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Analysa Marie Mar 2017
You came into my world of depression, and darkness and you cleared it all away for me. Now, I'm laying beside you and I've never felt further away from you. As much as I want to hear the words "I don't love you anymore" come out of your mouth just so I can hurry up and attempt to move on from the ice age you put me through you didn't have to say it. I can read your mind and if you don't have the time anymore to pick up my pieces, and put me back together then you can go, but you should know that I gave you my whole world. I didn't have much, but the little I had I handed it to you. I trusted you when my instincts told me not to and I loved you when my heart told me "not this one" and it only made me feel like a crazy girl. You found me empty, and you left me empty. You stripped me of my beauty, my love, my grace, and my emotion. I am tired because of you. I am physically and emotionally exhausted I can't even eat my favorite dinner. Thanks to you I hate it now and everytime I think of it, it makes me want to puke. You ripped my heart out and I let you run off with it well I guess you dropped it on the way to see your new victim. I hope she can see your foolishness as soon as you kiss her lips and leave them poisoned the way I couldn't have. I swear I feel it. I physically feel the emptiness of where my heart once beat for you. There's nothing there anymore. It's gone. All I can feel is a constant bang every two seconds when my brain transfers the memory to my heart of you saying you love me. I convinced myself that I was never whole until I met you. I convinced you, myself, and everyone else that you were the half to complete me. You left me in the deep end and I couldn't swim. I was left with water in my lungs and you never saved me. They say it's only a broken heart, but I swear I feel myself dying from it.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
I was the only one on my knees praying for something better than right now. I was searching for me, trying to figure out how this caged girl can be free. I finally escaped out of the crowd of fear and disbelief and I found myself. I started off as roots and I bloomed into a flower. My petals hold power and my stem no longer slugs. No matter how hard a person tries to rip me out of the ground I refuse to ever wilt again.

- Analysa Marie
Analysa Marie Mar 2017
I learned something about selfish people over the years. Even when they know their love and concern for you is fake, even when they know they will abandon you, ******* all the trust you put into them out of you they will still enter your life just to taste the sweetest parts of you and of course you will hold the door open for them because your heart is much bigger than theirs. But once you are no longer useful for them they will spit out that taste of sweetness they once craved for. They will leave you with nothing but an aching heart while theirs still beats with life. But one day reality will hit them and they will realize that you never lost them but they simply lost you.

- Analysa Marie

— The End —