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1.3k · Feb 2018
Latino and Proud
Yagami Feb 2018
“Immigrant” has somehow become a bad word.
When to me immigrants are the people who fight to be heard.
They are the people who are ignored,
The people who work hard without reward.
They’re not back until after dusk and leave the house before dawn,
They’re not just the people who mow your lawn.

People will discriminate,
But I’m proud of from where I originate.
With rich culture that in which the word “ashame” does not exist.
In this so called “country of the free” we will resist.
We will join with others to make our bruises known
For we won’t stay quiet while being disowned
I’m a USA citizen but I come from a Latino family
795 · Oct 2018
You say
Yagami Oct 2018
You say nobody loves you,
Who am I then? I love you.
You say you’re ugly and worthless,
That’s not true, you’re worth way more than this.
You say nobody gives a **** about you,
But how can you not see that I’m with you every step of the way, fighting with and for you.
You say that **** doesn’t deserve you,
And **** right you are.
He doesn’t.
You’re too good for him.
I know I just met you a couples weeks back,
But I’ve grown so fond of you.
764 · Feb 2018
Yagami Feb 2018
When I hear my heart beat,
I feel complete
Because I know it beats for her only
Only for her because she’s, lovely.
I know this yet I’m scared
‘Cause what if I came into this unprepared?

I don’t want my heart to ache
Not because she’s a liar but if anything, she’s far from fake.
I’m scared I’ll cause her pain
And if I do it would be something so far from humane.
I love her so dearly,
When I’m with her I can see soo clearly.

I know where there is love there is pain,
But I’ll take the risk if it means I can give her all my love I contain.
Yes, I know it’s nïve of me
But I found the meaning of happy.
537 · Feb 2018
Yagami Feb 2018
Home is somewhere you feel safe and can be yourself,
Not a place where I don’t even recognize myself.
This house is not a home but instead hell,
a place where I can't get up from where I fell.
When I come "Home" it's a drag
because there I'm considered a ***

My home is not a place,
instead it's someone who doesn't see me as a disgrace
But they're in invisible pain, depression
and I fear one day they'll just be gone and done.
Done from the living in this horrible place,
Done from hiding their true face.
Done from being in constant fear.
Done from shedding tear after tear.

My wish is for them to see what I see:
someone who goes through things bravely,
someone who is beautiful inside and out,
someone who doesn't let anything stop them and continue going on and about,
someone smart,
someone who stole and melted my heart.

My home.
My one true love.
#depression #Love #pain
492 · Feb 2018
Yagami Feb 2018
What the **** Papa?
What if I want to be known as Latino and not Latina?
Is it so bad that I’m a boy
And finally have joy?
I want to be- No sorry I AM Ken not Barbie-
And I’ll prove my point with a stroke of a pen! Come try me!-

Yes I cut my hair
But why should you care?-
“*** you look like guy!”
‘Oh well maybe that’s what I am, heh Bye!’-
“Wow! Jessica I couldn’t recognize you!”
‘Nice, you seem like you didn’t have a clue.’

******* it! I just want to wear these clothes
I didn’t come here to make foes
I want to dress this way
And be called ‘Jay’ even if it sounds like I’m gay-
Oh wait I am.
I cut my hair and l’m now a lot more comfortable in my own skin because I look like a guy but though many people liked it others didn’t understand why I was starting to dress the way I do and why I cut my hair and this is a little rant
485 · Feb 2018
I Am Gay
Yagami Feb 2018
The world seen in black white
People never fighting for what’s right
Discrimating one another
for not being like the others
The only way to fit in
Is to hide who you are from within

But if I weren’t gay would people care?
Would they actually let me breathe the same air?
Could I actually go to school,
without people being so cruel?
Maybe people would accept me if I were straight

It’s not easy like people think
It seems I’m always upond a brink
I didn’t choose to be this way,
You really think I’d want to be gay?
I don’t want attention,
I don’t want fame,
This isn’t some sort of game.

I am who I am and that’s okay.
Most people don’t see it that way.
I only wish I could be the same.
I want to have a wedding and it not be ashamed,
I want to have a kids and not be judged,
I don’t want my reputation smudged.

It seems like not being me is the best option
instead of being seen as someone broken who cannot function.
People will try to fix me but won’t see I’m not broken
Instead of seeing I just want to be me out in the open.

But I am gay,
And that’s okay
I’m not a disease, it’s not an infection
Instead open your arms and show some affection
Despite being some sort of “misfit”
We’re equal regardless of how you see it.
445 · Mar 2018
You matter
Yagami Mar 2018
I love you,
not the romantic love but still a love that is true.
I know you cannot trust
yet I trust you because its a must,
not a must as in a rule
but a must as in if I didn't I would be a fool.

You mean so much to me,
and there is still so much beauty and good you cannot see.
It doesn't mean its not there
because it is and trust me i'll do my best to give you loads of care.
424 · Apr 2018
Yagami Apr 2018
"If you could describe yourself as an office item what would it be?”
she asked.
I would be paper.
some people use me when they need me,
I get the deed done and I'm thrown away.

But sometimes I can mean a lot to people,
sometimes they need me a lot and I'm important all of a sudden.
Other times I’m the cause of a paper cut, something small I create but causes unimaginable pain.
Who am I kidding? what I did wasn’t small..
I’m sorry..
im sorry..
I m s o r r y..
I m  s o  s o r r y..

I'm not paper, I'm just scissors.
I cut things, then when someone tries to fix it,
it's never truly fixed because it's never the same way it was before
They're either held together by glue or tape,
all I am is destruction.
I had a conversation with a friend whom I don't talk to much, they mean a lot and we have a complicated relationship, I'm not the best friend she could have though sadly enough she wants me to stay with her even after seeing harm I can cause her.
330 · Feb 2018
This Isn’t A Noose.
Yagami Feb 2018
Tell me what do you see in this rope?
To me it was a necklace of hope,
Hope to a better place away from here.
A place where I wouldn’t shed even a tear,
Or have to give myself a reason to get out of bed
Because all the hate wasn’t just from inside my head.

People are the worst things on earth,
They either make something more or less of what they’re worth.
But not all are bad,
One made me change the thought of the rope that I once had.
I see from two new eyes,
As I discard all the lies.

The rope is not a noose
It has more than one use
But now I see it’s trap,
To make you think it would just be a nap.
It’s not
So don’t tie that knot.
Don’t get a permanent solution to a temporary problem,
It’ll take a while but you’ll get back up from the bottom.
322 · Oct 2018
Yagami Oct 2018
They say to follow your heart,
But which part do I follow if it’s been shattered in a million pieces?
249 · Aug 2018
Yagami Aug 2018
You say you know me,
But I know you don’t truly.
You say I’m the worst liar,
When really I’m just the best actor.
Sometimes, I wish you knew me.
But I’m glad you don’t,
Nobody does,
Not even me.
234 · Jul 2018
Where you left it
Yagami Jul 2018
You left, not for long.
When you come back,
Things might seem wrong.
If that happens I guess that’s how it belongs.
Is right where you left it.
But I want you to know,
That it still changes.

— The End —