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12.9k · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Hurting once again
Disappointment has a name
No one ever wins.
2.5k · Mar 2013
Allison Hill Mar 2013
I'm trapped inside
the belly of a monster.
I am stripped of all feeling
it is turning me numb;
suffering can only
be the beginning.

I don't know if I've ever been happy.
1.9k · Aug 2014
Never Fair.
Allison Hill Aug 2014
I am here and you are there.
Life is never fair.
1.5k · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Burning close
I feel the flames
Bodies start to dissolve
What have I done?
Glancing down at trembling hands
Holding your body
You disintegrate as you lean in
Parts of you turn to ash
To leave your outline
My heart broke
Mind racing
Heart pounding
Contemplating my actions
Pondering what has happened
I remember
You lied
As the lit match lie against the floor burning
You shattered my heart to pieces
I watch you
Fire blazing
I turn my back and walk
1.3k · Apr 2012
Misleading Travel
Allison Hill Apr 2012
I am lost
in my exploration
of the notion
of relationships

Everybody says
true love is necessary
but nobody knows
yet what it is.

The collision of
human beings
is undeniable
but I can't seem to crash.
1.2k · Sep 2012
Allison Hill Sep 2012
My body says
I don't know happiness
My dreams believe in
My imagination.

I wish promises can fix
Lost things.
I'm waiting for words of hope and truth.
That rest deep inside.

To save me from my nightmares.
1.0k · Apr 2012
Miserable Promises
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Does it matter?
Am I of value to you now?
You broke every promise.
You brought me down.
You chained me with false hope.

Do you care?
Do you think I do?
I do not care.
I will make you miserable.
I will keep my promises.

Do you remember?
Did you think I would forget?
You trapped me.
I was held captive by fear.
You stood there and did nothing.

Weren’t you afraid?
Did you know I was?
The paper haunted me.
It always attacked my dreams.
Its mission was to ruin me.

The task was accomplished.
I hear them speak to me.
I have no control over my body.
I must do what it says.
I am forced to squeeze the life from you.
918 · Apr 2012
Fallen Tranquility
Allison Hill Apr 2012
******* and twisted
In all of its mystics
The orange leaves sing me
An imaginary song
This is the place I am
Comfortable in.

The cold strips away
Everything on the trees
Leaving them dead and frozen
The wind contains malice
Meant to destruct the peace
Of Autumn.
804 · Dec 2013
What Is Poetry?
Allison Hill Dec 2013
Haiku: in few words, i meet you
Free Verse: i can write without any restrictions
Alliteration: Repeat until your tongue becomes tied
Personification: Imagination can even make trees dance
Metaphor: we are similar, far from different
Onomatopoeia: Silence is what speaks the loudest
Couplet: Two lines can hurt very many.
800 · Apr 2012
False Actions
Allison Hill Apr 2012
"I love you"
"I miss you"
They are words that
are spoken to me.
I smile.

Everything they say is incoherent.
Such aliens I am related to.
We laugh over dim-witted memories.
We say loving things.
But I am uncertain.

They hug me.
They kiss my cheek.
They do all these things.
As sweet as it may sound...
It's really not

They rend everything.
734 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
You’ll leave memories to be sold
Happiness and tragedy to be told
Your death waiting to unfold
Escaping the lies you used to live
Do you want me to say I’m wrong?

You are all you ever see
Selfish and caring don’t agree
Fix your own lie before you attack mine
Your lungs are running dry
The poison flowing deep under the skin
Waiting for my assault to settle in

You can try to twist my words around
Your voice fading to silent sound
I could just leave your body on the ground
Lying there with your hands down
In the pool of crimson lies you drown

I won’t be stripped of ecstasy
You can’t persecute me
Don’t you see?
I am all you have envisioned me to be
I can’t take on your emotional weight
Fix your own lie before attacking mine
694 · Apr 2012
Sweet Dreams
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Tonight, I gargle with sleep.
I have dreams.
You haunt me.

I remember how you
honestly held me.
How you whispered
sweet nothing's in my ear.

Tonight, I gargle with sleep.
I have dreams.
Where happiness is short lived.
683 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Shed everything
That rests upon your body
As will I

Show yourself bare
To me
Let me learn about your scars

I can heal you
I want to see the shadows
That develop in the depths
Of your mystery

Your skin grazing mine
It burns me
And leaves me branded
Forever yours
661 · Mar 2013
Allison Hill Mar 2013
fingers can only
do so much before
the body caves in

temptation beings
rumbling with
hunger, desire, taste

the shedding begins
and all that's left
is skin against skin

heavy breathing paints
a heavy coat
on the walls

sin has never been this satisfying.
659 · Jun 2012
Allison Hill Jun 2012
Anger spills from me
How dare you
Strip me of friendship

I told you everything
But my words
Fell upon deaf ears

You are the only thing
that I think about
Decapitating freedom

I wasted love for you
Now I'm wasting time
Thinking about you.
638 · Nov 2012
Allison Hill Nov 2012
i hear springs creak
underneath the weight
of hips working together

where lips begin
parting over
heating flesh

fingers desperately
grasp for something
to hold in all sound

until both bodies
tremble and mold
into one.
629 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
I wish happiness
Was in a syringe.
Find a vein and inject it.
Without thinking twice.

I wish happiness was
In a pill.
One I can take ******
And wait for it to dissolve.

But it doesn’t come in these things.
I am not worthy of it.
I feel like there is no way out.
I am sinking deeper and deeper.

I’m gone: don’t expect me back.
590 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
A heart attack is resting
Inside your chest
Waiting for the perfect
Time to take control

Leaving you defenseless
I’ve been down this road
The truth hidden by secret lies
Whispers only the frail hear

As for you
You have promises left to burn.
589 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
The smell of your body
It’s not enough to stay surrounded
You lead me and
Fit around my tongue

Spent all my life empty on anthems
The seconds that it kept me warm
And I ache to remember
So wrapped up in the moment

And now the only time
I can hold you is in my mind
And that doesn’t seem to fill me up inside
531 · Apr 2012
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Welcome to my palace, where you

            On your instinct.
            Cut a little deeper.
            Pop another pill.
            Pull the trigger.

            Inside of my corrupted head.
            One says this.
            Another says that.
            I should end it.


           It doesn't want me.
           It's failed me over and over.
           Wasting it's time with me.
           Nothing can fix me.


          Mine is split open.
          No longer satisfied.
          Leaving is my only option.
522 · Apr 2012
Guilty Party
Allison Hill Apr 2012
Does he think I am trivial?
You do not find peace
If you avoid everything.
I need answers.

The truth can hurt, though.
So do I really want it?
I wonder if I leave
If it will solve his problems.
I designate myself: the culprit of them all.
491 · Sep 2012
Letting Go
Allison Hill Sep 2012
Drowning in your lies.
I made believe you were mine.
Clouding my judgment.
You were everything to me.
But I am forced to let go.
472 · Apr 2012
Don't Think of Me
Allison Hill Apr 2012
You’re with him
And not with me
I hope he is sweeter
To you more than
I ever could

There will be no angel beside me
How lucky one man can be
How lovely when you are the queen
Oh how heavenly it is

Don’t think of me
When you are lying there
Next to him
In his warm arms
And if it’s tonight
Don’t think of me

I hope it will keep
The voices in your head twisting and turning
With truth boiling through the top
In the still of the night

When you see his smile
And when he laughs in your sincere eyes
Push out any memory that you
Have imbedded in your mind of me

Don’t think of me
When you are lying there
Next to him
In his war arms
And if it’s tonight
Don’t think of me
470 · Jul 2012
Confusion Lives
Allison Hill Jul 2012
It's all I know I feel

Confusion lives in me

Eating away at everything
I have ever believed.
466 · Jan 2013
Allison Hill Jan 2013
Ghosts from my past roar;
Screaming with voices of hate.
Telling me to jump.
425 · Jul 2012
Allison Hill Jul 2012
You are all
I think about.

I wish I could have you.

But I know you don't want me.

I want to push you away
Yet we both know I can't.

— The End —