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efni Nov 2021
i'm equally as scared as i am curious to know
what i would do if i ever could see myself

not my reflection nor my shadow
not a photograph, not a memory
but to stand beside and breathe
separately and simultaneously
with the person i am right now

would i see the girl that
my loved ones claim to admire and cherish
or be disappointed by meeting
exactly whom i already perceive myself as


would i see death in her eyes
like i do daily in the mirror
or would i see hope, hatred
pity, strength, guilt...fear

yes, i think i'd see fear

i think i'd take a knife to her head
and pierce the wicked, coward
that sits protected within my skull
until i couldn't swing anymore

or maybe i'd give her a hug


to stab her in the back.
that seems more like it
we've never been one for
confrontation anyways

"Know thy enemy and know yourself" - Sun Tzu

there are many directions i could have taken this poem, i let myself write blindly and it led me here. i wonder if i will always be my own and worst enemy.
efni Nov 2021
how silly of you,
my precious and massive heart,
to press and push and wedge and ram
crushing yourself against this ribbed cage that
unjustly holds you inside the prison of our body
ruled by this ruthless tyrant of a mind

i sincerely believe you would break
my bones before you stop

and i dont blame you
sometimes i feel like my heart is being pulled out of my chest but maybe nothing is "pulling" maybe it's just trying to escape me...i would too.
efni Nov 2021
clean laundry.

shaping a
perimeter of
piles around
me sitting,
legs crossed
and slightly

the voice of
a male siren
croons to
slow acoustic
tones playing
from one
side of my

along with
𝒉𝒊𝒔 static

it's a tuesday evening at 5:45pm and i think i can be happy.
this is becoming an unfamiliar pattern.
efni Oct 2021
fractured and scattered
pieces of me reconcile
when you hold me together
so tightly that even when
you have to let me go

they don't fall away

maybe... just maybe... i dont have to be broken.
you showed me that.
  Oct 2021 efni
Mitch Prax
Stardust flows through
your veins and every touch
creates galaxies upon my skin.
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