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efni Sep 2021
i hope as you're drifting off now
you imagine the comfort of
me holding you closely but gently
as i so desperately want to

perhaps if i want it enough
you'll feel a warmth fall onto you
and somehow know that it's
my love seeping through the screen

he fell asleep on our call...again ♡
efni Sep 2021
I wish I'd throw up until I died.
  Sep 2021 efni
no more waiting
on you to change
it's like staring at the sun
until it rains
what if it never does
and when it does what will i do
a couple burned retinas
and water in my shoes
no more waiting
on you to be better
it's like asking a tree
how's the weather
no reply
and if it did i'd lose my ****
and i've already lost enough
let's not be friends

no more thinking
you'll treat me right
no more crying
to sleep every night
no more watching
shrinking headlights
no longer welcome
this is goodbye
efni Aug 2021
this old creaking fan
is but a pathetic recreation of
the magical song of waves
that lulled me to sleep

and even if I squint
my roof, scratched and stained
hardly bears resemblance
to a starry sky

and pillows damp
from stray tears is a lousy jump
from resting in warmth
of loved ones

came back from a trip with friends
came right back to this dark hole
I didn't expect otherwise but it still hurts
efni Aug 2021
walking away, your grip
around my throat vanishing
as i ready for a rush of relief
a great gasp fills empty lungs
with acidic oxygen simply
replacing my suffocation with
a different kind of suffering

you're gone but you still hurt me
you're gone but i still feel you

shouldn't the worst be over...
i don't feel relief. i just feel like ****.
efni Aug 2021
i hope at the very least
you were telling the truth
when you said you miss me

i hope you're miserable like me but i know you're not.
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