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Mar 2021 · 484
Sword and Mind-Void Embrace
Bret White Mar 2021
My mind...

It must be empty.

It must be sharp.

Hard like diamond

Flexible like water

And cut...

Like a sword I wield in my hands
I thought of this poem while practicing Iaido. It is fitting due to the decisive action of the stroke of the sword. You can't second guess, and your mind has to be focused on the task, but open to possibilities of attack and defense. I am still working on the zen of the martial art.
Mar 2021 · 138
Web of Think
Bret White Mar 2021
My thoughts, string along,
They hang like a web,
Jostling with emotions,
Catching wriggling ideas.
Mar 2021 · 126
Abyssal Lament
Bret White Mar 2021
Oh diviseth malice,
Peace thou taketh.
Leaveth thy derision,
Everything, thou unbalance.

Oh mighty darkness,
what hast thou desireth?
You seeketh the light of others
Draineth them useless.

Oh silent death,
The void cannot containeth.
The Messenger of the End
Stealing Life-breath

The Abyss....It comes!
Not quite sure why I decided to use some old English. I imagined a lament of a dying poet, and the perspective he sees after a violent action that leads to his death.
Mar 2021 · 136
The Dance of Punches
Bret White Mar 2021
Whack! Smack! Wham!
The feel of fury wrapped in leather.
Quick and pulsing, rapid heartbeat moments,
The quickening of breaths,
Sharp, like the stinging sweat in my eyes.
Constant back and forth, with the push and pull of a dance,
A dance made to court fame, fortune and glory
On the edge of the abyss of Nothing.

Whoosh! Pat! Boom!
The edge of vision is blurry.
The ground falls up, and I fly to ground.
Pain. And anger.
The numerals begin to count.
A voice of doom booms the signals.
I am numb.
This is not the end.
I climb back up the razor edge,
The dance begins again.

Whack! Smack Smack! Boom!
I feel the wall of resistance break.
Falling over, into the dark below.
My body aches, stinging with a promise.
The numerals count again
They finally reach the end.
Multitude of voices, numerous souls erupt with energy.
A body down upon the mat.
Not my own.
I am victorious.
Jun 2020 · 149
Thy Soul Burns
Bret White Jun 2020
Where art thou, o love of mine?
Dost thou wish my quickened end?
I desireth thee, even close to my skin
Thy love is my life,
It giveth strength to my soul.
Burning darkness, it lighteth my world.
I seeketh thy presence like the night at dusk.
Leaveth me to the void?
Forsaketh me not to the abyss.
Cleave to me, one being, one soul.
Amongst the many, thy soul bursteth
Glowing like a gentle blue star.
Ah, abideth me thy radiance!
Forever to eternity.
Jun 2020 · 162
Below the Surface
Bret White Jun 2020
Breathe in
Breathe out

The world within swirls and coalesces,
Coming forth from below
Within your sights, vision fades
Close your eyes,
Dive Deep.

Breathe in
Breath out,
Oct 2019 · 228
Betwixt the eternal.
Bret White Oct 2019
The World above,
The World below,
The space between filled with passing existence.
Forever fading in and out,
Like sparks from a fire
Fireflies in the mist.
Sep 2019 · 248
Time is the Essence
Bret White Sep 2019
Caught in the Never-ending loop
Tousled and ruffled by the Fabric
It's Measured in increments,
Particles yet visible
Meshed between the birth and the death.
It is never enough, yet there is always more.
A devil and an angel
Time is the essence.
Sep 2019 · 152
Morning Passion
Bret White Sep 2019
Can you see the Light you cast?
I watch the sun play on your skin.
It filters through the curtains,
Patterns play among you.

I see the smoldering passion,
Your eyes hold the soul of me.
I cannot resist your desires,
Release me Seductress!
Give me the freedom to love you!

Let me breathe your scent,
To taste your sweet lips,
I seek to be wrapped up in your limbs,
To discover the Eden that resides in you.
What Wonder and Bliss you have....
Like a drug to cure my sickness.
I need a dose for my ailments.

The Sun rises,
The rays move down your peaks and hills.
My fingers, like the delicate breeze, stirs the surface.
I can taste the salt on your skin.
Your floral scent mixed in, inflames me.

The Silk of your head spills like a river around you and frames you.
Your embrace, it is a salve.
It is sweet pleasure.
It is paradise.
I am diving deeper into you and I am lost.
I Navigate your body, and the winds of time take me.
Your voice is like silver bells, calling me onward.

I surge forward like the waves, and abate when they recede.
You are the world that I wish to be a part of.
Let us dwell where the wild things are,
Let us cast away the worries of the world and the interests of society.
We are beholden to no one...
Except each other.

My hunger is almost sated,
I am rocked like a man cast to the sea.
I tremble and shake
Lo, what a wonder you are!
Your vines, of such strength, entangle me.
I fear not the tightness.

We merge.
We are one.
I was thinking about a memory I had so long ago.
Aug 2019 · 269
Calm Memory
Bret White Aug 2019
Green blankets, rising and falling,
Speckled with hues of colors
Stirring with the caress of the wind.
Creatures, like motes, swirl and spin,
Alighting on the life-colors
A brief pause, and they move again.

Sky-cotton moving with ease,
Flowing with a slow river current
Lazily blocking the light from above,
Casting cool relief below.

I stand, amid the tranquility,
Breathing the scent and beauty of Calm.
The ease is reflected in my soul.
I close my eyes...
I open them...

I hear the explosions.
I feel the earth tear and rip.
My comrades, my friends, mowed down like grass.
I see death and chaos,
War and carnage,
I hear the screams of the dying.

My fear dies...

My rage is a growing storm.

— The End —