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 Jul 2014 alaya
Leena Vango
She invested much of her time into something that, in the end, proved to be worthless and a waste of time

She didn’t know where, but she could feel herself moving away from anything that could be beneficial towards her.

She allowed her uncertainty to grasp ahold of her.

Discouraged as she was, whenever she sought, she was disappointed with what she had found.

She feels herself becoming as idle as the worn-out people she loathes.

She doesn’t know what to believe. The external world has a way of disguising too well inner turmoil.

Is it even there?
 Jun 2014 alaya
Third Eye Candy
your atheist heart at a revival tent. tentative.
van gogh gone. minivan extant. you move to idiot music and the outskirts
of once is enough. many, many times...
you bleed through your harp. you join the diaspora and flee belonging
in favour of a dry between. repetitive.
wheezing orchestral. your long strides clank. you farce and moan...
but Nothing is believable

Till Nothing Happens.
 Jun 2014 alaya
Leena Vango
Activating the root;

over my loving overgrowth

the roots grasp ahold of me

configuring sounds from

timeless throats

into our auric field;

You are closing your eyes

to see, intuitively;


I am attempting to understand

the complexity of our enlightenment,

radiating for interconnected

 Apr 2014 alaya
 Apr 2014 alaya
In school, they teach you math and science, but they don't teach you about boys who pick apart your heart like flower petals, singing,
"I love her not, I love her not, I love her not."
My teachers did not show me how to pick myself up off the ground when he leaves. They did not teach me how to delete your text messages, burn your letters, and tear apart your pictures.
When I was in school, they did not teach me that smiles are fragile, and that once they're broken, they take years to repair.
I was not taught about boys like you, who are gentle with scarred skin. I was not warned of boys like you, who cower in heaps on their bed when they're lonely.
Nor did my mother tell me how to be careful with my mind full of secrets.
Never in school did they tell me that bed sheets can get lonely when he's not there to fill the space.
i'll find you under that sunset
where we first said goodbye
a bond that we formed-
two hearts full of ice,
we'd melt away in the summer
and be open to love
a friend that I fell for
an angel sent from above

you told me roses are red
and violets are blue
but winter soon came
and my heart tore in two
i promised to love you
and i did all that i could
until your very last breath
as i promised i would
the roses have wilted
the violets have died
the ice creeps back to me
as the light fades from your eyes

your wounds were exposed
your armour was cracked
my love couldn't fix you
(a skill that i lacked)
and you're under the ground now
your eyes closed for good
I'll see you soon darling
meet me in that wood-
where we kissed for the first time
and you said your goodbye
i'll see you by morning
sweet light of my life.
 Dec 2013 alaya
Leena Vango
the She
 Dec 2013 alaya
Leena Vango
Equipped with a mind of its own. So intelligent, independent. How lovely could such a thing be? Any one can honestly step a foot outside of their own comfort zone and could right away, catch a pretty being out the corner of their eye. But tell me, could anyone right off the bat spot someone with a pretty soul? A mindset of the wonders, so amorous that an aura of bliss surrounds She?

Could one glance, one move or one word overwhelm the physical structure? Can it possibly defy human qualities? Can She, possibly be? One glance, can easily tense muscles.

One move can without stress, shoot these sensations down your nervous system. One word can alter brain waves and deplete your speech in ways that your tongue becomes a foreign language.

Such a thing, such an emotion could not be solved by any physicist nor chemist. No medicine or research can overthrow something so powerful. It’s as simple as can be, but yet so dangerous and no one is immune.

A crush. That’s all that’s needed; so viral and contagious. Once you pass by the She who has this in their DNA, it causes for no turning back. You’re caught. You’re done. You’re stuck with this illness ‘til death. And that’s the thing. Everyone is bound to catch this disease eventually. There is that one person out there that matches your DNA. I guarantee that the person will infest your immune system ‘till death do us part. You just need to wait, don’t rush, stay patient.

If you overjump, you’ll ultimately hurt yourself for forcing your body into this sickness because of just a pretty appearence. It’s false, and straight up lethal. You’ll just know right off the bat when you found your matching illness. Your body will initiate, then your mind will, of course, follow.
 Dec 2013 alaya
caffeine mermaid
isn't it interesting how the ocean eventually convinces the rocks to turn to dust?
or that with every drag of a cigarette, it eventually turns your lungs black
i just wish you could convince me to fall in love with you
but like the rocks turning into dust or your lungs turning black
falling in love takes time
and time is all we got
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