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  Jul 2015 Almas Patvi
True friends never say good-bye
There is pure truth between us
That will never die
The miles between will be rough
So carry the memories with you
Because the power of friendship
Will always carry you through...
Remember, never forget
To follow what is in your heart
Because true friends
Will never be apart..
They will be there to share the laughter..
Do not forget your friends at all
For they pick you up when you fall..
Do not expect to just take and hold
Give friendship back, it is pure gold..
Dedicated to my friends
  Jul 2015 Almas Patvi
My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair
I want to share with you
What makes me happy
what makes me feel blue..
So you can sense that my love is honest and true.

Every day not a single minute
Passes by without you in it 
Your skin, your voice, your body and your touch
All of these moments, I miss them so much.

You are so present, so deep in my heart
And our souls, I just know, will never part,
But circumstance and distance can be so overwhelming
They close doors and create doubt and we start blaming..

There are actions of mine and I know that for sure..
That feel so wrong, though my intentions are pure
They are painful and impossible to bear And you feel it's all so unfair..
I know I can't hide from my thoughts and my fear
And I know at these times I don't seem near
But you break down these walls
With the strength of your love
And then I feel blessed
From God above!

My love for you runs so deep through my vein
That I dream of you, in spite of my pain.
Dedicated to my love
  Jul 2015 Almas Patvi
A million stars up in the sky
one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to u
The angels sing when u are near
within ur arms I have nothing to fear
u always know just what to say 
just talking to u makes my day
I love you allu with all of my heart
together forever and never to part
I will forget all my sorrow
Just to be with u tomorrow
Thinking u're always beside me
Hoping that u'll never leave me
Almas Patvi Jul 2015
Its been so long since we know each other,
Nothing else other than us make us bother..
If I could wish only one thing from God,
It could be only  you my love..

You care for me the most,
Without you I am lost.
Please dont ever leave me alone,
Cannot imagine my life if you are gone..

Just hold my hands forever,
And promise u will leave me never..
I cant express how much I love you,
It feels so special and lucky to have you..
Poem dedicated to #mohammedtaha
Almas Patvi Jul 2015
Thank you for standing by my side when time gets hard to survive,
Thank you for making me laugh when I dint even  wanted to smile,
Thank you for forgiving all my mistakes,
Thank you for bearing me in my worst face...

People have friends People have besties,
I hope there could be no one like you so please ,
Dont ever leave me alone  because I really need you,
My life is incomplete and I cant live without you..

I am not saying all this just for the sake,
My love and care for you was never ever fake,
Some lines for you very true:-
"A true friend is hard to find,
They are rare and one of a kind..
I dint care if i had only few..
Atleast I have one of the best ie YOU!!!
This poem is dedicated to my best friend Sarita Bhorge..I hope she reads it.

— The End —