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Such a simple phrase, isn't it?
And yet it is such a hard act.
I still want to be with you all the time,
but when we're together I hurt.
I hurt because I want to love you,
and when you touch me in a seemingly innocent way I want to melt into your skin and live there in your safety.
I want to get off work and see a message waiting from you.
But I don't.
And that's why being friends is such a hard thing to follow.
Because I still want you,
but you don't want me.
You know what is unbelievable?
I would let you close enough to hurt me.
If you really knew me
you’d know that I’ve never done that
in all my years
How come you,
of all the people I know
and have felt close to
have that power?
I swore never to give it to anyone
You made me break a promise
made to myself
What’s going to come of it?
Nothing nothing
We’re all knowing looks and awkward jokes
we’re all pleasantries
we’re all friendly with everyone else
When it comes to each other
we get choked
Who are you
to trap my words, to close my mouth,
to grind my gears?
I’d let you closer if you’d let me
I’d let you hurt me
more than you already have even though
I know it burns and aches and stings
I’d let you

— The End —