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Lainey Jan 2018
As I lay her down to sleep
Hoping that I will not weep
Kisses upon brow adorn
Highschool student in the morn!
Lainey Nov 2017
They paid a price I’m told
These sacrificial lambs of old
To King and Country, bend
When will it end?
Egos in their offices, directing men to war
What was it for?
Freedom? Democracy?
We stop and see through a different lens.
Their lives did not have to end had their leaders been “bigger” men.
Can you not see?
The world wants to be free.
Free from hunger and oppression.
Free from ego and obsession.
When the despots rule, the voter is the fool.
Don’t let their memories fade. The frightened and the brave.
The pawns who played their part in games led by knaves.
Lainey Oct 2017
Caught in the crevice between honesty and kindness.
Thought I might deliver you from your social blindness.
How can I be the one to heal you and yet harm you? Hurt you and then calm you?
Shall I step forward, the sacrificial lamb?
Will you reject me for being who I am?
An honest creature, a bit of a preacher, hoping to teach you, reach you, beseech you… To look inside yourself.
Caught in the crevice between a rock and a hard place.
Do I speak out or silently save face?
Lainey Jun 2017
There once was a Cardinal Pell,
whose innocence didn't quite gel.
He made Atheists hope
(and concur with the Pope)
that hopefully there is a hell.
Lainey Jun 2017
Bad Jokes.
Sad jokes.
Really silly Dad jokes.
Jokes that simply aren't PC
Jokes that coax a bit 'o wee.
Jokes that flop but then recover
Jokes told by your little brother.
Jokes your Grandpa thinks are funny
Jokes told up on stage ( for money)
Witticisms left and right
Jokes for morning
Jokes for night
Some jokes make you slap your thigh!
Jokes can really make you cry.
Jokes you wish you hadn't heard
Some that really are absurd.
Jokes you laugh at ( but you shouldn't)
Jokes someone told ( but you wouldn't)
But the point ( all said and done)
Is jokes are meant to be some FUN!
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