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Aimée 2d
Look through the shelves,
Peer through the pages,
Do you like the one that's shiny?
Or the one that's faded?
The shiny ones covered in plastic,
But the other one's not,
Which one do you prefer,
Which book do you like a lot?
Do you like the one with perfect paragraphs,
With not one mistake,
With a shiny cover & reviews that are fake?
Or do you like the one that's mysterious,
That's got chapters of things,
It has many flaws,
Wanna see what it brings?
The one that is shiny,
Was bought many times,
But the story itself,
Wasn't good from the very first line.
The other book that's left there,
That's left at the back of the shelf,
Holds quite a story than anything else.
All you have to do is give it a chance,
And don't judge the cover because the inside could put you in a trance,
Usually the one that is popular is plastic and fake,
But the one that is real shows their flaws and mistakes.
Aimée 2d
I like the sun,
But I also like the rain,
Falling on the glass from the sky at night,
Onto the window pane,
I lie there glancing at the stars,
They shine down on me from afar,
That feeling when you put some Christmas lights in see-through glass jars,
Lifting up your spirits,
Gleaming down like headlights on cars.
Aimée 2d
Social Anxiety,
Won't let me speak,
I feel like i'm mute,
And think that I'm weak.
Social Anxiety,
Won't let me express,
The person I truly am,
Makes me feel like I'm less.
Social Anxiety,
Is like anxiety on pills,
And I can't calm down,
"Like, hey brain... will ya chill?!!"
Social Anxiety,
Takes over my life,
Everyone just says,
"That just ain't right"
Social Anxiety,
Get the hell out my way,
I've got dreams to live,
And I've got words to say.
Aimée 2d
You hide behind your 'nice' disguise,
But in your eyes,
I see you despise,
You criticise with your replies,
When heald accountable,
You make denies,
I recognise that it satisfies ,
And you never want to apologise,
Put me down,
It makes you thrive,
But it makes me laugh how you think I'm not wise.
I can see right through,
& hear your lies,
Yes I can, so don't think twice,
All you want to do is deprive,
Me from having a happy life.
This is inspired by certain people who were nice to my face, but I know deep down spoke behind my back.
Aimée 2d
Why don't you do this?
Why don't you do that?
Why do you dress in those?
I don't like that hat
Why don't you have a degree?
Mary down the road has one
Why don't you work?
Awwww you must be dumb.
Why don't you talk more?
You're just too quiet,
Why don't you stand up?
No! Sit down and be silent.
I looked at them straight,
dead in the eyes,
Why don't you shut up
& lemme eat my Mcfricken fries!
Aimée 2d
This is me,
Just a dog,
Wandering the streets,
Many sights, sniffs of things,
And people I did greet,
I don't know why but I was left
Left alone out here,
My human didn't want me & now I'm stuck in fear.
"Just a dog"
Is what they said,
& dropped the leash that they once did hold,
They drove away with puffs of smoke,
And left me in the cold.
So when a good human approached,
I didn't really trust,
And hid under a car shaking,
cause I didn't like them much.
They gently took me in their arms,
& love was in their eyes,
Was this really who they were,
Or was this just a disguise?
They brought me to a vet,
& then they brought me home,
I realised that not all are bad,
And don't want to see us alone.
This is me,
I'm not just a dog,
I'm now treated like family,
I'm now a best friend to a human,
And they're best friends with me.
This is a poem I wrote, inspired by videos I've seen about dogs that were mistreated & left out on roads & streets without a loving owner. I find those videos so sad & when I see them being taken in and helped by good people, it has a happy ending.
Aimée 2d
You judge so quick,
Without giving me a chance,
Did you know I could sing, create beautiful art & dance?
The song I could sing you,
Could put you in a trance,
And the creations you haven't seen yet, I could place them in your hands.
You're judging me right off the bat,
A flip of a switch & a drop of a hat,
Belittling me, no I don't like that,
Pull the carpet from underneath my feet,
Or was it a matt?
You judge so quick,
My flaws you pick,
Judge the book by it's cover,
Did you look through the pages, did you even flick?
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