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  Apr 2014 Allison
you will have days where you will feel ugly and won't want to even leave the house. days like this are important because you will leave the house, and maybe in the process you'll learn that appearances aren't nearly as important as you think. one day you will grow old, and it will be okay.
2. some days you will lay in bed and cry for what seems like forever and that's okay as long as you get up after and appreciate the fact that you're happier then than you were ten minutes ago.
3. nobody is perfect and everybody fails at something so try not to be too ******* yourself when you do too because it really truly is not going to make you anything but sadder. try, sincerely, to be as happy as you can possibly be. i love you
Allison Mar 2014
"Darling killing yourself is out of the question" she says as she touches her soft red hair
"It will only get better" she says
Walking out of the room her daughters dark room with the radio on ever so softly to the saddest tunes
She can only think about that cold sharp razor she hid under her blanket
People only say it's gonna get better are the people who haven't been though hell and doesn't know what it's like to try and run out of the dark but it keeps on beating you to the finish line.
I guess it's gotten better but has it really?
I'm still that girl that has done nothing with her life and doesn't see it going anywhere
I'm still that girl who lost every friend she ever had after that last school bell
I'm still wanted to lay in my bed all day not out of laziness out of "what's the point"?
What's the point to life, I mean we all are born to die so why can't some of us die sooner?
The moment we are born we start dying and I just can't find something I enjoy enough to make me excited about life.
"Darling you'll find what you're meant to do in life"
Will I?
Eh Not finished.
Allison Mar 2014
When I was younger I was taught that true love was something magical and beautiful. It was red roses at your door and the man of your dreams outside your window singing with big boom boxes and rings. It was expensive things and happy smiles 24/7.
But now I'm older it's not like that at all. It's deep talks at 2am and peeing when your on the phone. It's laughing at him when he messes up. It's saying all the wrong things at the wrong moments. It's kissing at 6am and singing at the most random times. It's late nights together with no makeup and hair messed up. It's never running out of things to talk about. It's watching movies on a Saturday night. It's watching things you wouldn't watch before (like honey boo boo or such.) it's spilling your heart out at 4 am when you should be sleeping. It's laying on top of each other and not saying a word just the feeling of heartbeats. It's driving in the car and listening to a song that makes you smile unconditionally. It's holding hands. It's taking ugly pictures together and laughing about them. Its watching your favorite band live for the first time after countless night listening to their albums. It's the small things he dose that makes you ever wonder what growing old would be like with him. It's crying at 5am just cause you had a rough night and them holding you until the monsters go away. True love isn't leaving when things get hard nor looking for it. It's the simple things in life that can make your day shine with the smallest windows. True love isn't something you will find no, it comes to you as quite as the wind. You have to listen to what's around you cause true love is around everyone.
Mayday parade lyrics title. Lol.
Allison Feb 2014
I want you here with me
I want you to be the moon
So I can see you everywhere
So when I look up I see you looking down on me
But that would only be at night
And I can't only have you every sunset
I want you to be the sun
shining down on me, brighting my day
But I wouldn't have you at night and baby that's when I need you the most
I want you to be a ghost
Haunt me, follow me around, watch me
But then I wouldn't be able to touch or feel you and darling I can't, I need that
I want you to be everything around me
I want to feel you in the wind
When the cold air hits my faces
I want to feel your arms around me
Blocking me from the chill
I want you to be the tears that fill my eyes when I'm having a bad night
I want to be able to touch you when ever I please not only at the night time when we can only be together
I feel as my heart is getting attached to something again and that feeling is scaring me
he left me cold and alone not knowing when to let go and break away
Not knowing if anyone could possibly try to save me from the cold
I'm not one to ever be saved or wanted
But darling you make me feel like I'm the only one
and I have never felt like that before to anyone
Don't leave, don't ever run cause I feel my heart would follow you and disappear forever
I only have half a heart and I'm given it to you
I'm letting my slowly beating heart in the hands of a boy who I need
I hope you need me too
I hope your heart feels the same as mine
Dose how it beats faster when I'm around you
How the smile comes back and wont leave until you leave
I wanna be a better person for you and for myself
Cause baby I have to say I hated myself till you came around
I hated myself to the point were breathing Hurts, it hurt to the point I wanted to make it stop.
Allison Feb 2014
Love is a curious thing. I think undefined and it never quite tastes the same day after day. I use to try and isolate it to pinpoint what it was I fell in love with I'm beginning to think that I may have fallen in love with all of you. Perhaps none of you. Maybe I'm not really in love at all but god what I would to trade demons through our lips like this was Our own special form of currency. Someone told me once if you kiss Someones soul, you'll get pieces of there heart stuck in your teeth  and eventually they'll get so homesick they'll have to kiss you again just to get a little of themselves back. That's what I want to do with you. I want to lay next to you when you're sleeping so I quietly steal your heart. I'm polite like that. You see my parents raised me right, and they told me everything I should and shouldn't do. The only thing they neglected to tell me, however, was not to fall in love with boys that smell like the woods and everything that comes out of their mouths sounds like moonlight, as these will be the ones that will break you in every way you never even thought was possible. They forget to tell me that girls that have wildfires running the lengths of their souls are not to be trusted, and you should never let them hold your heart while you tie your shoe. I'm beginning to think that it's not very wise to fall in love, and definitely not all that sane. You see, I'm not quite sure how a person is supposed to be capable of love when they're still picking up the pieces of themselves that others found to be useless. I  am composed entirely of forgotten cracks that I'm only reminded of when you piece me back together. I am every word you tired to say at midnight but couldn't quite force out. I am every word you whisped "I love you" even when you know you shouldn't. We're a match made in heaven but we were only built for hell. They said we wouldn't work, that we could never be together and **** it they were right but I didn't care because you were an earthquake and I was the girl who always stepped on the cracks on the sidewalk to see if they'd really break my mothers back. I'm tired of these stupid notions that love is only the way someone looks at you when you're not looking back. Or that little electric spark when you touch someone for the first time and every time after that, what matters to me is if the skin underneath your fingernails is only mine or if you've been digging your way into someone esles soul. What I care about is if you'll Kiss me like you're a sinner in crunch and if you hold me close enough, god won't be able to see you. I need to know if you'll kiss me like I'm blood bursting through your veins, people make love more complicated then it should be, and maybe that's why we didn't make it. Because I was so in my head and you were so out of yours that I'm not sure whether we imploded or exploded. Falling in love with you was the greatest mistake of my life and I wouldn't take a second back. I used to tell myself that falling for you was like being trapped in a car underwater  i used to say my only regret was that i got in but now you stolen my breath and planted roses in my lungs like that where they belonged I've realized I don't miss every little bit of your insanity. Maybe we were just in love with the idea of what we could have been together. But all I know is that you could crack open my chest and rip out my heart with your bare hands and I'd use my last gasping breath to tell you how much I was sorry. All I know is that I've still got fingerprints on the walls of my heart and darling, I'm sure he will get around to washing them off.
*****. I really like thiss.
Allison Jan 2014
How to let go of someone who dosent derseve you 
Step one, let your guard down let that person inside and show him everything. 
Step two, give him your heart and soul and everything you locked away from everyone and let them break you from inside out. 
Step three, dream about him every night even when you don't want to always dream. 
Step four, love him more then you love yourself Love him so much that you can't be away from him for more then a hour. 
Step five, make friends with all the people he used you for and all the girls that took your spot in his bed because maybe they need someone too and maybe there hurting like you are. 
Step six, don't let him see you cry and don't let him know you need him more then you need to breathe cause that's weakness and he will eat that up. 
Step seven, don't give him your body in the middle of the night just cause he's lonely, the girl that left that morning got the same treatment and sweetie you are better then that. 
Step eight, never tell him you love him again, remember what it feels like for those words to roll off your lips and sound so wonderful in your eyes and ears and him having no problem saying it right back with his fingers crossed be hide his back.
Step nine, once you said goodbye don't say hello again. he will always try and come back so you need to be strong and let that message box fill up with his apologizes and death threat notes and forget about him. Don't feel sorry Cause he's still here after every threat right? 
Step ten, look for the boy who seem to always be there but you never noticed cause you have had a dark cloud over you for so long. Notice him and let him in and don't think that you should ever go back to your past cause he's your future now. Know that just because you thought you were in love once and it will never be the same isn't true. 
Step eleven, be happy. Simple as that. Remember what it's like to smile again with someone. Someone who actually cares about you and someone who you derseve to be with cause life is short. why waste it with people who use there lips and charming words to get you and leave you alone cut head to toe with your own knive? 
Darling, I know it's scary letting go of someone you once called home but follow these step and one day you will
Be happier then ever cause you let go of that burning house and came into something new, a new home.
Allison Jan 2014
It hurts knowing that I've never heard you say you loved me.
That you never were proud of me for anything I tried to do for you.
I was the one who always tried and give you credit when you would scream and yell for nothing
Making mom cry and hide.
You never taught us anything like a father should.
All I got out of you was knowing you hated your life and everything in it.
I never leave my room when your home cause all I get is yelled at
Consent name calling
You mumbling terrible words that you knew I could hear
I wish I had a father
Cause I don't know who you are
A man who live in my house that has no name.
I've given up on trying with you
Walking pass you at home and having no connection hurts
Cause I always wanted a dad I could talk to and laugh with
Call daddy
Feel like if I got hurt he would come to the rescue  
and save the day
Guess I'll never know what it's like to have that
Cause after all you never put any affort into being a father to any of your children
Or a good husband
I think moms the only reason I stay
She more brave then anyone I know
I guess I win in having such a wonderful person to keep me going when it gets hard.
When you would yell and scream at me
She would try and make you turn to her so I wouldn't have to take it.  
I guess that's why I took to the neighbors dad.
He was always the dad I never had.
Good to talk to.
Happy, loved his kids.
I'm sorry that I wasn't a perfect child
I've made mistakes
But I've never told you that I've hated you
I've never said anything disrespectful to you like you have a thousand times to me
I don't think I ever will
Cause I guess I'm not like you
I don't put people down to feel good about myself
I won't never stand in my child's face and yell hurtful words until they couldnt see cause the tears would block out everything.
And I thank god I didn't turn into you
Thank god none of us did.
This was a hard one to write with out crying that's why it's so terrible. Eh.
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