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Teressia Sep 2014
It's been awhile since then
I don't know how
But each day gets better
I eagerly wait for tomorrow
Only if I could berry yesterday
Live today and say good morning to tomorrow
Laughter can never be wait on
Smiles should never be counted
If we already know the possible outcomes,
Let's never take risks
As my friend once said
Never walk into a fire with your eyes open
Unless if you are a fire yourself
I don't care how many I lose
As long as I have one dearly true one
I just hope we never see each others tears
Just one hello, and here we are
It's not worth it to walk into a pit
When you know, there's one ahead
Just country songs,  may be fire works,
I don't know myself this might not be for forever
But I am graciously glad for the time
I hope we hold on to each other, as long as we breath life
I don't know why and no reasons
But this is the only way I can go with friends
Am a bit scared each day
But am hanging in there, coz I know your names
So yea, this is all
Teressia Aug 2014
this is time of my life
let me laugh
let me cry
i can go, i can stay
i deserve to smile
so do you
so whaterver we do
lets not ever cross each other's paths
dont take achance
life have never been so amazing
i guess  we can't wait for happiness
we have to live it
let me run
oh let me run
i will say i love you
be it a million times
i may not like you
but i will never hate you
do i make sense to you
my randomness is part of me
that's why you should never mind me
i always appreciate tea with no sugar
coz someone somewhere
has no sugar nor the tea
at the end of the day
i was given life
my own voice is all i ca listen to
i have no reasons
i'd like to keep it that way
i followed my shadow
it wasn't so bad after all
i have been the happy one all along
how could i not know.
Teressia Aug 2014
I gat to find away to say am busy
Everyday is just another day to say good morning
Another day to smile
Another day to laugh
Another day to live
Rise with the sun
Shine with the stars
Sing with the birds
Grow with the trees
Time is indeed not enough
Above all the names
Your name is the only magic
As I am looking out the window,
I don't know how far the future is
But what I do know is,
Am in the present,  and I have it all
Some times time flies
Some times time stops
But either way,
It's worth experiencing life in every direction
Knowledge,  intelligence,  kindness, wiseness,  struggles, happiness,  hardship
And other facts you name
If we don't let ourselves experience
We won't know where to step in life
A hundred years from naw
May be these words  will turn around one person's life
That's why we should always share our knowledge even without knowledge
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