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They want to rub us out
like Jack never met Jill
whether it's with culture or with pills
we're excised
by the rising tide below the hill
we'll die up here
who will be the one to make the ****?

They want to put us out
to pasture
like a light
They want us all to doubt
we have a real reason to fight
They've got us figured out
so They think
well, They might
switching up opponents
quick as day turns into night.

They want us to be quiet
as a mouse is to a man
They want our only diet to be
yellow eggs and spam
They want us smiling sweetly
like our teeth were made of jam
up here we only grimace
at Their sinister advance.

They want us not to linger lest
our love become the truth
They want us to move on
without a second point of view
They want us to point fingers
so that's just what we'll do
and who are They?
the question asked, the answer
could be you.
As the day
closes, and the
night slides in.
The big fish hunt
in shallow water.

The old dog
leaves home to
die alone.
Orphans cry for
and the arrogant
choke on
rotten meat.

The libraries
become hostels
and owls
break the backs
of tom-cats on
the prowl.
The ***** is gone
and the cigarettes too.

And somewhere
in this silly
world, a father kisses
his daughter good night.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recent books, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems and Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories.
I live in a quaint little town
In a wink or a blink,
you’ll drive right through
There’s not much to see but lots to do

Take a good look around
we have two parks in town
One; the senior center park
Summer Friday night music til dark

Margaret Polk Park Community build
Baseball, diamonds, and a soccer field
A quarter of a mile path around
is where the dogs’s path can be found

Wildflowers as far as the eye can see
The edge of the forest a fallen tree
A river runs through the northern side
Nooks and crannies for Deer to live hide

Motocross bicycle course for all ages
competition in qualifying stages
A wonderful event on Fourth of July
Fireworks, food stations, watching the sky

Watermelon slices Practice your song
Center stage performances all day long
Face painting Dancers singers, bands
Our great experiment by God’s hands

The annual Damboree highlight of the year
Celebrate the Dam completion beers cheer
Mining for Gold, Rush to Northern Cali
  three encampments called Central Valley.

A Tourist Store find trinkets galore to take
Boating, camping playing on Shasta Lake
This tiny town now has a Dollar Store
Five marijuana dispensaries not much more

One and only Shasta Damboree
Cool April nights car show to see
Asphalt, cowboy’s Pancake breakfast
Veteran’s Parade the celebration blast

Saturday night music in the park
Starts at afternoon until dark
Monthly craft displays
Handmade goods amaze

We have a pet Mayer YES, I say smugly
A seven year old pug named Pugly
The pet mayor contest a fundraiser creates
A Children’s Christmas party Fashion plate

300 gifts to families of our community
Our tiny town no change in 30 yrs of unity
A moratorium on growth we cherished
Sadly, that philosophy has parish

Plans demand. Homeless integration
Tare down homes for new segregation
Build skyscrapers box dwelling
New Drug communities are swelling
There will be a sequel to this poem. Change is all around. You can hardly recognize her a little town.
Upside Down

        Sometimes it makes no sense
In the light it’s still too dark to see
There’s no chains binding
But still I can’t break free

I can do everything just right
And ultimately I’m still wrong,
I feel like I’m just a broken melody
A Crackling sound without a song

I can be so high and still rising up
Yet I can feel so down
Like I’m driving on the highway
And all the signs are telling to turn around

It’s a phenomenon that I can never explain
Let alone try to understand
Like having my body and my brain
But to each they’re foreign land

I’m always alone in a crowded room
The voices are loud but there’s no sound
I’m walking through life but it’s not right
It’s like everything is Upside Down

Written By:Charles Kean
Funny how it seemed to work.
I got up every day and did
Everything on my mental list.
I chugged and huffed along at it
’Til it was time to pull the plug
And see what sleep could offer.

I made new friends along the way
And lost a few for things
I did and did not do.
I had success and failures too
With mostly humdrum in between
But I managed to leave a trace of me.

Funny how I wound up here at last
Life happened unbeknownst to me
With things that came and went by me
Devouring hours and days and months
That blurred the seasons and my goals
And left me here unwinding it.

Would I go back and rearrange
The way I made my daily choices
If that was somehow possible?
Too much is unbeknownst to me
to chance losing all the good there was
To possIbly erase the bad.
I’ll let the past remain the past.
Always loved that word.  I'm a  life-long time logophile.
The pages, they turn
Each chapter, each verse
A description, in letters
Invested, immersed
Will the plot thicken?
Will the story unfold?
Will the ending be happy?
Or bitter, and cold?
Will there be a sequel?
Are the answers revealed?
A book for the ages
When opened, unsealed
a sharp blade

after shaving

from a gnarled wooden

or is it the sound
of your gravelly singing

and the many guitars
you've  owned and played

or the feel of stubble
or the smell of cologne

I don't know

but I'll can and will say
at the risk of selfishness

is your day is
mine too

and a day
will never be enough
Happy Father's Day to my Dad who I am fortunate to still have in my life.
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