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 Mar 2013 Alejandro Gutierrez
I feel really stupid
For loving you without reservations.
I feel duped somehow.
For believing you were the one.
Every girl dreams of meeting him,
I thought i was lucky.
I never expected to end up broken
Beating myself up over the years wasted.
Greys and pastels by your side
Making you happy.
There must be something messed up with me
Why couldn't i be content with bits and pieces?
Instead i wanted all of it
Unending forever together.
Joke's on me,
It really is over.
The place where we met.
The place where I fell in love.
The place where I cry.
A little tribute to this great website where I found love (although I later lost it), and where I can let all my pain and thoughts out without anyone judging me. Also, thanks to all the readers and followers :)
I thought this feeling was long gone
Have been long buried in the past
Have been totally forgotten,
And wounds from being hurt was healed.
But then, one day we met again,
Just seeing his smile makes my knees weak
As if I'll fall in the ground in an instant;
When he walked towards me
Standing so close to him
My heart is pounding hard
As if jumping of joy for being near with him again;
Then he opened his arms
Wrapped it around me
Pulled me closer to him
Til I felt my body trembled
Feeling such a bliss,
Feeling his heart beating,
Feeling the warmth of his hug.
I surely missed him -
Missed talking with him,
Missed holding his arm,
Missed his sweet smile,
Missed his soothing voice,
Missed his gentle caress,
Missed his arms lightly placed on my shoulders or on my hips,
I missed him totally.
In less than an hour we spent together,
I felt so much happiness
Every second with him was so precious
It's his presence and love that my heart is always yearning for.
It's just so sad,
Really sad for me
And it's breaking my heart
Knowing that we can't be like that forever;
Knowing that he'll forever be just my best friend,
And we can't be more than that.
My mind tells me to forget this feeling,
But my heart doesn't want to,
'Coz the truth is -
It can't.
I don't care if this is hurting me,
'Coz just being with him gives me much happiness -
So much happiness only him could make me feel.
The book of life is
so brief and once a page is read
all but love is dead
and her love is my guiding light
that is revealed to me
in the darkest of nights
and it reminds me
of those happy and loving times
about which I write rhymes.

I close my eyes just
for a moment and the moments
gone and all of my dreams
pass before my eyes a curiosity
and I realize that all or most
of the past hurt and pain
will eventually fade away
and be gone someday
but I still have to wonder why
we all have to live and
die .

She came to me
almost like a dream
this beautiful lady with thoughts
just for me which
sets my spirits free
and I no longer let evening
get me down now
that she is around.

In my book of life
so many pages read and all
of them are gone
and all but love is dead
and I know how loveless
life can sometimes be
as shadows followed me
and the night wouldn't
set me free but now
that her love is here
I am free because
I love her so
and to me she is
so dear.        
                                           Jon York             2013
Sometimes you see yourself
Can't help but to ask yourself
Did you do things like that
But if you feel it most likely
It's too late it's been done
Appreciate on another
Never take things for granted
Single or relationship doesn't matter
As long as your happy nothing else matters
Do what you love let them talk
Feel good about yourself
Respect and take pride within
Smile and laugh true luxuries in life
Passion like fire keep it burning
Love your self others will go the same
I will not get on my knees
And bow at your feet
Or beg and plead
For you to stay here
And cuddle me in
Like you always did.
I do not need you
Or your voice
Raised against mine
Acting as if you can
sweep me off of my feet
Just to collide with the ground,
Again and again
Using only hands and lips, you
Left marks on my bones and
your scent covering my skin.
Tracing lines down my spine
you read each vertabrae
like your favourite book,
Again and again.
And I have given chances
One, two, and three.
I've since stopped trying to
deny you, and my protests
an attempt to convince you
and myself
that I am strong enough to say no
but it always comes out as
yes, yes, yes.
Matters of love, you’ve reaped into me
Dynamics of knowledge, richness and profoundness
Bringing age to my heart

Knowing love and knowing brutal pain
More real, more powerful, more beautiful
Gifted consciousness filling missing part of potential
Crumbling down our incompleteness

Loving you more than consciousness of my thoughts will allow
More than the passion of my intensity
To be a model of human brilliance
Manifests within the existence of my being

I am a furnace
You are the only flame
Sparking this wild fire

I am a candle, inanimate,
You are the flicker that gives it life, light, soul

I'm am intrinsic potential waiting to be actualized
You are the catalyst of life breathing momentum into me
Through your existence

A flower, a beacon, weapon to my oppression and pain
Appropriation of your love, impossibility in my life

Immaculate potion to my sorrow
Like a wild flower
Withstanding thunder, hurricanes, and rain

An atom from another dimension
Your pulse travels through my heart and my soul

As dangerous as ore
You are the purest form
Deep underneath farther than I can explore
You are the most beautiful creation

You are the end to my means
Unconceivable new reality to my rebellion

The revolution I await
In the deepest part of my existence
Knowing it might never be

Key to my chains
Chant to my muted voice

You are the embodiment and the soul of my freedom
Always escaping from me
January 18, 2013
Young people can you feel the suffering?

roca wear, gucci, apple, facebook, mcdonalds, apple bee's,
honda, lamborghini, harvard, Community College
american express, pnc bank, walmart

Wage Slaves, ceos, owners, lenders, renters, indebtedness
Structural dehumanization, systematic mechanization
Exploited labor feeding blood to your hungering consumerism

Young people you are embracing MISANTHROPY!

Embracing the hate of your own humanity! Why the hypocrisy?
Wealthy children, poor children
Trying for enlightenment through education

Parents garnering wealth through the oppression of their victims
Parents garnering debt through the oppression from economic inequality
Still you invest and promote the only legitimization of your being: CAPITALIST UTILITY

Capitalism engineering unrelenting misanthropy
Vicious economic system discarding humanity
Perfecting the concentration and accumulation of wealth
With the expansion of human alienation and murderous competition

Prostituting your body to labor exploitation and consumerism
Where does your wealth end up?
multinational companies? financial corporations? military arms contractors?
Loyalty lies in their pockets, backstabbing everyday tactics
Killing you through the exploitation of your body
Because they know the birth of another proletariat or bourgeoisie can replace you  

Entities, not human, how much have they bought you for so that you cannot see!!!
Beware of these misanthropic missionaries granting your body power and agency
When your body can no longer be plundered for profit you will taste tears and blood

Young people will you deliver your forefathers and fathers
From worshiping capitalist misanthropy?
March 8, 2013
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