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 Apr 2015 ahmo
Jacob Christopher
Gandhi once said,
"Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"
or something to that effect.
He was right.
If god was real why would he not avert his eyes?
As we maimed and ***** and slaughtered,
for the seven hundredth time.
Human beings were broken from the start.
First we killed with sticks and stones,
then transformed warfare into art.
A bitter joke indeed.
Cavernous capacity for compassion competes
with the inner beast.
Rapid acceleration  towards the exit,
planet's just gaspin' it's last breathes, death rattle.
Perpetuated by laws of desperate escalation,
accessible weapons outweigh the estimation.
Lack of communication marks the end, tower of babel.
I have no idea what the **** to call this. I don't even know what this is Ideas?
 Apr 2015 ahmo
 Apr 2015 ahmo
you were my nicotine
fitting in and fading out
you took me by storm
i took a risk and made a home out of you
i guess i asked for it
broken ribs and bloodshot eyes
what was i suppose to do
the stars dont align
the sun doesnt shine
the bridges we built, or so i thought
seems to fall apart
you were never here but i still find pieces of you in my room
*******, i hate you
but i hate that i miss you more
 Apr 2015 ahmo
There's a house
On the hill
A run down cottage
And the door
Is never locked
I'll be right here
Through wind and rain
Smiling at you
When you return
Helping you
Pick up the pieces
There's a box
Full of lost items here
I keep them for you
If you want them back
One day
Life goes on, Love
And that's fine
You have yours
And I have mine
But nothing
Will take away
My love for you
It is nothing physical
For love cannot be
Expressed physically
It flows from my heart
To each one of you
How you deal with it
Is entirely up to you
But I'll be here
If you want to.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Craig Harrison
No More
so many have died
as you sit in your comfy chairs
children are dieing
families are seperating
no good ever comes from it
No More Wars

Food becomes limited
costs go up
money disappears
luxury no longer exists

Hospitals become full
children become orphans
women become widows
men lose their wives

No body ever wins
we all lose
so please
from the bottom of my heart
as a member of the human race
and on behalf of all life without a voice
He’s no musician.
He doesn't make melodies through violin and guitar strings.
Yet he composed, haunting ballads in dramatic tempos,
Rhyming every lyric,
Harmonizing, making it dance in a musical euphony.

He’s no seamster.
Yet he cuts and he traces,
plain words and printed phrases;
Then he sews and he weaves it skilfully,
into a lovely concrete poetry.

He’s no painter.
He just has a palette of pigmented letters,
splashing colorful lines on his blank canvass.
A blast of contained evocative memories,
Streaking and shading mixtures of kaleidoscopic imagery.

He’s no storyteller.
Yet from him, I heard the most romantic tales-
One, of the moon and its lover sea.
Reciprocating shy glances, whispering I love you’s,
while kissing behind the sprawling mountains.
Though the dawn will come, they do not fear.
For after the majestic tribal sun leaves his stage,
There’ll the lovers be once again reunited.

He's no poet.**
Yet he writes--
stanzas and verses.
And oh! it revives,
every strand of emotion,
every sense of intuition,
Inside me.
A lyrical perception,
Sheer perfection,
Arousing perpetual reactions,
From me.
I am not good at this. I just want to express my pure gratitude, appreciation and awe for you.

"I am no poet. Never thought of myself as one. Just a guy dabbling clumsily in words"
Yet even, everything you do amaze me.

Thank you all wonderful people on Hello Poetry. I just realized this moment that this poem was featured as Daily poem yesterday.  I have never imagined any of my work will be posted as daily. Thank you all for the hearts, re-post,share, comments and messages. You really made my heart and soul so happy. :)
And most of all, thanks to the man who inspire me to write this one. :)
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Jonny Angel
Pictures of dead people I know
are smiling and are so full of life
hanging on my wall
reminding me
to seize this day,
because it's not cliche,
and it won't come again.
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