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A boy.
A boy,
Who's love I need to feel.
I'm not his girl
He's the love I long to steal.
His voice is the sweetest,
My ears have ever heard.
For him,
I'd do anything,
Say anything
I'd give him the world.

Even with my best intent
I let him slip,
Melting to sloppy wet drips
And flowing straight,
Through my fingertips.
Even when I tried to grab hold,
I grabbed, I jabbed, and pricked,
Still away he had surely slipped.

Oceans apart
However, close we are.
There's still a spark,
It magnifies every emotion
Heightens every notion
And through all the dark,
There is still a shrill
A deep, deep, shrill,
The life-giving *****,
Beats out of turn,
Even still.

I look into those deep dark vessels,
The Windows to your soul.
They search my flesh
They cry out,
Our future clear as sunniest of skies.
Though it's not a happy ending,
What a surprise.

Reality the way it always does
Creeps close.
It's wrong we know very well
in the heat of the moment, passion swells
We're both thinking stop,
But onward we march
Into this terribly beautiful yet tragic arch,
Of love and lust that cuts so deep.
Our brains know better, but our hearts,
They are weak.

Then it hits.
In that instant a vivid dream
Comes to me lucid and not quite serene.
Your lips dancing in time
With mine closely behind


You look at me and remember her.
I'm sorry I say "I loved you first"
"Love me" I scream
Without a sound.
The words pouring out silently
My wide and weary eyes
Say it all as they cry.
Kiss me again
To send me away so abruptly.
Would surely begin,
**My end.
Something so serene about standing on the pier
While a beggin' street performer sang stairway to heaven.
Although not my favorite Zeppelin.
It was magic.
The wind carried the melodic tune.
That was it.
Everything and nothing.
One moment out of a million.

I hated the wind,
And the cold but,
In that moment I could see us there,
Growing old.

Your smile gave me warmth.
The closeness set me on fire.
In that instant,
I've never been higher.
No pipe, pill, or drink
Could make me feel,
Or make me think.
And I have to say.
It was one of my best days.
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
I can see you there

standing in your studio relishing

in the faces of your followers

creaming their jeans over your creations

lightbulbs hanging from the cealing by telephone cords

and photographs of babies dressed as dictators

trying to prove that innocence still exists

when we both know that this world

was robbed of its innocence a million years ago

you might fool some people but I can see right through you

professional hipster, wearing tie dye underneath your skin

and an overpriced suit on the outside

painting your lips with designer brand

translucent rasberry lipstick

and kissing your acquaintances

a kiss for each cheek

I want to know how you can fake it so well

hiding behind your little purple door

counting money while I’m busy counting lies

was it easy to push your dreams so far away

so deep in the back of your mind that they may as well be in your shoes

did you ever think you’d be here

that you’d sell your soul to the devil

because I’m afraid that you might be my future

and I would rather stand at the end of the dock with Mr.Gatsby

gazing at the green light across the river

holding on to hope forever
"Fear nothing but fear itself",
       Oh why then this storm within myself?
                Is it simply the Great Unknown?
           Or my destiny written out in stone?

Had I but a glimpse into tomorrow
Would that perpetuate my griefly sorrow?
Yet I'm losing the present joy
In my "what iffs"mantra -I seem to enjoy

             Living within the present moment
       Gives you the strength and atonement
       Making ones worries fade throug the                                                  wind
       Finding the courage deep from within

"Fear nothing but fear itself"
Oh how I have laiden my heart to delf!
And ever so gently
Lost sight of blessings a-pleanty

                 And I find myself without hope-
                     And I find it difficult to cope,
                          For I' find whithin myself

                               ( I )
          Fear more-than only Fear itself!!
The hardest thing I've ever done-is to acknowledge to myself-that I fear too much-and have too little faith
Just so you know
I spend a lot of time
on my news feed
You think I miss it
when you comment
to another
when you've ignored me

for months and months...

It is fait accompli
just because I choose
to simply stay quiet
but why should I?

Why should I?

Why shouldn't you?

I should just post
what I really feel?
How much hurt
should I reveal?
Do you really want to know
all my hopes and dreams
crushed beneath my heel?

I read what you said
I see into your life
with what you don't.
I can't trust you'd understand
I say what most won't

I love to open Facebook
to have it facetiously ask me
'How I Feel?'

only to hate when I answer
with my own truth
I understand
where I'm coming from
but I doubt you do...
and I know
you don't
because you are escaping
your own ordeal

So deceiving

is the

you are
and tonights dinner will be.....
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