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Aimée 2d
Rain on glass,
Orange pink sunset skies,
Vinyl covered rooms,
& golden sparkling eyes.
Stars going on for miles,
And the moon like a big pizza pie,
Listening to indie music,
& going for a drive.
Chrome covered nails,
Sun shining bright,
This is all the **** that makes me feel alive.
Aimée 2d
Do you believe in soulmates?
The ones that catch your eye,
They might listen to the same music,
Or write it read or rhyme,
They remind you quite a lot of yourself,
When you're with them you feel whole,
Like they're another piece of your puzzle,
A treasure, a piece of gold.
There is an old belief that Chinese people have,
That an invisible string is connecting you and your person, your other half,
On the woman it's on their pinky & on the man it's on their thumb,
It might sound quite silly but probably not to some.
Aimée 3d
Look at you!
Look at how far you've come,
Don't doubt yourself or what you can become.
I know sometimes it's hard,
And things in life get heavy,
But God looked at you & decided,
That it's YOU who lives this journey.
He saw your potential,
And sees it everyday,
Even if you think you're weak,
That's a trick your mind will play.
You are beautiful the way you are,
You don't need social medias lies,
Telling you what is true,
And judging every look & size.
You are here to live your life,
You're not here to live for social media,
So please do you, be you,
And don't let it deceive ya.
Aimée 3d
There once stood a rose,
So beautiful & red,
the petals soft and luminous,
Not one leaf it had shed.
It stood proudly in the ground,
It's roots grew deep & strong,
Until one cold day,
a storm came along.
The gusts tried to knock it,
It heald on for dear life,
But petals started to break away,
Scattered, none in sight.
It started to change,
Rain fell from the skies,
And from the stalk suddenly,
Thorns grew from its sides,
It wasn't the same anymore,
Didn't really trust,
So any time the sun shines,
It still waits for another gust.
Aimée 3d
Here's some tips,
When you are down,
Get a pen,
And write it now,
Listen to your favourite songs,
Eat healthily,
And dance for too long,
Drink some hot chocolate,
Get a new dog,
Treat yourself,
And sleep like a log!
Do meditation,
And try out yoga,
Drink water with lemons,
Instead of cola (lemons are also nice with cola by the way)
Do exercise,
And buy an exercising machine,
Walk in nature,
And eat some greens,
Eat tomatoes,
They're good for your heart,
Get vitamin D & primrose oil,
& add them to your cart.
Journal & write down how you're feeling,
It's good to get it off your chest,
It's a sort of healing.
It's good to cry,
It releases stress,
It isn't weak,
And doesn't mean you're less.
If you're angry,
Listen to some music with swear words,
It's a good way to feel relief,
And you might feel a weight lifted afterwards.
Aimée 3d
Inside of me is kindness,
And kindness isn't weak,
It takes a lot of strength & courage to stay kind,
In a world that has people who are mean.
I give out what I would like,
But don't receive it back,
What's wrong with this society,
And chivalry, there is lack.
I won't change who I am,
And become like the ones who hate,
Because my life is not about competition, being nasty or a debate.
Aimée 3d
It's good to be unique,
A quality that you should keep,
And so is kind, nice & meek,
If they aren't nice to you,
Turn the other cheek,
They can look in and have a peek,
But they are not you,
And can't seek,
What you've found,
Down deep,
Inside of you,
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