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 Mar 2014 a
Christopher Doyle
Sitting in this still empty space
A space opposite the first place
You dumped me
Surrounded by aging remnants
Of our tender love
You left me here, again
Sorry symbols of our love surround me
Leaving me to stare the past
To annihilation.

This time it's different
I will not have you back
You crawled to me before
When your judgment was slack
But I learn lessons
From past panic and pain
My temper was stretching
Our love wasn't the same
You left me here, again
Heartbreak is easy when you have been breaking up for two years.
 Mar 2014 a
Victoria Jennings
The day we met to kiss
You asked me
To take a chance on you
To be yours again
To put aside the past
And the pain
And simply be yours
And I took that chance
And I was happy
Everyday because
I finally made a good choice
But here I am now
Asking you to take a chance on me
To put aside your pain and your fear
Just like I did
And let me prove that even the deepest wounds
Can be healed with love
With time
And with a deep rooted affection
Give me the chance I gave you
And maybe just maybe
We dont have to give up
On our time together
Just fight for it together.
The visit lingers in the air. I want desperately to see you.
 Mar 2014 a
I think of you
 Mar 2014 a
Everytime I think of you.
Everytime I think of you my skin tries to run away, and the goosebumps infect the people next to me. My stomach contents heave-** and tango to the beat of my limping heart. The tears swirl and tickle my eyelashes, but they do not fall, like I, for you.
Everytime I think of you.
Everytime I think of you I forget how to use the 26 letters of the alphabet to spell your name. The tastes of "want" and "need" ****** my tongue because you are those flavours.

Everytime I think of you.
I try to stop.
Because you turned the butterflies in my stomach into moths.

Why did you do that?
This is actually quite a bad piece. But my thoughts were upset.
Sorry if it bores you.
 Mar 2014 a
but i love way that you laugh when i tell you i hate you and the sound of your voice when you tell me that i don't, i'm not going to fall for you but maybe i'll fall for the way that you say good morning no i am not in love with you but i might be in love with the face you make when you're concerned that maybe today was kind of a bad day for me oh i swear to god that i don't love you but i'd be lying if i said i didn't need you
i wake up every morning and i think of you i sit in class and wish you were there making me laugh i ride home wishing you were beside me and i fall asleep to the thought of your arms around me
you  are  the  light  of  my  life
but i do not love you
i could never love you right
 Mar 2014 a
Beneath the surface my humility dwell
In holes leading straight to hell
With love deeper than the ocean floor
For that special someone I once adored

Imagine black or consuming white
An emptiness that's filled with night
An endless yearning for all that's left
A mirror image of all regrets

Accelerating particles
As thoughts turn to waves
Quickly materializing
Then fading to gray
Traveler Tim
 Mar 2014 a
i think ive been wallowing
in self pity long enough
so dont be suprised when
i dont say i miss you back
im not unrequited
just looking ahead
you ask to meet again
and i understand
because i used to need that
type of closure
needed to see
you mouth goodbye
even if we made out
and i decided i wanted
to stay
nothing is dedicated
to you anymore
your pictures join the ashes
and ill dive into a blunt
instead of listing
your old habits
in a few months
traces of you
will literally be
i dont plan
with you in mind
im never grasping
to call you mine
my bed is warm
because ive layered the blankets
ive realized you left it colder
 Mar 2014 a
Tell me
 Mar 2014 a
Could you at least stay goodbye? I can't seem to shake the feeling you're still here. And it'll be easier if you just drain me of this poisonous hope that courses through my veins for you. I know you're not coming back. I know you've left me without so much as a farewell. I know you're oblivious to the way you've made my life Hell. But ******, you must know somewhere in that brain of yours that you hurt me. I don't even want some pathetic apology. I want you to pierce my heart with the words I need to hear. Tell me you don't love me and tell me you don't care. Tell me that and **** the part of me that still holds on to loving you. It's been months. I've known you for years. I think I at least deserve a goodbye.
 Mar 2014 a
You said...
 Mar 2014 a
You said you'd be there for me,
you said you'd never leave.
I thought you were the one for me,
I thought you'd stay.

You said you'd love me forever,
bad decisions were made.
now I'm stuck with "whatever".

You said you'd take care of me
that you'd be here during ups and downs.
I thought you'd take care of me,
I thought I mattered.

You were there during days of sunshine
but it started raining
and now you're gone.
I figured you'd be my shelter,
I figured you as my protector.

You said we'd conquer the world together,
yet I'm facing monsters
and you don't care
 Mar 2014 a
I'm thinking maybe
It's time to move on
No matter how much
I want to hold on
I remember a time
When you held onto my heart
Now the memories are fading
And tearing me apart
I thought you were the one
I would spend forever with
Until things went south
And we slowly separated
I didn't mean for this to happen
But no one can control fate
Yet now I look in your eyes
And all I see is hate
I miss our friendship
But you brought so much darkness
I did what I had to do
But now my heart is a mess
Because of you
I'm afraid to get attached
I'm afraid to get hurt
Trust is what I lack
I hate how this has happened
But I guess it's how it has to be
Never again will there be a time
A time of you and me
I'd hoped to forget the past
And move on to a better place
But now I keep getting attacked
Keep getting slapped in the face
Why can't we be mature
Like the adults we both are
I strictly remember
Calling "no holds bar"
But you can't just move on
This I've come to see
We'll never go back
To a time of you and me
I've lost my best friend
I'll add you to the list
The list of people who left me
The people that don't care a bit
I can tell you hate me
I guess I understand
I wish I could have read our future
By the palm of my hand
I guess I'll just move on
And forget what used to be
I guess I'll just forget
That time of you and me
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