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 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Even though I can't help you all, I know God will.
He has been there for me when I needed Him the most.
His love will fix your broken spirit; it takes time I know.
You might be waiting a long time before He steps in and helps.
You may wander and fall, but God is there.
Reach out for Him, feel His love and warmth.
He is there I promise, He is there for everyone.
Sick, old, young, blind, deaf. it doesn't matter, He is there for you.
He loves you.
I thought I would try something new, I needed to write something like this. John Stevens, inspired this one by showing me one of his poems.
I have struggled with believing in God, I have struggled and I didn't think God was there for me. I'm not exactly sure if he really is. But I hope everyone enjoys this piece and I hope who ever has lost there faith, finds a way to become close to there faith again. Please tell me what you think and I hope everyone is having a good day.
My friend.
I think of you and would love to take away all the pain in your eyes.

My wish is you find peace within yourself and remove your fears,
and you become amazingly happy without stress and worry.
Then you will find the clarity to see how blessed you are in many ways.

Then you can see it is the journey.
Each day do what you can, and don't judge it.
It is gone.
Look forward to another day, other experiences,
and another page in your life.
You get to choose what it will be, and it will be perfect because it is. You can do this. You can do anything.

We set up goals, but they can become hurdles,
then barriers to our feelings.
They become ends with nothing next.
We made it, what now?
We are unique beings and can choose our path.
We can be happy, or choose to only be happy if certain things happen. I would rather just be happy.

Life sends us terrible tragedies sometimes.
Things that tear at our souls and make us doubt our faith.
That rips our heart out and leaves only despair.
I know this feeling. Oh, do I know this feeling.
If we can let go of our fears, try and make sense of our lives,
we can mourn, then remember the joys of times we shared past.
The wonderful days we had.

Or we can hold on to this terrible pain all our lives, let it define us. Even let the terrible pain take over and let it shorten our lives.
We can do that. We can do anything.

It is when we forget who we are, and feel we have no control over our lives or happiness, we are lost.
Become a victim. Why me?
I am cursed, god has abandoned me.
So we can wander in the wilderness for 40 years, or we can find our way.
Maybe someone will guide us.
We can search forever or we can find a teacher.
We can do this. We can do anything.

Sometimes we feel trapped, and accept our fate.
Nothing we can do.
We have so many obligations we have to do.
So many things we can't let go of, all the things we can't change.
This means we feel there are so many things we must do when we don’t.
So many things we won't let go or are afraid to change.
We can do this. We can do anything.

I can't tell you what to do.
I can't tell you which path to take when you come to a fork, a choice.
I hope you will actually realize when you are making those choices.
No matter what you think, you control your life,
unless you decide to give that power to someone else.

So I hope you choose your paths well.
And if one of them comes near me, we can share some magical moments and I recognize them as being special.

You decide when you move, when you pause, or when you stop.
You decide who you will shine your light on;
Who you share a piece of your life with.
You can do this. You can do anything.
I just hope you know when you are making a choice,  
that it will take your life in one direction or the other.

And I hope you choose happiness.
If you let go of the pains and worries you hold so tight to your chest, you will be free to attract those things in life you need.

And then dream of the things you have found so elusive,
the things that will complete you, and they will come to you.
Life is a journey, not a goal because when you reach a goal, it ends. Your life doesn't end now, but it is easy to get lost again.
You think, I’m here, where do I go?
But you can do this, there is no right or wrong.
Who has the power to decide that if not you?
We live with those choices.
You can do this.
You can do anything.
Never forget.
Wrote this to a friend who was troubled. I read that Leonard Cohen worked so ******* his poems. Struggled with a wrong word, a break in the feeling. For weeks, even months. I love his writings and songs. I am happy I don't do that, I would never have the patience. I sit down and sometimes a story comes out. I may correct spelling or words, and then post it. I admire those that display such attention to detail in their works. True poets. I am an empath and just write down feelings when they come. I am no poet or writer. This is the first thing I posted because my friends on Facebook liked it. It brings me happiness when someone says it helped, and I look for nothing else. Richard
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Walking in the midnight garden of lost hopes and dreams

I inhale the scents of not all it seems

It's here the Dedpoet speaks to me

He tells me things I didn't know

As away I go

further into the realm of enchanted dreams

Here, past, present, future, hold no sway.

Blindly I place one step in front of the other

Pathways are a long time gone.

All the while I hear his voice

Omnipresent, pure, urging me forward

Breath holds in my chest

Unwilling to escape,

Again I hear that voice

Leading me to clarity

Where at last I breathe

I am on the site now
To call for prayer & praise!
My father's in the woods again
In hospital for days
I'm trying to be strong now
But feel a little dazed
I need the Holy Spirit
With Him I'm unfazed

My dad is in a lot of pain
He's blind in the right eye
Something has gone very wrong
As yet we don't know why
He is very stoic
But something's gone awry
He's 91, a veteran
A real stand-up guy

They don't want optic surgery
As he's so elderly
There must be a solution but
We don't know what it could be!
They may have to put him under
Danger to a high degree
They'll replace the cornea
So again he'll see!

This, and so much more in life
Causes us to plod
But there is One to help us
Him I will applaud!
He is ever faithful...

*Jesus Christ our GOD!
I'm not going to be on site again for a while. I will try to read later today, but I'm calling on a lot of people to pray for my father. He's in the hospital again, with tremendous pain in his right eye. This man is stoic... hardly ever complains. So his eye must really hurt!

I'm asking for prayers and good thoughts again... and praise for the Most High! He alone holds the solution! Thank you!

♡ Catherine
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
I have loved, Now I have lost the love of my life.
I’m done loving people, at least for now.
My heart is broken.
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