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 May 2018 Alexandra Hujanen
I tried
Tried so hard
I love you
So I tried
I went so long
My feelings poured into you
But they couldn't tonight
Why couldn't they come out
Was it because we had a good day
Or did the voices take control
I'm weak

So long
I went so long without you
My precious blade
I tossed you away
I'm sorry
I thought I could get rid of you
My beautiful addiction
I love him
So I tried to be better
Don't you understand
I'm weak

I tried
My arms bleed
Bleed as I struggle for a better blade
A knife
So dull
I needed better
A sharpener
My arms bleed
I don't know what to say
I'm sorry
I'm weak

Sorry isn't enough for what I've done
I love you
You are my world
The blade gave me a call
Did I hurt you
Did I cut you deeper
Did I betray you
I'm weak

I tried to be strong
I wanted to tell you why I hurt
Why I was in pain
How people have hurt me before
I'm weak

The call was too strong
I tried
I'm crying now
Crying because I failed
Crying because hurt
Crying because of my mistakes
I'm weak

I'm sorry
I'm so **** sorry
I need you
I'm sorry, I'm weak
But sorry doesn't mean much if you keep repeating your mistakes
I love you
I'm weak

I hate you blade
I love you blade
I hate you blade
I wish you would go away
I need him
Don't let me hurt him
I hurt him
Because you hurt me
**** you blade
Cut me till I bleed
I deserve it
I betrayed everyone for you
Cut me till I bleed
I'm weak

I'm weak
I'm weak
I'm weak
I'm weak
I'm weak
I am weak, and I gave in to the pain

— The End —