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Sep 2018 · 522
Abigail Sedgwick Sep 2018
knives and people, sure

but this ache from missing you
needs the attention of scholars
past and present
to be defined in it's own word
Sep 2018 · 368
Stand Alone
Abigail Sedgwick Sep 2018
If pain
is relative,
then I am drowning
in the same rain
that blooms you.

If suffering
is temporary,
then my clock has
stalled out
from ticking.

If understanding
is mutual,
then my own efforts
have so far outrun
your own
speaking. . .

I stand alone.
Mar 2018 · 471
Eve Deceived
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2018
life | and | the knowledge of good and evil
were available for the taking

but neither was enough
to draw her away from the brilliance
of the most High King


in that beautiful garden
of plenty
she chose a lie
Feb 2018 · 507
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2018
translucent red,
if you were wondering

it's the see-through red
of your eyelids against
the sun
invading your
when you would rather
see the darkness
than what is in front of you

it's the see-through red
of the unfinished skin on
the son
assailing your
when you would rather
see the movement
of who is in front of you
Feb 2018 · 364
catch 22
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2018
what do you do
when the person
who hurt you
is also the one
who fixes you?
Feb 2018 · 389
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2018
You don't want to hear it,
but I still think of him.

When he turns his little feet
in circles, circles, circles,
and waves those jerky fists
I think of him.

When he squeals with delight and leaps
into the arms of everyone
who reaches for him
I think of him.

At night, when he won't sleep
until I rock and sing and
sing and rock again
and falls asleep, still moving,
always moving
I think of him.

I think of how
his feet might have been a
constant circle, too.

I think of how
he would have stared lovingly
at his own little fists.

I think of how
he would have squealed in delight
while the Church passed him around.

I think of how,
when they put him in my arms
he was already asleep
even though
I hadn't sung him
any lullabies.
For my first still baby. And for my second wiggling joy.
Feb 2018 · 232
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2018
not a single part of my day
talks back to me
#motherhood #sahm #lonely
Jan 2018 · 439
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2018
At 3:00am I lay awake
wondering what is this
weird smell???
burned chocolate chip
cookie I would call it
but surely that's not it...
Is it the weird mingling of us?

A dream woke me
(I think - it could also be
the medicine that makes
me into someone you like

But the dream
was about spit up.
I think because I'm
so worried about him
and also because it's
probably the thing I see
most in a day

At 5:00am I finally rise
from the warmth of our
body heat burrito and
on my way to the coffee ***
I see that your crockpot
concoction is burned
(hence, the smell)

And I just wish

that someone cared
Jan 2018 · 300
Unravel Her
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2018
Can you imagine
spending three days
clothed in
bright white light
and a shapeless gown
cut off and
totally isolated
from everything

in a frantic
aching effort
to be well again

and then

you unravel her

because the escape
wasn't real
and the moment
she lands back
onto the cold earth
she ran from

there it is

waiting for her

worse than ever.
I guess sometimes the soul just gets weary; that's my week. Love to all my word friends out there! <3
Jan 2018 · 332
Beauty in the Ashes
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2018
If Christ learned obedience
through the things which
he suffered

Then I will choose obedience
I suffer
far less than He did.
Hebrews 5:8
Oct 2017 · 452
His Voice
Abigail Sedgwick Oct 2017
A l~u~l~l~a~b~y
   or a tired sigh

            a chuckle

                      a laugh

                 a      dam        burst        open

      A SHOUT
             a cry
(a secret unopened)

                     Soft prayers and sleepy groans
             or stand-up hairs from guttural moans

But my favorite is the whisper
(through the dark
and in the night)
it's the one that
shouts through tears
"it will be alright"

But my favorite is the whisper
(in the soft gold
morning sun)
it's the one that
wakes my heart and
pulls my strings undone.

But my favorite is the whisper
(in the race
of passing time)

it's the one that
shouts from mountains

         my dear,
         *are mine.
Thank you to Olivia, who always seems to have the words to stir and reawaken my sleeping heart for poetry. I love you! Xoxo

And to my husband, Jon. Whose voice is my favorite sound, no matter what you are telling me. May I always have open ears and a hungry heart to feast on the words that you gift me <3
Sep 2017 · 278
the ache
Abigail Sedgwick Sep 2017
it's familiar and new
how can that be true?
Aug 2017 · 286
Abigail Sedgwick Aug 2017
coffee and dinners
are best served cold
when my arms are so warm
from the mama-baby hold
Aug 2017 · 297
~Not a Poem~
Abigail Sedgwick Aug 2017
Just an update and a HELLO, it's been a while :)

I started medical school in July, so that's been insane.

And best of all...


Silas was born on Friday, August 11. He was a big ole 8lb 10z baby and he is absolutely perfect in every way.

My writing has temporarily stopped, but the juices are still pumping in the noggin'. Hoping to find some balance and routine and be back with you all soon.

Sure am missing your beautiful words!!!!

Jul 2017 · 290
Abigail Sedgwick Jul 2017
Picture it:
a frenzied,
perhaps slightly insane,
blur of a woman
organizing blankets
by their color
and folding socks
so tiny that they
end up looking
like cherry tomatoes.

Picture it:
mint green walls
covered in lambs
and handfulls of
un-filled picture
frames (plus a
hidden smudge
and nail, because
I'm no good with
a hammer).

Picture it:
a belly so big
and beautiful
it takes up more
space technically
than it does
physically because
it outshines
itself with vibrant
life and punches
and rolls.

Picture it.

Just picture it.
4 weeks and counting! So in love with this baby boy.
Jun 2017 · 355
Still Me
Abigail Sedgwick Jun 2017
scatter the noise of my mind
the same way you scatter
pulses of blinding pleasure
throughout my entire being
What can I say... It's a fun way to quiet the storm of the mind.
Jun 2017 · 632
Abigail Sedgwick Jun 2017
I can't help but love
the new curves
being paved down
my amazon body


There's been no better
time for warm hands
to run down the new
roadmap of my skin


It's **** and startling to come
into myself so fluidly and quickly
as I am beautifully growing out
after all this time of hating myself
for doing the same thing differently.
Pregnancy is BEAUTIFUL on me, and it feels so good to allow myself to think so. I've had negative self-esteem my entire life, and it is so surprising and fun and humbling and core-shaking and empowering to feel differently. Love to all you poets out there!!
May 2017 · 1.1k
Abigail Sedgwick May 2017
Truly unruly.

It's profundity unravels
into the expanding universe

chasing it's own tail toward an
answer that won't be caught because
it's a question that moves too slow.

From time's beginning, or from the
paradoxical idea that we have invented
in a vain attempt to understand what a
beginning is, or could be, or was, or isn't.

Do you ever stop and think of these things? Of how
we have loved since "let there be" and have spent
all of eternity weaving into life from here and there
and everywhere in God and nature's beautiful dance
of unity and life which has caused us to be here, together.
May 2017 · 538
Heart Strings
Abigail Sedgwick May 2017
of the thousands of strings
which tug at my heart
there is not even one
which cannot be
traced back
to you
Happy 2nd Anniversary to my wonderful husband, Jon.
May 2017 · 541
Late for the Wedding
Abigail Sedgwick May 2017
It's Saturday. We're running late for a wedding.


**** body, loosely wrapped in a lime green towel
which, I'm sure, makes the paleness of my skin
downright floresce in the warm, bright sunlight
pouring too generously through the picture window.

A mound of life rises like the moon,
casting a glow all the way to my face.

On a Saturday. One in which we are currently running
quite late now for a wedding.


Against the softness of the sun, a backlight glows with
harshly lit updates from hundreds of people who,
to be honest, I keep up with to be kept up with
and I suppose that makes the glare harsher.

My hands curl softly around the glare, thumbing
gently through this distraction in an effort to abate
the sweltering heat of late April in the WV mountains.

It rests softly on my rising moon, the source
of this precious glow far outshining the scene around
me, although the burst of glorious sunlight coming
would prove me wrong again.

Then it happened.

On a random Saturday morning. We happen to be closing in
on being too late for the wedding.

And my hand jumps.

He kicked me.

And you ran to me.

And we watched in wonder
this life we made,
this man in the moon,
being everything but still,
until we ran out,
still dressing as we
frantically raced
our way to the wedding

(which we were not late for)

on Saturday.
Apr 2017 · 707
Self Portrait
Abigail Sedgwick Apr 2017
Aggravating, but without intention
Insecurities are my mind's
Greatest invention.
Alluded to harshly
In regard to "pretention."
L**onely but loved, despite the contention.
Apr 2017 · 361
Abigail Sedgwick Apr 2017
your words were calm last night

so much so that it surprised me

you gently explained that the threat i perceived
was merely an effort to hug and to hold
because you could see the fear in my eyes

you watched my body start to shake and
you saw my mind flash back to before
and leave you standing there alone
while i was grabbed back into another night
a different fight

you rushed to me to hold me
not to hurt me

but the difference blurs in my eyes
and my mind can't seem to sort out
that night from the ones that came before

my eyes couldn't find yours
and my heart wouldn't slow

you did the right thing
but my past
betrayed me in a way that
betrayed you

for that
i am sorry
Forever grateful for a husband who understands that I have an abusive past. Forever grateful for his love and patience with me when I react to that past instead of to him.
Mar 2017 · 398
A Choice
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
"Protector of clarity"
In the German language
a name which combines
the two people who already
love him best.
An unspoken wish for him
to defend truth, pursue honor,
and live in integrity.
The concern is that in his pursuit
of these things, we will have caused
him to miss out on the lightness.

"Yahweh has given him laughter"*
In the Hebrew tongue,
a name which combines a person
set aside and his father, set aside
specially for me.
An unspoken desire for ease,
joy, and endless laughter to come
without struggle.
The worry is that with this lightness
will come an absence of the
struggles that make laughter
so enjoyable.
Naming a child is such a humbling, sobering experience for me. Choosing a name for him, a marker for his whole life, a first impression, a literal marker of identity.... is SUCH a responsibility. I find myself really considering how his name will shape him and his entire life.

Anyhow. The top-runners have these meanings. Any thoughts? :)
Mar 2017 · 355
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
Isn't is wonderful
how sure you can be
that the same person
will wake up each morning
still in love with you?
Mar 2017 · 342
double-edge sword
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
it's hard to decide if it is
startling or sensual
that the very same lips
that have softly kissed
the most tender parts of me
that have sweetly shaken
my body awake with
a slurry of shivers
have also
sliced straight through
the soft spots
you should have been
Mar 2017 · 479
It's a Boy!
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
my new favorite
three words
apart from
*i love you
My heart is bursting full today, friends ❤
Mar 2017 · 866
Mind Your Ps & Qs
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
A particular peculiarity of my ****-poor
personality is a predictable penchant
for pursuing people who put that
***** of prominent protrusion
of pinpointed pain just
inside my perfect

It's in
the quaint
place where
questions quell
beneath the quiver
of emotion that could be
quickly dissolved if quelling
qualified in the quest for quiet peace.
Just a little fun. I'm astonished at how few "P" and "Q" words I am able to call to mind! ;)
Mar 2017 · 393
Saving Rope
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
To throw someone a rope
inscribed with the words
time heals all wounds
is the cruelest of jokes.

The words wrap around us
like a time glass noose
strangling the chance of healing
as it pushes complacency
into our throats the same as
misplaced sentiments of sorrow
lodge under ours tears where
they cannot escape.

Time most certainly does not
heal all wounds.

On the contrary,
time is the biggest advocate
of learning to live
with the pain.
Mar 2017 · 862
gossip, and wearing it
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
for a black sheep
my name is sure
on the lips of those
who yell the
loudest that they
are the white sheep

and who act
like they are so
very comfortable in
clothe's besides their

while i wear the
same stains they
scream they don't have
with much more than
an ounce

with much more like
the full price
my head held high
as if
the stains themselves
are the
very words
that they have caused
to bear
Mar 2017 · 569
The Eye of the Beholder
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
It was only about
an hour
into our first date
that he told me
my eyes were the ocean.

It was even sooner
that I knew
his were the shore
I would always return to.
Mar 2017 · 716
the first time
Abigail Sedgwick Mar 2017
the first time
   i craved
kalamata olives
purple and firm
to stain my fingers
and tickle my tongue
with their harsh
sour **** and their
succulent burst
of too-sour juice.

the first time
    i craved
those gummy straws
(in blue specifically)
covered in powder
too sour to even
taste beyond the
jaw clenching tingle
of a feeling rather
than a flavor.

and now this time
       i crave
i'll take 'em any way
we're talking popsicles,
candies, lemonade...

this morning,
i ******
on a hard lemon candy
and simultaneously sipped
on a lemonade
and i couldn't help but notice
the difference
the actually incredible difference
it makes
to add just a little
something sweet
to something sour

this time
i crave
anything but
the first time
Feb 2017 · 483
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2017
the most magical
wonderful thing
i've ever seen
is grainy grey against
the blackest black
a fluttering heart
******* a thumb
crossing legs
and kicking feet
a beautiful lemon-sized
prayer answered
just for me
Feb 2017 · 501
cautiously hopeful
Abigail Sedgwick Feb 2017
this new life makes me
more afraid than the first
i know what it feels like
to love and to lose
Jan 2017 · 397
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2017
If both your thought and spoken
blazed a trail of ink across your skin,
the fleshly canvas revealing
your innermost and outermost
would you be proud of your choices?
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2017
My eyes have seen the body
of a lifeless tiny son
They have fiercely wept for heartache
when life from my womb was torn
They have held in them the vestige
of a perfectly formed son
My grief keeps lasting on.

My eyes have seen the pink stripe
of a second ray of hope
They have gently wept from joy
while I grabbed the saving rope
They've beheld the wriggling grey shape
of a tiny new sweet babe
My love keeps hanging on.
Experiencing the contrast of two vastly different emotions has been eye-opening. To experience grief combined with new joy has been an exceptional experience. To live in grey tinged with the pink rays of a rising sun has been just exceptional. All that said, the grayness of grief is still here and, some days, it still wins. I desire your prayers, if you are so inclined <3
Jan 2017 · 930
Do Unto Others
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2017
The Golden Rule
is a fallacy
that cannot work
when I beg
things of love
and you crave
things of lust
and both of us
reciprocates the desires
of our own hearts
without looking
for even a moment
into the other's.
Jan 2017 · 621
knock before entering
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2017
so often
creeps into
my heart
without even
the courtesy
of a knock
Jan 2017 · 841
Abigail Sedgwick Jan 2017
moaning* | door |

groaning | floor |

come on in

       **you little *****
Dec 2016 · 395
full of life
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
it makes me
feel ... more filled
than there is room
like when the
moon outshines
itself and throws
a halo of shimmer
around to the
night sky
Dec 2016 · 421
Candy Cane
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
Christmas came early
when, this morning,
I stumbled on a stripe
that had fallen off a
candy cane.
Dec 2016 · 734
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
Growing up on a farm
I lost count of
The hundreds of times
We rotted compost
And scooped manure
In order to make things grow.

I figure that's the reason
I still believe in my life
Dec 2016 · 546
What's the Protocol?
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
When life screws you this hard
are you supposed to
     Or sigh?
Or just shut up and enjoy
     the ride?
Dec 2016 · 585
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
I'm not sorry to be
the type of girl
who wants
a firm pillow
on a soft bed
literally and maybe figuratively too who knows what going on in the noggin' :)
Dec 2016 · 779
writer's reverie
Abigail Sedgwick Dec 2016
my ego so easily constructs
     a fantasy
in which you, my favorite reader,
over my words and fall into
a wonderland
     with me

a single small s  p  a  c  e
between the blackness of
     these letters
and you fall into my fantasy
where we relish in
     our fetters

we forget to climb back out
as the passion starts
     to mount

we lose our minds with pleasure
hands and mouths
     d      i
           s      c
                 o      v
                       e     r
                             hidden treasure

the words that you pour out
my own that you soak up
leave us beggingpleadingscreaming
till our keyboards
light back up
Nov 2016 · 610
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
today i find myself
at once
exhausted and refreshed
elusive and enclosed
regretting and rejoicing

*dancing with the noises
Nov 2016 · 484
Thanks and Giving It
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
round and swollen
tears; eyes swollen

waddle and beguile
listen; forced smiles

rubbing my bump
swallow the lump

          a shy little smile, down onto my belly
          cry into my biscuit and onto my jelly

          questions come fast and answers come faster
          ignored and vanishing into the plaster

it's the first year we haven't
taken turns 'round the table
rejoicing that we're
or healthy
or able
   because we lost
Nov 2016 · 632
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
I came in for
a touchup
and got blotted out
by the brightness
of your palette
Nov 2016 · 867
growing pains
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
a broken heart
life's perverted way
making more room
growing in the spaces
Inspiration from Olivia!! Beginning to think this sweet girl is my muse :)
Nov 2016 · 415
So Tired
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
is one third of a haiku,
three thirds of my *zzzzz
Nov 2016 · 581
Morning Gray
Abigail Sedgwick Nov 2016
The grayness of morning
is my favorite greeting
because it is at once
calm and vibrant
as the world's edges
quiver and ripple
into wakefulness.
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