the side.

She handed me a glass of orange juice and without another word she left upstairs.

I was almost done by the time she came back down.

She had a bag in her hands.

She took out a razor and mens shaving cream.

Then she grabbed scissors and smiled at me.

She wet my hair and slicked it back.

She began to snip away at my hair.

I watched lock after lock fall down.

When she was done she dried my hair with a towel.

It was beautiful.

I thanked her.

She even shaved my face.

I felt so new and clean.

I told her I had to leave.

She asked me to stay one night because it had already began to get dark.

She took me to her room and told me to get on her bed.

I went on and she put a blanket on me.

She then layed down on the floor.

I told her to switch spots with me.

She refused so I picked her up and put her on her bed.

She told me if she had to sleep on her bed I had to sleep with her.

We woke up the next morning and her mother was standing over the bed.

It took a while for her to explain what was going on.

Her mom then called Child Protection Services and told them where I was.

A week later we went to an office that looked like it belonged in an insane asylum.

I was told to go in a waiting room.

After two hours of waiting she came back out and said, "Let's go home big brother."

She was holding yellow papers in her hand.

Adoption papers.

I had been taken in by her.

How can I thank her now?

She had saved my life.

And since then she has saved my life three other times.

I have nothing to give to her.

How can I make something out of nothing when it depends on my dear sisters' happiness?
Thank you for saving me from the world Adreishka. I love you.
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
Ok. So there are like about ten guys right. And they all are in love or falling in love with my sister.* Let me just tell you, if one of you ******* hurts her or harasses her I will find you and leave you broken. I don't even give two damns if your in another state or country. I will fly to your *** and knock you the **** out. My sister is too good for ya'll. You'se need to lower the testosterone levels and find a girl where you live. My sister is sixteen and half you guys hitting on her are like in your mid-twenties. There is only one guy for her. Just one, and you know who you are. We message sometimes. But for the rest of ya'll, ******* mess with my sister and I will personally send you into hell. God help me!

Thank you for reading and listening to my bantering.

Questions and comments can be posted her or messaged to me. Have a nice night or day, wherever you live.
971 · May 2013
Girls... ?
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Why are girls so confusing?

One second they are the happiest people on earth, the next they slam doors and start screaming.

I mean we were just chilling in my room.

Playing our video games.

Next thing you know... bang!

She starts growling under her breath and runs out of my room and slams her door like a madman!

What did I do?

Maybe it wasn't me.

Maybe it was you.
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
Just like if
You could love me
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
Didn't know
That this love
Could last us forever
This Chinese Lantern stuff is fun and challenging to come up with. But for a first try I say I did ok.
927 · May 2013
I'm not a bad guy.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
You: Want to go get ******?

Me: No...

You: Want to get drunk?

Me: No..

You: Want to go beat someone up?

Me: No.

You: Want to get beat up for being an *******?

Me: Yes.

Just **** me. I will truly be alive then.
923 · Dec 2014
Not So Special
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
My poems never trend.
I usually never get likes.
Repost is not in my vocabulary.
Having my poems added to collections is a very rare thing.

I don't mind.
My thoughts weren't meant to be read anyways.
I'm not so special.
I only have two followers who I want reading my poetry anyways.

If your poem won't trend.
If no one likes it.
If its not reposted.
If it never graces a collections touch.
Don't feel sad or unwanted.
It just means your thoughts are too perfect for words.
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
When you are
Happy so am
800 · May 2013
Ledwin You Got Two Choices.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Now you see? That is where you ****** up. You can talk all the **** you want about me. But if you talk **** about my sister I'm going to shove my ******* fist in your face. You make her cry all the time. That **** gets me insane. You say you care. *******. You say she is special. ******* and a half. Then you try to say she's a liar!? That **** don't fly boy. Not in my book. Niqqas get shot where I live for saying that. Now if you cannot respect my sister then you can ******* go. We done with your ***** ****.  Or you can stay and treat her how she deserves to be treated.
782 · May 2013
You called for me?
Andrew Quilles May 2013

"Is Andrew home?"

This is him speaking.

"Heyyy. It's me _"

Oh hey

"I need your help..."

Ok? Are you hurt?

"I'm..... Well I'm not hurt yet...."

I can come over if you'd like.

"No you wouldn't like to see me like this."

Her speech is slurred...

Are you drunk?

"No I don't drink. I'm high though. Hehe."

I'm coming there right now.

"No... no you.. you can stay. I have my friend here with me."

Who is your friend?


Who's that?

"Calabar. You know? 22 Calabar. He used to be your friend."

Put it down. I'm on my way.


dial tone.....

Where are you!?

"In my room... Come find me."

As I walk up the stairs, Bang

Why did you have to do it?
Andrew Quilles Jul 2013
I told him. Yes I did. Only to protect you from going back. You have been doing so good. Now you want to dig up those scars and reopen them? Please don't. I'm sorry I told him. It was the only way to save you from getting hurt... Or worse -Dying-.... I'm sorry. Honestly. Just forgive me, I'm on my knees begging please...
734 · Oct 2013
Andrew Quilles Oct 2013
My sister might like girls.
But she is happy with her boyfriend.

I have no girlfriend.
I think something is wrong with me.

Does that mean I can't be happy with girls?
Am I gay?

I just want the happiness that I see her with.
Andrew Quilles Sep 2013
You're such a *******.
She just wants to lure you in.
She wants you to fall for her tricks.
She wants to make you fall.
She wants you to fall so hard that you will break upon impact.
She wants to break you bit by bit.
All those arguments that you start,  those are really her.
When she says she loves you it's just a lie.
She can't love.
She is cold blooded.
She doesn't know what love is.
Run away while you can old friend.
I've seen her build and destroy guys like you.
The outcome is not pretty.

When you see her grab her arms.
Turn them over and see the blood she shed silently.
The lies will come out from there.
She never cared for you.
She never will.

Lol. "Babe?" Yea lets see how long that will last.
730 · May 2013
Ledwin You Got Two Choices.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Now you see? That is where you ****** up. You can talk all the **** you want about me. But if you talk **** about my sister I'm going to shove my ******* fist in your face. You make her cry all the time. That **** gets me insane. You say you care. *******. You say she is special. ******* and a half. Then you try to say she's a liar!? That **** don't fly boy. Not in my book. Niqqas get shot where I live for saying that. Now if you cannot respect my sister then you can ******* go. We done with your ***** ****.  Or you can stay and treat her how she deserves to be treated.
723 · Jul 2013
My Thoughs Are Dry
Andrew Quilles Jul 2013
Dry as a waterless well.
Dry as a rainless desert.
Dry as a withered bone.
Dry like most of Jeff Dunhams jokes.
Dry like a summer day.

My thoughts run dry.
I have no more thoughts.
701 · May 2013
Why Me?
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Why did love come my way?
Why is it hard to express?
Why did your ***** blond hair and blue eyes **** me in?
Why has your presence vacuumed me in?
Why choose me when I will hurt you?
My sister Adreishka Moonlight wrote this one for me. We fell in love with someone with the same features. So she felt I could have it.
677 · Jun 2013
Slaughter, LA.
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
This state is so quiet.
The people are nice though.
I was buying groceries yesterday and this man paid for my whole purchase as a "Welcome to Louisiana" gift.
Hope this town grows on me.
643 · Nov 2014
Small vacation
Andrew Quilles Nov 2014
I forgot my password
I'm back now
Are you ready for me?
598 · Sep 2013
Straight out the loony bin
Andrew Quilles Sep 2013
Guess who's back?
Back again.
Andy's back.
Tell a friend.

Lol hi guys. I'm back for a while.
I was in the hospital dealing with issues.
If you want more information on that just message me. Thanks for supporting me though guys. I love you all! (Well most of you?)
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
I'm going to peel your skin open
I'm going to spill out your guts.
I'm going to push you out of existence.
Haha, watch your back.
Mess with her and you ae ****** up by me.
I will get you in the worst of ways.
You will regret ever seeing her that day.
You will regret ever caring for her.
You will regret every breath you've taken.
536 · May 2013
Poetry Isn't My Thing.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
I'm not much of a poetry person.

My best friend Adreishka Moonlight (She is a poet here) told me to try it out. Here I am, there you are reading this.... Nice how life works huh?
525 · Jun 2013
Death May Proceed Love...
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
You never listen!
I am right here.
Can't you see me?
I am waving my hand in your face.
Show me some signs of life.
A flutter of your eyelashes.
A gasp for breath.
A twitch of a finger.
Anything to tell me you're alive.
Please just wake up.
This can't end like this.
It just can't.
Hold on to me.
Hold on to life.
Don't follow the light.
It will only hurt you.
Just come back to me.
This love cannot be the death of you.
It just can't!
524 · May 2013
How do you spell poetry?
Andrew Quilles May 2013
P- Precision on paper
O- Optimism is optional
E- Extention of words printed in pen
T- Timed and tested for perfection
R- Read and commented on
Y- Yet what is written is for your eyes only
Andrew Quilles May 2013
I shed tears that are the color of blood.

You will never see me.

I will hide behind closed doors.

I will bare my fangs in darkness.

I will creep into your room like every night and sink my teeth in.

I will clean up after myself.

Like I do everyday.

I will retract my fangs and lay down in my bed satisfied.

I cannot believe I held my thirst for this long.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Laying here with you,
I can't help but wonder...
What would have become of me if you hadn't picked me up off the street?
Would I have a family as good as this?
Would I be alive?
Would I be this lucky to be able to see you smile everyday?

I love you little sis.
444 · May 2013
O dear child
Andrew Quilles May 2013
O dear child,

When wilt thou learn? Pain tis not a way to cope with pain. Blood shed tis blood lost. Nothing tis gained from this. Thou musn't give in to thine demons. Not again. For once thy hath given in, thou shalt never come back out.
317 · Dec 2014
She's Hopelessy In love
Andrew Quilles Dec 2014
To watch her breaking into pieces.

To see her cry and drown in her tears.

To see her newest scars begin to form.

To see her hold onto scraps of faith.

And he doesn't love her anymore.
Not new.

And he wants to disappear from her.
Not new.

And he wants her to forget his love.
Not new.

And he want another girl in his life.
Not new.
300 · May 2013
Going down.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Far away from this place.

— The End —