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Analysa Marie Mar 2017
You're gonna feel lost sometimes
But you'll always have me to call home

We don't need wedding vows
I love you until I die

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
Some days I wake up hating the body I'm in and some days I wake up loving the body I'm in, but it's gotten to the point where I'm loving myself more than I'm hating it. I'm different and everything about being different is okay. The best advice I can offer is love who you are because once you love you, you won't care about others negative words towards you. People will feel the love you have for yourself and they'll love you too. I feel like people try to fix their physical appearance too much they let their mind become weak. They ignore the most important part of themselves and that's who you are inside. Once you're mentally healthy and learned about self love everything in your life will fall into place. You won't allow the negativity you don't deserve into your life. I swear you will wake up with more smiles instead of depression.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
Don't expect a person who has been nothing but toxic in your life to turn out being the healthiest thing you think your own doctor would recommend you. Once you allow someone to disrespect you the first time they will just continue disrespecting you simply because they know you will continue to take them back into your forgiving heart. They will take advantage of your love for them, but your tears and your pain means nothing to them but just a game they love to play. Stop allowing yourself to be a contestant in their game because after every round you're going to lose and the only one walking away with the gold is them. You can't change a person who does not wish to be changed. Everyone does not have the same definition of love however when someone genuinely loves you with all their heart and all their soul they will never purposely put you through pain, they will never keep you up at night questioning whether or not you're enough for them. Once you come to terms what real love is I promise you will fall asleep with dreams instead of waking up because of nightmares.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
I had to be weak to learn what strength is,
I had to say a few goodbyes to realize a "hello" will come again soon,
I had to get my heartbroken over and over again to become wiser
And I had to hate to love with all my heart.
Every storm I had to go through trained me to no longer need an umbrella for the rain in the future.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
Every time I'm put in a tough situation it drags me down at first. Sometimes I just need a break. I need to close my eyes and just be in silence so I can let my thoughts drown me for a moment. In this process I self reflect and I know I'm gonna get back up. I'm a believer in love. Love strengthens me. Love defeats all hatred. Love is what I live for and because of love I'm able to tackle anything that attempts to bring me to ruins. Love heals me.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
Continue loving. Love with every beat your heart pounds through your chest. Because when you lose your mind love will follow and cure you. Nothing in this universe compares to the love you radiate towards the ones who love you back. It is the greatest magic I've seen all my life. When you have nothing and when you are empty love will fill you up and heal all your wounds.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
Don't be afraid to take power over your own path in life. People will try to taint the vision you already painted in your head and at times it will discourage you. They will tell you the way you're trying to reach your goals is the wrong way, but it is not up to them. It's ultimately up to you. No one knows your vision like you do, no one has a passion for what you love the way you do, no one knows your potential the way you do and no one dreams the way you do. Don't let anyone control your path to your own success. Whoever is dragging you down instead of helping you stand up shouldn't even be part of your life. This is your purpose. Only you know where you want to go, don't let the traffic get in the way.

- Analysa Marie
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