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shy soriano
F    My mind is full of heavy unspoken words, even writing doesn’t allow me to express myself fully
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the ...
grace anthony
17/F/Washington    not my real name but thats okay
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. ...
Sweet Home, OR    I'm a writer who enjoys life.
Kelly Corazzi
Scranton , PA    Yoga teacher , wellness guide , story teller, studio owner
19/Genderqueer/Great Red Spot, Jupiter    people usually tell me they like me. but they dont.
Jessie Jess
Toronto, Canada    Seeker, writer, learner, appreciator, sharer, creativist and humanist ♥
Where Is My Mind?    I'm Autumn. I spend too much of my time writing poems (more time than you think),so I add to the site quite often. Feedback welcome! ...
terra nova
england    18 and ever unsure "it is being young. it is that love and youth matter intellectually." [e.m. forster]
This is my collection of introspective journey into the essence of my being. You will also find I have included some specially chosen works ...
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
Bamboo Bean    Like so many I have been through significant trauma. The most positive way I have found to cope is to create. If you are hurting, ...
Aysha Ahmed
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