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  Jun 2014 Allison
People come and go.
And we let them in with all our heart
just to find out soon enough they're
  May 2014 Allison
Brielle O'Brien
The songs that reminded me of you now remind me of him
And instead of crying,
I now can sing
  May 2014 Allison
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I know that you are the person I want to conquer it with.

Allison May 2014
I didn't cry today.
May 19th is just a another day in a month.
I didn't cry over you.
And that feels so **** good, you know.
  May 2014 Allison
Victoria Ruth
He looked at me
From across the way
I smiled because
I couldn’t help it
I was in love with him and
Nothing he said was a lie
I used to think
That love didn’t exist
But then I found out
Love is a beautiful thing
If you truly find it
He told me
He loved me and
For all these years
I was with him.
Once you read it from top to bottom, read it from bottom to top
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