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Wuji Jul 2012
Drained drained drained,
Drained my life again.
Mosquitoes will drain until the end ,
Drained drained again.
They drain the blood and life,
They are ******* knife.
But as they drain your life again,
They can only descend,
And descend,
Until out of sight.
Can't see swarm ahead?
Must be out of mind.
So the saying goes,
True words always rhyme.
Mosquito mosquito,
You must have drained my life.
I am full of empty thoughts,
The only thing looking good is that knife.
Sorry Mr. Mosquito,
This time I take the blood.
And if the scent lures you in,
You have clearly had enough.
If I drain the blood,
Will it remove the pain?
Or maybe the mosquito will help me out,
And allow me to avoid a carpet stain.
Mr. Mosquito,
It looks like you are all that I remain.
Are you jealous of the husk you ******,
Who can no longer feel pain?
Drain the sinks before closing.
Wuji Jan 2012
I seek a place to stay,
Where my heart can play.
Escaping the deadly rays,
That shoot for me everyday.

Won't you come laugh with me?
For a little, or maybe an eternity?
Let's see what we can be,
Just open up my eyes so I may see.

I want someone new,
Or perhaps a re-new.
Of someone I can't say I knew,
From that eventful afternoon.

Maybe a new face,
Unknown to my disgrace,
Of running away from that place,
But better to escape then to die suffocating slowly trapped in space.


Must find her.
It's hard to find Waldo when he's not wearing his stripes.
Wuji Oct 2011
My art,
Not yours,
Not hers,
My art.

You don't like it?
You don't understand?
You can't appreciated it?
Turn away,
Don't ruin my day.

I know she has talent.
But then again,
Don't we all?
Art's greatness,
Lies in the beholder.

And I agree,
Her art is beautiful,
And is different then mine,
But you said,
"She has talent,
You do not."

So ******* old man,
You can't keep up with my mind.
Catch me if can old man,
If not,
Don't waste my time.
That really ****** me off Boss Man. (I'm flipping you off right now)
Wuji Oct 2011
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
You broke my heart in two,
Happy Birthday to you.

I'm hiding the pain well,
I'm hiding the pain well,
Outside everything looks swell,
I am not well.

You want to give me back my stuff,
You want to give me back my stuff,
I hope you know I'm just going to burn it all up,
Just like you did with us when you had enough.

You didn't care anymore,
You didn't care anymore,
You slammed shut our door,
You don't care anymore.

I don't know how you feel,
I don't know how you feel,
Or if you even feel at all,
Was our love even real?

Before you left you said "I love you.",
Before you left you said "I love you.",
Because I don't think you do.

You told me "goodbye",
You told me "goodbye",
You told me our love has died,
This is...
You are as old as me for a day, so stop acting like a completely helpless heart-breaker.
Wuji Oct 2011
She is my boomerang,
The sad song I have on replay.

Every now and then,
She escapes me.

I break down thinking I lost her,
Only to have her return.

She's my boomerang,
The song I must of sang, a million times.

A repeated offense until it's a crime,
She's my boomerang.

I can't believe that I don't move,
Instead I just stand here waiting for you.

Every time you come back around,
I catch you and keep you safe and sound.

Only for you to leave me again.

She's my boomerang.
My crippled walking cane.
The cloud that causes rain.
My love who I disdain.
The reason for my pain.

Yet I catch you,


She's my boomerang,
And I know she'll be back again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool over and over and over again, SHAME ON ME.
Wuji Feb 2012
I am an animal,
Housed inside my cage.
Poked with sticks for sixteen years,
And will still be when I am of age.

Caged inside my body,
Chained to my throbbing heart.
The key hangs from the dark ceiling,
If I ever want to start.

I am an animal,
Though my head is always smart.
Take the key and leave,
Will insure the destruction of my art.

My art of control,
To lock myself up inside.
Feelings locked in my chest,
Which most have been denied.

I am a caged animal,
I'd hate to see the day when I am out.
So I keep the key in front of me,
Forcing my own drought.

Everyone looks at my cage,
But all they see is me.
An animal in disguise,
Is what I'll always be.
No one knows him, but no one needs to.
Wuji Jul 2012
Head hurts,
I don't know her.
Water never flows,
Behind curtains,
Just rocks.
My chair rocks,
Back and forth,
Left and right.
Why am I never right,
And always left behind?
The trees,
The trees,
The trees will not sneeze,
But bless everyone.
For paper will be printed,
Burned and defiled,
Can't be trained,
To be wild.
My head hurts,
But why ask questions?
Dieing and breathing aren't choices,
Can't drown yourself without,
The help of a rock.
The movies play on,
While I am stuck in the ground.
A zombie with one brain in mind,
Will get it sometime.
My head hurts...
Wuji Sep 2014
Busy people passing me by,
Some decide to talk, some stare and watch.
Others give me numbers and say they'll call.
Out there every night office hours ranging from 7 to 3
Find me with my cat named "*****" or on my bench surrounded by trees.
Just that guy out there practicing,
Look forward to the fresh air and fresh faces everyday.
Surprising everyone each night with their own name,
While they excuse themselves for forgetting mine.

Those school nights so calm,
Not a car in the city.
The occasional smoker will join us.
Those weekend nights so busy,
Everyone smiling having a good time.
An assortment of drunks and degenerates crowd us.
But no matter what night it is,
Get the chance to have the unique pleasure,
Of experiencing heartbreak again and again.

Making all these friends,
Like to think that it out weighs,
Any lost sleep or  internal pain.
But every night ends the same.
Back to my bed with a smile,
And a head full of names.
The people you meet, it's crazy.
Wuji Sep 2012
They like the way you bleed,
They like the way you scream.
It's a service to you and them,
It's a service that they need.  
You are a device.
You are a tool.
A Swiss army knife of pleasure.
Even if it costs you an arm.
Sharing is caring you know,
We share my blood in an oath.
Sister and I by blood,
Is this ******?
Will I ever get enough?
I have scratches,
I have scars,
I got bite marks all over my arm.
Takin blood,
Takin pain.
Because darling I love your eyes when your insane.  
We are the true animals,
We both come alive as we sense blood.
Your sharp blades and euphoria,
Are what really tie me to the ground.

And I smile the whole time,
Knowing that,
My pain is your pleasure.
Then I fade away.

Only to stop you at your discretion.
****. I feel so...innocent somehow.
Wuji Nov 2012
A long table.
On top of each other,
In a small bed.
We attack one another,
Trying to get in our heads.

Wants my love.
Already has it.
She wants a bite,
Of that ******* apple.

Negotiated ***,
It is something at best.
Just a one time,
But I know,
She'll be back.

Says she's in love.
Stands watching above.
I wouldn't dare,
Give her a taste.
But now that is all erased.

Plan on making mistakes.
Is in my control.
Negotiations are over dear,
Now let's get in the back of the car.
She wants a taste, who am I to deny her just that. A first taste. An addicting taste. Poor thing might just get hooked.
Wuji Nov 2012
I'm no good for you.
I'm not good for you.
Why keep me around,
When you know I'll **** you?

You can try to be good.
You can try to be better.
But I am in control,
Writing your death letter.

I know the lines
Lines can be erased.
You can try and try,
But you will only lick my face.

A kiss is too much,
But a blow is quite fine.
You make no sense,
Failing logic, rhythm, and rhyme.

Why be with me?
Why pretend I have a chance.
You motivate me off bridges,
Because you love the dance.  

I am your cancer,
Amputate at once.
Yes I'll hate you after,
But I think you had enough.

Let me die alone,
I think I'll be fine.
Why should I be sad to lose you,
When you were never mine?
I am so confused.
Wuji Sep 2012
Being here before the bible,
I have learned nothing has ever been planned.
Byproducts avoided bullets,
Because all the bandits all have lost an eye.  

Never can put my finger on it,
Newly **** imagines that I wish I knew,
Fogging up the nightmare's window.
Now evaporate back into your nimbus.

I can see past the eyes,
They all think they are invisible.
Like a heated igloo in a blizzard,
Imploding inevitable but still comforting to look at.  

Everywhere I sense the uneasiness,
That stampede of silent elephants.
Eyeballing the problem might just scare it off,
But everything equal can still tip a scale.
Pieces of this puzzle,
Are too interesting not to play with,
Making products through plagiarizing the ideas,
Given to us by our planet.  

But nothing is ever planned.
Wuji Mar 2012
I am mindless,
An animal used to enclosure.
Escapes traps,
Just to move in closer.

Out of one trap,
Onto the next.
Share my new room with rats,
I can get some rest.

A trap door in her room,
Leads to the basement.
Chains and shackles,
Imprison me for rent.

Forced to do what she wants.
I smirk so smugly,
As she acts out my own thoughts.

Who knows where it'll go,
But I'm enjoying the ride.
As my pain and past,
Are chained at my sides.
Delightful evenings await me.
Wuji Sep 2014
Soft voices and sweet dreams,
A small bed for one team.
Hot nights on the skyline,
Holding on to each other for dear life.

She made us a family in her head,
Named the kids, found a house, and started paying the rent.
There is a fire in our eyes,
A desire to burn that no one can deny.

We have our rings, we have are vows,
We've never been better than we're now.
Two smiles and then one kiss,
"I found the love that I knew I'd miss."

Two beautiful hazels, locked with a pair of black holes,
An unlikely couple by the looks of it but what do any of them know?
We had it all and knew that to be true,
I just couldn't get enough of you.

We lay arm and arm together in ease,
Be it in the bed in the sky or under shaded tree.
I refuse to look down, we are headed straight forward, full steam ahead.  
All these thoughts relived looking back at all we said.
You don't need be afraid.
Wuji Jan 2013
Such a pretty face coupled with a destructive mind,
Intercepting and interjecting into every thought all the time.
Poor little girl lost everything she once had,
I'm trying to feel something but all I can come up with is mad.
Not sure if I lost it seeing how I never had it,
But I feel a part missing an emptiness that needs fulfillment.
She lost the constant in her life,
And no I'm not talking about her serrated knife.
Her boy, her friend, her only love,
Judging by her reaction I am none of the above.

Weeks or months she waited for the chance,
That she could walk away from her steady romance.
Go see me another animal like her,
*** driven and crazy but a most kind sir.
Alas when the chance finally came around,
She threw all her words away to get back in the same crowd.
All of her promises, her wishes, and her desirers,
I'm the ******* fool for thinking you weren't a liar.
He made you choose and you couldn't decide,
Which makes me your second option? No, goodbye.

No, I refuse to considered less.
No, stop trying to take off your dress.
No, I'm not your ******* pretty boy ***** leave me alone.
No, stop inviting me to your home.
No, I have had enough with these guiltily feeling and dread.  
No, stop trying to get back in my head.
No, I know everything you said was just a lie.
No, you told me you loved me, WHY!?
No, I always knew he was better than me.
No, why would you want to set me free?

Loved you and hated you all at the same time,
Master and slave the tale of an incoherent rhyme.
Is it finally over...?
Wuji Mar 2012
No clue,
Is what I have.
Yet I don't,
Since I don't know.

I wish I knew,
But I have no clue.
No clue about this,
No clue about you.

But if I have no clue,
Then don't I have one?
I have a clue,
That I have nothing at all.

Confused lost in a daze,
No clue how to get out of the maze.
But I must know I don't,
So is that a clue?

A clue that I don't have clue,
About not knowing what to do.
I have a clue about nothing,
Or can I just not remember everything?

I have no clue.
Every minute in my mind.
Wuji May 2012
Cracked skull,
Broken bones,
Dead man,
Gone home.

Died here,
Never cared,
Sinned for pleasure,

Had no one,
Died alone,
Dead man,
No one home.

Not a clue,
Who he was,
No one cared,
He was on drugs.

Empty life,
Where did he go?
Left this place,
So he could roam.

Dug his grave,
At sunrise,
Beautiful day,
No one cried.
All the problems were easy.
Wuji Aug 2012
Why haven't we ******?
Guess it's just my luck.
Never taking what I think is handed to me.
Too deaf to hear too blind to see.
Caution my play pin I like to say put.
We will never know till we know.
Can't stop on red always on the go.
Maybe not so fast.
Maybe I'll come in last.
Chasing the burning sting that is too corny to say.
Found it in a barn.
Who would have guessed it'd farm?
Used to have eyes bigger then it's space.
They'll never understand why he was sent away with a case.
Walked away to jump into the same pile of burning hay.
Was he lost or found?
Did he make it safe and sound?
Was the case alright?
Did anyone cry that night?
Now his body donated to the naughty will finally get what it wanted.  

Casual ***, not so perplex, never has to be a next, or an ex, just ***.
Because that's what it's about. Get over it.
Wuji Dec 2011
As we talked the tension kept rising.
Both of us removing the fog from our mirror,
Striping each other of our disguises.

You blame me for the things that you have done.
Throwing your body upon me getting an arise out of me,
Yet you say I sang the song you have sung.

You hate surprises this is no surprise to me,
Funny because every time I let you back in,
You surprise me!

Now you say I flirt?
That you worry about my connections?
Odd. My feelings are inert.

You give a hug to every guy you see, I wave casually.
You talk to them on and on, I give a quick hi and then so long.
You talk **** about me, when I am standing right there!
I don't dare but clearly you don't care.

You say it's over...
I don't know what you mean.
You say the conversation,
I disagree.
You shout a "No!" and say your sorry at once.
Another "I love you" thrown at me.
I repeat it back, as if I've been doing it for months...
Hopefully this isn't a preface of you leaving me again...
Wuji Dec 2012
Should have just said no....

I was the one in control...

Why the **** did I not just say no...?

I want to scream yes...but no....

I should have just said no....

I can't bare to leave you alone...

You are my home...

Why didn 't I just say no...?

Three times the charm you know...

We could ruin it all right here....

If you beg I swear I'll stop...

Don't make me stop...

I'm going to make you scream no...

Should have just said no....
Yes yes yes....
Wuji Sep 2014
I keep writing all this sad ****,
About how I love and want and feel.
But every time I finish one,
I feel so ******* pathetic.

So now I'm all mad,
And  I want to write something to the effect of,
*******, you ******* ***** liar you built us to ******* crash.
But then I'm like "That doesn't rhyme..."

You know what though, I don't care.
She ****** up and I can't do anything to help the situation.
I'm powerless here, I can't apologize for **** cause it's all on her.
So what the **** am I supposed to do.

I keep telling myself wait it out,
She'll come back when she is good and ready.
Good and ready with what though?
The ******* *** of thirty ******* guys dripping from between her legs?

I just don't get it.
Can't I at least have a thorough explanation of why you have to make me feel like complete **** instead of,
"It just kinda happened."
It just kinda happened that you could throw away every ******* promise you made and everything we ******* shared?

It makes me sick really.
Cause guess what?
After letting all this anger out in this ******* therapeutic rant,
Now I'm... ******* sad.
ju9iglfyukdtyrsjdtyguihiojopkp;uoytredfgybhniiyhb IT ONLY COMES OUT WHEN I'M ALONE
Wuji Aug 2012
Today I go to my past,
With a smile and sharp sword.
I'll walk the walk,
That I have walked a million times before.
Looking as always in awe,
At the light shining through the tress.
This time I'll enter alone,
And alone I will leave.

Wasn't long ago,
When I felt this was my home.
But now I am a stranger,
So now I roam.

I'm a visitor,
I hope I don't see her.

Ruining my old home.
I am excited.
Wuji Aug 2012
One eyed frog,
Misses all the flies,
Yet still he gets that feeling,
That he succeeded,
A high.
Poor little frog,
He forgot the taste,
Now his tongue,
A tangled mess,
Never leaves its space.
One day that frog,
Manged to catch a bug,
Never wanted,
To let go,
He felt so loved.
But that stupid frog,
Grabbed the fly all wrong,
It got away,
And still comes around,
But can't stay too long.
O' one eyed frog,
Your song is so unsung,
And the only day,
The world will hear it,
Is the day you have no where left to run.

Now he is alone,
On his lily pad,
One eyed frog,
Only looks half sad.
I feel for you frog.
Wuji Aug 2012
Tower stacked high, attacked by lies.
Foundation hurt, young giraffe's, growth spurt.
Unstable yet, eloquent.
On stilts above, the ants.

Doesn't even, crush them now.
He just, stands there, and laughs.
I know, that we both,
Are unstable, tables, on there, last leg.

But do you, realize,
If we lean on, each other,
We are stronger,
Then we both think?

We could be, a tepee,
To house, the rats beneath.
Blowing kisses and, protecting them,
From anyone elses' stink.

You might not, go for it,
I understand.
I've seen you, stand alone and strong,
With no one, holding your hand.

But I do, love your touch,
Sorry to, creep you out,
You know, I always have the, best times,
When we, hang out.

But please, pay me no thought,
If you have indeed found the happiness you have sought.

I will wander on.
I am awful .
Wuji Jan 2013
An answer.
A new year,
A new cancer.

Don't want to change,
Just want to add,
All those things,
I wish I had.

Not looking around,
My life is too cluttered.
Done wasting time,
On every single ******.

Realized that I despise most people and most words,
Everyone's thoughts so irrelevant, I just want her.    

Can make no sense to everyone,
Not supposed to please your mind.
My life style so carless and reckless,
All I can do is smile.

Is there something wrong with me?
I'm sure there is.
Doesn't matter much though,
The doctors wouldn't know where to begin.

A question.
Stop signs,
Are but suggestions.
If you say I'm crazy then I guess I am.
Wuji May 2012
One on one,
Me and you,
Locked in a room,
Built for two.
One on one,
Let's have fun.
I crave the grave,
Where I can,
Rest my eyes.
You and me,
Trapped indifferently,
A room with no escape,
If no one hears you scream,
Is it still called ****?
The lust,
The pain,
The gain,
Innocent children,
Someone has to win.
Let us tie,
You and I.
Go crazy,
Not so lazy.
Unkempt unchained,
Our bodies stained.
Trapped in a room,
Till our doom.
One on one,
Never ending fun.
You want, I want, we want.
Wuji Apr 2012
Bet you can't remember,
One year and two days ago.
Not the face of the boy,
You let into your home.

Met him that day,
Friend of a friend.
Hospitality swayed,
And you let me right in.

"What was his name?
I dunno but he made me smile.
Laughed all day,
And made out for a while.

Was an odd kid,
Always wore running shoes.
Said I was his first kiss,
I even whipped his **** out for a few."

O girl you have no idea,
How often you come to mind.
A memory of the past,
A happier moment in time.

Haven't spoken to you,
In one year and two days.
Though I tried twice,
That didn't get me further in your maze.

So now I am backtracking,
Eating crumbs off the floor.
I can't believe it's been one year and two days,
Since I've met that *****.
Sailed that ship for only a day.
Wuji Nov 2012
You keep me company,
Locked inside this box.
I see you though the stain glass window,
Not making eye contact with the locks.

Shoving a turtle in my face,
Begging me to eat it.
Wearing matching orange flannel shirts,
I'm strapped to my seat.

It bites the inside of my neck,
Nibbling on the Adam's apple.
The shell is the hardest part,
But rack your concerns in the rafters.

And then I shallow it...
Respect the numbers.
Day dreams in math class.
Wuji Mar 2012
Had a plan,
But that turned to sand.
Everything was in order,
Then out of the blue you crossed the border.

The border to my heart,
Where you shot your own darts.
Said that you had feelings for me,
Mostly based on what you have seen.

Asked if I am talking to anyone,
The talk of getting together with someone.
I said no although,
I did want some other girl so.

But does she like me back,
That question I am scared to attack.
Asking could destroy us,
Or maybe it will remove our rust.

But this girl who likes me,
A sure thing it could be.
I must really like the other,
If my mind won't take my lover.

I want her.
She wants me.
Does her want I?
Will I hurt she?
Something so simple can get so complicated.
Wuji Mar 2012
Hate love, love hate,
Circle of Life.
I shrug my shoulders,
You hold the knife...

Overrated hatred,
Trying to drag me down.
******* are complaining,
Trying to make me frown.

All I can say,
Is all I can do.
****** get over it,
Your drama tore us in two.

Hating isn't right,
How could it be?
Emotions of love,
Is all that fills me.

I do not hate,
Doesn't mean I can't be annoyed.
Just like you can be grown up,
But still play with toys!

Overrated hatred,
Trying to drag me down.
******* are complaining,
Trying to make me frown.

All I can say,
Is all I can do.
****** get over it,
The drama is why I left you.

Call me cheat,
Preach that I'm a liar.
Keep dragging yourself down,
Because you're singing in the choir.

Why can't you just,
Go away.
Left you to leave you,
Not for you to stay.

Overrated hatred,
Trying to drag me down.
******* are complaining,
Trying to make me frown.

All I can say,
Is all I can do.
While you keep hating,
I'll find love unlike you.
Just leave me alone.
Wuji Oct 2014
No one knows anyone else.
We've barely met ourselves.
We're so young and undeveloped,
But we think we know enough.

Nobody can see the true struggle behind a smile.
And ******* if you think you got it worse.
We are have pain and little things,
That breed beneath our skin at the source.

He has been there, She had that
Guess what, you have no idea.
I bet everyone around you has felt that way.
They just don't brag about how they feel.

You can be happy and a mess all at the same time.
You can be sad but put together all your thoughts aligned.
But no one can really know how you feel,
Who can define fake, who assigns things as real?

Look at him smile, look at her laugh,
Can't you see the light in their eyes?
You don't have a ******* clue what's going on,
Alone in their separate beds they cry.
"You don't know what it's like to be like me, I don't know what it's like to be like you, so we keep our mouths shut." - RBF
Wuji Dec 2012
Your anger breeds violence.
Violence creates more violence.
Way to complete the circle.

A rotary of madness,
Once you get inside it's green lights the whole way.
Ring around the rotary,
But you can't have what is not yours to grab.

Trapped falling in the sky,
Parachute made of exceptions.
All the rain drops want to flood the city,
Now how often does that happen?

Keep following me,
Me and and the piece I took from you.
Your puzzle forever unfinished,
Because you'll never find me again.

Can't merge with a crowded road,
Nor the thoughts in my mind.
Distracted words incoherently spew out,
I just hope you get the rhyme.
I sure don't.
Wuji Sep 2011
Are a,

My blood,
All day and night.

I like the distance between us,

The thought,
Of ripping you off,
Causes me great fright.

I look at you,
My parasite.

Cannot believe,
There is anything more beautiful in sight.

For you,
Have my blood,
And replaced it with venom.

And plan to bomb my heart with terrorist.
Go ahead,
Send 'em.

For I know,
That when my heart explodes,
It will be too much for you to bear.

And you will explode,
Into a scarlet blaze,
Knowing that I no longer care.
A relationship shouldn't feel like leech therapy, should it?
Wuji Jul 2012
All I need,
In this world,
Is peace of mind.
Peace for,
My piece of mind.
Don't really need,
Anyone at all.
Unless that someone,
Is oxygen,
Some food,
All of the above.
Who needs,
More pieces,
To the puzzle?
This one,
Looks fine,
Doesn't it?
It's a weird shape,
The shape,
Only one,
Could fit in with.
But who needs it!?
Not me.
I have my,
Anything imperfect,
I can now say,
Is perfect,
In it's own way.
That's why,
I am perfect.
Simply because,
I am no where close.
All I need,
In this world,
Is peace of mind.
Peace for,
My piece of mind.
Don't worry,
I'm fine.
"Meet any women Ryan?"
Wuji Oct 2011
I had a perfect life for a time,
It was so great.

Until it all got crushed,
During a simple mall date.

We were sitting in the food court,
Making our plans for the week.

When all a sudden a smell filled my nose,
With that familiar wreak.

I looked to the right,
And saw your twisted face.

I knew I had to get out of there,
I needed to make some space.

I ran to bathroom,
Leaving my babe alone.

That was my biggest mistake,
For now I have no home.

When I got into the bathroom,
I started to wash my hands.

I used this time,
To make up some plans.

When I walked out,
I did my good luck pose.

I drew my imaginary gun,
And shot myself not my foes.

For I had a bad feeling,
Which I knew would be true.

Is it possible that,
I am no longer loved by you?

That dreadful creature,
Will get what she deserves.

But you my dear,
I hope I didn't get on your nerves.

It won't again,
Please give me some trust.

She is a woman of my past,
A seven month old dead lust.

We can fix my wrong.
I mean come on,
I've been fixing yours all along.
One time I messed up...ONE TIME.
Wuji May 2012
Evil inside,
Canned worms.
Come and open me,
My faithful can opener.

Release my body's snakes,
(Which yes, they will grow)
Into the world,
So my pain is known.

Thrown into a thorn bush,
Just for the pleasure of touch.
Cuts across my left arm,
Sloppy kiss helped enough.

I want what you give,
Give me what you want.
Promise to keep it all.
Fruit will be left out till they rot.

Pet of pleasure,
Trained to preform.
Learned to love pain,
For that purpose I was born.

Angel snakes come out,
Pushed out of me.
Snakes that seek love,
Hunger for eggs will always set them free.

"Sit down, roll over,
Get down on all fours.
Open your mouth and **** me,
My little pet *****."
Don't leave me out in the rain now.
Wuji Aug 2012
****'s birthday,
What to get?
Pimps got all I have.
Can't get you physical,
You have my state of mind,
Already locked under key.
It's too bad you'll never really know me.
I am much deeper than a *****,
More to my smile than ***.
I have a mind,
Of clashing thoughts,
Never knowing,
How to dress.
What can I possibly give you,
If you already claim to be happy?
If you don't need me,
Then why do I need you?
****'s birthday,
And I can't decide.
What do you want from me?
Don't you already know you have my hide...?
A gift card should do....
My present to you is anything.
Wuji Jun 2012
Please don't even shed another tear,
I'm watching you all but disappear.
Poor girl sits on the closet floor,
Never handed anything has to work more.
Can't get hired, can't get payed,
Can't get a car, can't get *****.
There I lie behind big gates,
Have it all never had to take.
Oh poor girl she makes me sad,
Wished I could give you all I had.
You deserve it all you know it too,
So much to offer so little you can't do.
Can't get hired, can't get payed,
Can't get a car, can't get *****.
It's odd how similar we are,
But we are divided by some bars.
Bars of the mind that we build together,
The cells outlast kind and cruel weather.
Either way we are locked inside,
In the corner shadows of our mind.
Can't get hired, can't get payed,
Can't get a car, can't get *****.
Poor girl with those lips,
Could make her more happy with just one kiss.
I feel bad...
Wuji Aug 2011
"The thane of fife had a wife,
And where is she now?"

...She's dead,
...She's dead,
...She's dead,

And now she's in heaven or hell,
Probably hell.
Quoted part is from the play "Macbeth". I made this up on the spot while reading the passage out loud to the rest of the classroom and they enjoyed it. Read it to yourself to the tune of "BINGO".
Wuji Feb 2012
Now all you kids,
Who thought you knew me in the past,
I have a request for all of you,
Kiss my ***.

You all thought you knew me,
Though you didn't have a clue.
Not an idea who I am,
Or what I can do.

You tried to label me,
But you were wrong.
Put me on a self,
That I didn't belong.

I have changed,
Weird I know.
That people can grow up,
And evolve and go!

Once I broke away,
And got to higher ground,
I laughed and laughed,
At all of you in the crowd.  

Your opinions never mattered.
I have always been God in my head.
But stop your pointless judging,
If not, to me, you are dead.
Grade school was dumb.
My life started as soon as I walked into Whittier.
Wuji Jul 2012
I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?

Let's pick apart that ***** in the mirror,
Let's dissect, and see what is wrong.
I hate that ***** in the mirror,
He is my worst enemy.
Always ruining everything I do,
Scaring off all I see.
He keeps getting in my own way,
Never seems to want to play.
Messes everything up,
I yell at him to shut him up.

I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?

Whats wrong ***** in the mirror,
Are you going to cry?
Why are you laughing ***** in the mirror,
Don't you feel the tears in your eyes?
I surprised the mirror doesn't,
Reject your own form.
Nothing special or unique,
Just skin and bone.
***** in the mirror,
Don't come any nearer.

I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?
Washing dishes.
Wuji Apr 2012
So hot in the stone walled algebra room.
Heat suffocates the students leaving us all confused.
Got so hot in there all I could do was rip out my hair.
Ripped it out chunk by chunk until it was all gone and I was bald.
But, but, but, still too hot.
Stripped to nothing I threw off all my cloths.
Sat at my desk naked and bald.
Now I am far too cold...
I get bored in math.
Wuji Jul 2012
Laying in the dirt,
Staring at the sky,
Middle of the night,
No I'm not high.
Feeling so connected,
Love how I am tied,
Then the thought comes in,
Can't believe it's mine.
What if the stars are holes punched in the sky?

What if stars are,
The good in the bad?
What if stars are,
The happy in the sad?

Light in the sky,
Stars way up high.
I sit here away from it all,
Laying in the dirt ignoring my call.
Manhunt thoughts.
Wuji Oct 2011
I am a puppet,
Here are my strings.
This one's for my mouth,
And this one's for my wings.

You can make me fly,
O so high, in the sky,
Till I die.

You are in control,
Just the way you like it I'm sure.
Making me do tricks,
Getting all of your sick kicks.

You stand above me,
With your fidgeting fingers.
Making me dance around,
To your favorite singers.

Make me jump,
Make me fly,
Make me happy,
Make me cry,
Make me crazy,
Make me high,
Control where I look,
With my eyes.

I do your biding,
Like it or not.
I'm addicted to your control,
Like some are to ***.

I feel like,
It'll be this way till I die.
Yet you drop some scissors,
What are you trying to imply?

But now I found the scissors,
And you know what I'm going to do?



I didn't really think this through...

Because before I knew,
It I fell to the floor.
Like an overdosed,
Ritalin *****.

Lifelessly alone laying,
On the ground.
The only thing I hear,
Is your fake laughing sound.

So there I lay limb over limb,
Not knowing where to go.
Then to my dismay,
You mange to cause me even more woe.

For beside me,
A new puppet takes my place.
And your once gentle hand,
Comes down on me, and I am erased.  

Now I think,
I miss your strings.
And all of your,
Cute little things.

I might have been a puppet,
But I loved my master.
Until she got bored,
And caused this disaster.

I loved a disaster,
Which was my master.
But what should I know?

I am just a puppet.
A puppet is no good without it's strings.
Wuji Feb 2012
The hardest puzzle,
The hardest of them all.
Is found in the heart,
The heart is what it's called.

A million choices to pick,
More then you can bare.
The hardest puzzle,
All I do is stare.

Every piece will fit,
But one will fit the best.
Hidden under a sea of pieces,
One is better then the rest.

So I keep trying,
To fit in these pieces.
But the waves will affect the ocean,
Only when I find her will there be a chance of end of the teases.
I will find my piece.
Wuji Aug 2011
In this world, this imperfect world,
So many problems are born.
Everlasting conflict,
Which as a collective species,
we are torn.

Do animals have rights?
Is there a God?
Did we come from primates?
Is the answer to the problems war?
Everyone just shakes and nods.

We deserve to know,
What's going on in this show,
That we call life.

Is it too much to ask,
To have a chat,
With the man behind the mask?

Please don't stall,
Cause I can no longer take,
This truth withdrawal.

None of us are thinking,
We are all brothers after all.
Everyone shares the same planet,
We all drink the same water.
Can't we just peacefully share this big blue ball?

Everyone seems to want answers,
But they don't know who to ask.
Pious fools pray for the knowledge,
Citizens look towards the government,
Only to get the answer from a mask.

We deserve to know,
What's going on in this show,
That we call life.

Is it too much to ask,
To have a chat,
With the man behind the mask?

Please don't stall,
Cause I can no longer take,
This truth withdrawal.

Too many questions!
Even more answers!
They believe what they are told,
And go back to their daily routine,
Like hypothesized dancers!

That's why I just say,
Makes more sense then the other ******* you feed us.
Why don't you believe us?
Your political answers are just lies,
To protect the nationalistic demise,
Of our country.
Just tell us the ******* truth!

We deserve to know,
What's going on in this show,
That we call life.

Is it too much to ask,
To have a chat,
With the man behind the mask?

Please don't stall,
Cause I can no longer take,
This truth withdrawal.
Wuji Aug 2012
Stick and a rope,
Abolish my hope,
Slowly I walk,
Till I reach infinity.
My goal a tease,
As it hangs in front of me,
Never will get,
What I think I deserve.
In my face it dances,
Sings about the chances,
So close I can almost taste,
What always escapes me.
Chasing a setting sun,
Racing to finish what I have begun.
Or did I ever even begin?
Can't have what I can't comprehend.
So out of reach,
The sun always has a lesson to teach,
And I learn eagerly,
In hopes one day I can understand...

Understand why,
The sky separates us...
Ha, I'll never catch it.
Wuji Oct 2012
Rats and piano jacks,
Everything she loves.
Wishing I could touch her,
Without these cold gloves.

She plays so beautifully,
Can't help but smile.
Thinking of everything,
Tears begin to pile.

Keeping them ****** in,
I drown them in salty sadness.
Wishing I could be what others see,
A dream it always has been.

But I am stuck in time,
So there I rhyme.
Might confess my crime soon,
Don't flee after the boom.
This is what I do to clean my room.
Rats and piano jacks,
When the hell is my nap?
She touches both with such love.
Wuji May 2012
I have a hidden side,
Cast in the shadows of my mind,
Crippled in the fetal position,
That often myself I find.
He is the side that loves,
An unreleased sorta love,
That only wishes to hold and kiss,
A pretty lady under the covers.
****** desire in the back of the mind,
Absent in the feelings of belonging,
In a love I can hold.
Yes, I often do think of this,
As I sit alone in the basement,
Doing that same old thing as every other day.
I feel empty like a prison lacking prisoners.
They might hate to be there,
But without them the jail is pointless.
Where is this love and why does it avoid me?
Deer in headlights,
Who always manages to get away.
One day I'll hit it,
Pounce on it as it jumps.
Caress it in my arms,
And then I will finally have enough.
I share my feelings with you strangers, even though very few of my friends know I write. And honestly that's just the way I like it.
Wuji Aug 2012
I feel so alone,
Staggering down a dark hallway,
So many happy masks hang on the walls.
I wear no mask,
And bear a frown,
My own sad crown.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

Why so alone?
You have a good life.
You don't,
Need anyone,
Didn't you say that,
Last night?

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

I thought you were strong,
Thought you didn't care.
But you know,
It's the sight,
Of you crying,
I can't bear.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

So it's come down to this,
You found it all out,
You are bacteria,
In a sea of trout.
Nothing special no real positive of sides,
You know it too that's why you hide and cry.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

You're trapped in a box,
One way mirrors surround.
I can see everyone,
But I'll never be found.
Where are the arms,
To hold me together?
I'm shattering,
Alone forever.
Such beautiful mountains.
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