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I am Strong
I am Vulnerable
I am Sure
I am Foolish
I am Smart
I make Poor Decisions
I am Filled with Energy
I am a Lazy Slob
I am Sure of Myself
I am Confused
I am a Leader
I am a Follower
I am Creative
I am Unoriginal
I am Optimistic
I Fear the Worst
I am Brave,
I am so Scared
I am Dark
I am the Light
I am Free,
I have been Captured
I am Short
But I am so Tall
 Nov 2013 Adreanna Hill
BS hunter
craigslist posts on women

Things women hate about other women (MICHIGAN)
I'm a man and I got no problems with beautiful women and love looking at and spending time with them. Listed some of the problems women have with other women and why some of them get to be targets of world's biggest haters.

1. Beauty - If the women think you are prettier than them, the more threatened they feel. They feel like ogre and hags around the woman and become haters.
2. Intelligence - It's okay to be smart but not if people are reaching for dictionaries or have to google to translate your last sentence. The bigger the words, the smaller your audience feels.
3. Hard Work Ethic - no woman wants to know another woman is working harder and reaping rewards from it. Women want that hard working woman gone.
4. Confidence - Women can't stand women who are confident.
5. Dress better - women hate other women who dress better than them. Women who dress flashy are called ****** by ****** ones who hate them.
6. Strong Personality - women have serious issues with women who are strong and speak minds.
7. Competitive - women are competitive by nature and when they feel they can't compete they hate.
8. Affluent - women being richer than another woman is not what other women want. You see women have to have more money than other women or the richer one get called all kinds of name.

Women feel threatened and intimidated by other women faster than by men who they flirt with and plot to get as sugar dads. Biggest problem of women are women who hate other women

Response to post

competition in women
Ever have a female friend who flirted with you knowing you had feelings for another woman? Been there with a few ladies who wanted nothing to do with me when I alone. Moment the office sweetheart started saying hi and took interest, I got popular with some of my co-workers who started saying hi and flirting. That's the competitive thing happening in women's brains. Where the hell were all the women when nobody wanted me?
Can I have a new body please
One that works
One to carry me throughout the day,
Without knowing constant hurt.

A heart that knows no sorrows,
Not mended up with tape.
One that feels love and joy,
Not one that is filled with hate.

A brand new stomach, fully functional
One that can digest
A gut that can take the burden of my suffering,
But now, I digress

A bladder that is of normal size
That doesn't keep me up at night
A bladder that isn't nothing but a pain
One that doesn't seek revenge just to spite

A brain that is fully functional
One that allows me to be at peace
One devoid of anxieties and fears
One that doesn't ruminate on the grief

If only my body was working,
The way it was meant to be.
I wouldn't be crying a river
Thinking that maybe it's me.
Another night spent tossing-and-turning; hot and cold sensations keeping pace with the quiet commotion. Not sure what I am wrestling with; my mood is fine but there is a feeling of twisted darkness within.  I am aware of the turmoil this season brings; seeing the pieces of animosity gathering as a pile of dust around me. I promised to end the plight of expectations, this lie brought contentment and unconscious abrasion; the attempt to write my way into the light seems futile.

Gray skies poised for rain yet, not a drop falls.
I walked through the empty lot
noticing the depression of time;
street lamps flickering within the subtle
breeze of the late evening.

My hands were numb from the cold and ash;
these pockets lost their warmth.
The sky forgot to welcome
the moon; it’s light lost behind
the cloudy indigo.

Something touched my face, the moist
drops of condensation; nighttime mist
upon this abrasive skin. The feeling
brought my lips towards a smile, because
someone new was at the horizon.

— The End —