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 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
Mike Hauser
a heart made of stone
never will know
the freedom love holds

never at rest
the living dead
where a heart is kept

tight in the grip
dark in the chest
thoughts in the head

it must soften up
a heart made of stone
if it's ever to know love
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
Mike Hauser
a lesson's learned
something borrowed
something earned
even from
mistakes we make
lessons are learned

a lesson's learned
some bring pleasure
others hurt
to be sure
the ones that hurt
more valuable
the lesson learned

a lesson's learned
concrete jungle
sidewalk dirt
it may seem like
a lot of work
but everyday
a lesson's learned
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
Foreboding walkways
With weight of a million wreaths
Pulling in the walls
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
I consumed a small
vial of courage today.

And it got me out of my mind,
my aches
and my bed.

It got me showered,
and out the door.

It helped me on the bus,
through the rumble of
the exhausted engine.
It deflected the stares from eyes
who seemingly judged.

It placed me at work.
Fuelled me through
the sledgehammer ticks
that echo never ending seconds.

And I eventually find myself home...

So I consumed a small
vial of courage today.
And I'm brave enough
to admit that I'm afraid.

Afraid that I may be running out.
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
 Jun 2017 Ami Shae
If I was ever presented
with the impossible chance

To accurately chronicle
every subtle nuance

Measured against
the number of elapsing days

No ink would be enough
No hand could keep the pace
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