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Zoe Holden Feb 2021
I'm nothing but an emotional drain
I syphon every bit of good from your life
And leave the bad in the tub

Oooh it's not intentional
It's just the way I am

And the way I am is something missing
Just the H and the O

Oooh I'm emotional
The tears are always gonna rain

And they'll rain over you
If you choose to stay

And I can't be any good to you
Because a drain can only take

Oooh I'm emotional
I think you made a mistake

You should go and seek her out

'Cause towels are better than the drain
Let them soak up the mess I've made

Just be careful not to slip as you get out

Oooh it's not intentional
It's just the way I am, am I, am, am, am I
I am >>
Nothing but an emotional drain
I syphon every bit of good from your life
And leave the bad in the tub
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
What roof are you climbing or did you already fall and break?
You know it's going to hurt but you can't resist the take
'Cause problems feel less real when you're the only one awake
But be careful oh my angel, new ones always come out late
Do you even care that your heavens' fallings are at stake
Oh what was a careful girl in search of the cation-less

Go ahead and ring the bell, she's been dying for too long
Heart shells empty and fall full from above
Let her sky go on, it's so torn up down here
Choirs calling out to the moonlight (sing, sing, sing)
Take the fall on open wings
Let the self-taught be free (fall, fall, fall)

Let her go, it's all so freeing now
When you're at the sky fall
Take it all in, watch as she flies
Leave me behind

And she was hiding troubles, such downtrodden things
And we, we couldn't save her, we didn't know the way
But she was so full, stars felt their first glow
All because she took the fall and we didn't make her stay
What a terrible price the good always seem to pay

I'm not talking of death, heaven's gates aren't for today
But leaving all you know takes breathing pains away
'Cause oh the air down low it's so heavy with our sin
But the air up high is so unimaginably thin
Only angels fly when it's so hard to live off heaven's falling glow

Let her go, it's all so freeing now
When you're at the sky fall
Take it all in, watch as she flies
Leave me behind
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
It's the panic
It's the swell and the bump
For my part I'm all so sad
Because it was going all so well
But that's fine, oh well

I shouldn't ever expect a difference
To get to the fruit
A knife always had to cut
And that's fine, oh well

And at least the innards are sweet
If a little tough to chew
And that's fine, oh well
Because it's all the more fun to go inward
When reality doesn't feel like it's real
That it's
The nail in the foot
Seal in the deal
Oh the anxious orange peel

So go ahead
Carve me up to the rind
See if I care
And if I don't
That's fine, oh well

'Cause I feel bigger than life and smaller than fleas
Making faces in the mirror
She's always so hard to please
'Cause it's the panic
The bump and the swell
Quick throw it down the wishing well, well
It makes me feel like such a shell
Tossed in a chopped up body
But that's fine, oh well
And that's fine, oh well
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
Sparkling illusive
Feeling gleaming, filling the waters
What a chaotic world to be born in

You need a pair of drowned lungs, drowned lungs
You need salt water, breathe in, bronze rusting taste on your tongue
You need to let it all in, be you, fade out in void
We're all so alone here
We're all searching for someone not drowned in their lungs here
Breathe in, feel full
You need to stay stone cold, always let the song go unsung
You need to let the water rush in, fill a drinker tank for one
But we're all searching for someone
And you need a pair of drowned lungs

Sparkling illusive
Feeling gleaming, filling the waters
What a chaotic world to be born in
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
And this was a story that got told by me
But you have a meaning behind it too
Long before I came along
You had a meaning behind it too
So Captain *****
Before I go
I thought I'd let you know
I loved you and your meaning too

And if you're listening
Could you tell me this story by you
I'd like to know your meaning
I'd like this story to touch on another dream
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
And the stars come in waves so lovely
Is that why you chose the sea over me?
You've always said hearts can only beat
But for once I have something kind to say

***** tell me if it means something to you
Because I want to tell you
That it's all ok
I know the light is so distracting
Strangers' beauty is always so alluring
But I stayed because I was lovesick for you
Oh what a great turning, tossing sea sickness

Was this your way of saying you didn't feel the same?

***** I'm insane
Because I'm not mad only ashamed

A girl can't be queen without her hearts
And mine are lost somewhere in your sea
Dying under the starlight only to be with you

My dear, dear Captain *****
It took all my hearts to love you
Zoe Holden Feb 2021
A story told in ink, sprawled out on pages and ruined with skin
You captain ***** collected these tattoos by sailing the sea
Above you there were all the stars to see
I guess that's why you never made it back to me

You called me queen of hearts 'cause by being with you I broke so many
But you forget my hearts lie with you
And you never showed

One day I'll wonder what could have been
But for today I'll sit with my roses
Painting a bland love red
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